Now Recruiting New Members!
E-mail us at: [email protected]
AE club Faculty Advisor: Bob Maxwell 907-786-4914, [email protected]
Call for weekly meeting times-786-4914
Locker Rental Info click HERE
Upcoming Events:
5K with a Medieval theme. March 30th
Run / Walk, Medals for Finishers, $25, 10am start time at UAA.
3190 Alumni Drive, Anchorage Alaska 99508
Online Registration:
Facebook event page:
Upcoming Events:
80's Fun Run/Dance/Walk - 4.27.19
Online Registration:
Past Events:
Wolf Run Routes 2019, Start times / Half Marathon at 9:15am, 5K at 10:30am
Online Registration:
Past Events:
Want to form a team? Call Bob at 786-4914 for more information.
Registration Packet including Free Outhouse Racer Plans Click HERE
Past Events:
Santa Run!
December 22nd 2018
Past Events:
80's Fun Run/Dance/Walk / 5K / 6 dance stops / Sat. 28th of April / UAA / Started at noon.
Results of the Timed 5K:
Past Events:
Past Events:
Wolf Run / 5K & Half Marathon / Sat. 27th of Jan / UAA / Starts at 9:15am (sunrise) 5K starts at 10:15.
Half Marathon:
Past Events:
Northern Lights Coupon Book Sale. Fundraiser!!!
We deliver!
Past Events:
Santa Run / 2.5K / Sat. 23rd of Dec / UAA / Starts at 10:15am (sunrise).
Last year the AE club built a boat and a shed!
Took our resently built "Apple Pie" Tender (small rowboat found on the back a larger boats) out on Goose Lake to test it's seaworthiness. Had a blast.
Oakley as the Captain on its maiden voyage:
Chong taking it out deep into the lake:
David getting his sea legs:
Oakley and Chong testing the 2 man arrangement:
Spring 2017 Shed Build:
Past Events:
80's 5K fun run 4.29.17
Fur Rondy Outhouse Races
More Info, free outhouse building plans and registration form CLICK HERE
Past Event:
Past Events:
Wolf Run for Habitat for Humanity
Great run everyone!
Past Events:
Past Events:
Fur Rondy Outhouse Races
Shakedown Outhouse Races 2.20.15 / Fur Rondy Outhouse Races 2.27.15 - 4pm
More info, waivers and registration form click HERE
Free Outhouse Racer Plans HERE
Past Events:
Wolf Run Results HERE
Past Events:
And the fundraising never ends! Anchorage area, we are looking for businesses that need their parking lots swept free of gravel. If you know someone let them know of our service!
Past Events:
Check out our facebook page, linked above, for pics from the run.
Copy and past below:
80's Theme 5K Fun Run
5 Dance Stops where you must 80's dance your way through!
Dancing instruction from 11am until race start at noon.
Learn the Electric Slide then run a 5K!
Break out your boom box and spandex for The '80s Fun Run 5K at the University of Alaska Anchorage Campus on Saturday, April 18, 2015. This totally tubular event features dance music, medals and Rubik’s mini cube keychain for all finishers.
Get your dance moves grooving with the Moon Walk, The Love Shack, The Safety Dance, Van Halen “Jump”, The Worm, The Cabbage Patch, The Electric Slide, The MC Hammer, The Robot and The Sprinkler just to name a few.
Parking is free on campus on Saturdays.
Dress for both the trail conditions (bike paths and trail) and Dancing to 80's Music!
Music and dancing starts at 11am and the run kicks off at noon.
Drawing at the end for $100 Simon and Seafort's Gift Card.
Children and strollers welcome. Register the Kiddos the morning of the race at the Pre-Race Registration. Cost for under 16 is $10 per unit. Under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
$25 per person or Teams (up to 6) $100
Past Events:
A special thanks to all the Anchorage Businesses that donated to the Event!
Past Events:
Fur Rondy Outhouse Races - 2.28.15
Grand Champion and Traditional Class Champions: The Fabulous Flying Duck Farts
Unlimited Class and Kayak Division Champions: The St. Elias Specialty Hospital "Skidmarks"
Most Colorful: The Fabulous Flying Duck Farts
Most Outrageous: Team Boston
Best Theme: Visit Anchorage "Big Wild Life Team"
Cleanest: Red White and Blue
Most Realistic: Rabbit Creek Church
Best Engineered: The Fabulous Flying Duck Farts
Best Architecture: Wounded Warrior Project
People's Choice: The St. Elias Specialty Hospital "Skidmarks" Traditional Class
Past Events:
Raffle - Raffle - Raffle
$1000 Alaska Airlines Gift Card or
PlayStation 4, $250 REI, $100 Simon and Seafort's, $100 Cabela's, $100 UAA Bookstore, $50 Allure Day Spa
See any AE club member for ticket purchase!
The Winners of the 2015 AE Club Raffle are:
$1000 Alaska Airlines -- Marcia Maxwell
Playstation 4 -- Kim Knudsen
$250 REI -- Steven Clark...
$100 Simon & Seaforts -- Joyce Andrews
$100 Cabela's -- Judy Moore
$100 UAA Bookstore -- Ingrid Cogdill
$50 Allure Day Spa -- Nicola Platzer
Thanks for playing and supporting the AE Club at UAA.
Past Events:
Spaghetti Feed - Student and Sponcer Appreciation Dinner 6-8pm Wolf Den in the Student Union 1.16.15
Silent Auction, Guest Speakers, Awards for last years team, $100 Simon and Seafort's Gift Card as a door prize.
At the Wolf Den on the first floor of the UAA Student Union.
$20 at the door.
Past Travel Team members getting awards for a job well done!
AE club members from the present and past teams present the check for Habitat for Humanity Anchorage.
Past Events:
Habitat for Humanity UAA Student Build Day
Neighbor Dr Subdivision, Anchorage Alaska
Friday January 30th from 8:15am until 4pm
Contact us if you would like to participate. Group size is limited to 15 UAA students.
Build Day at Habitat for Humanity! UAA Students!
Past Events:
The Half Marathon starts at UAA, goes around Goose Lake, across Northern Lights, then down the Chester Creek trails to the Westchester Lagoon where it links up to the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail and
continues down to just before Earthquake Park where you turn around and return using the same course. Start time is 9:22am, sunrise.
The 5K is a pursuit run where everyone running will receive a "Flag". 5 minutes after the race start the Wolves will be released and they will try to catch you and remove your "Flag".
Prizes for the most flags pulled buy the Wolves and all runners that return with their flags will be put into a drawing for prizes. Costumes are not required but last year we did a Little Red Riding Hood and 3 Little Pigs Theme.
Dress up if you like, this is Alaska. Start time is 10:22am.
2014 Trip to New Orleans May 5-19
Past Events:
The Home Run 5K and 10K
Past Events:
5.4.14 Cap and Gown Run
4.5.14 Spring Build Up Run 10K, 5K and 2K
Past Events:
Bachelor Auction for Habitat for Humanity
Cosponsored by Alaska Railroad, Airport Equipment Rentals, Loose Leaf Weddings stills and film and The World Famous Chilkoot Charlie's
Thanks to the Businesses listed below for donating Services and Products:
Past Events:
2.22.14 Fur Rondy Outhouse Races
Results Traditional HERE - Unlimited HERE
Past Events:
Results Click HERE
Past Events:
12.20.13 Raffle winners: $1000.00 Megan E ticket number 192, X Box One Tyler S ticket number 304, REI gift card Gjergj L ticket number 6, Simon and Seafort's gift card Jacob A ticket number 313, Allure Day Spa gift card Pam M ticket number 654.
Thanks to all who helped by selling and purchasing raffle tickets!
11.16.13 AE Club Spaghetti Feed - Room 307 at the UAA Consortium Library.
Dinner recognizing students of the AE club, past AE club members, Sponsors and the presentation of the $2500.00 check to Anchorage Habitat for Humanity.
Past Events:
Fall Classic Challenge 1 on 1 running - 10.5.13
Everyone's a winner!
1st place award for winner and second place award for second place!
End of Day Race Series 5K Champion takes to trails again!
End of Days Race Series 1/2 Marathon Champion runs again!
#4's first 5K!
Race Results and times: Click Here