Don't risk your reputation with a product that fails performance.
Attention to detail is our specialty.

Manufactures select their components with an expectation that it will sustain integrity and performance under the elements and pressures that it is exposed to. In many scenarios, the reputation of the company using that part, and even the safety of the end user is relying heavily on that part performing to expectations.
For that reason, having rubber components properly tested is extremely important to many industries and applications.
Precision, attention to detail and reliability are extremely important to everyone at TMI. That means equal importance is placed on testing for quality.
Most of the basic testing can be done right here on site. For more elaborate tests, we work closely with Akron Rubber Development Labs and Smithers Scientific Services – two of the finest scientific testing facilities in operation. Because they’re both located right here in N.E. Ohio, their staff have decades of valuable rubber expertise, dating back to our area’s heyday as the nations rubber capitol.
Have more questions? Contact us!