Rabbit Cookies with Chevron Ears and Video

I miss the boat on Easter cookies this year. I know it has come and gone and I didn’t make one single rabbit cookie. Or did I? I did make rabbit cookies and I had every intention to share them with you but, time flies and well, I missed the boat. Who says I can’t share them with you today? Not me! I even made royal icing transfers, a template, and a video in hopes you would forgive me for posting them sooner. I promise next year, I will hop to it and get it done before the big day.

Rabbit Cookies without a Nose www.thebearfootbaker.comI have to admit I love the ears. Simple royal icing transfers, an airbrush gun, and a stencil from The Cookie Countess made some super cute bunny ears. Not to mention it was a lot of fun making them! Here let me show you.

 A Love Story for Rabbit Cookies and Royal Icing Transfers:

Rabbit Cookies with Chevron Ears  A Cookie and Royal Icing Love Story thebearfootbaker com

I got a new computer and it has a lot of different ways to make videos. I really like it and hope to learn how to use all the fancy bells and whistles. The one thing I really like so far is the movie maker. It makes putting together videos super easy and I hope I can make more step by step videos for you. I know this Love Story is short but, I wanted you to see how to drop royal icing transfers onto a cookie with wet icing. I know some of you have had some questions and hope this help show how easy RI Transfers are to use.

Supplies for Rabbit Cookies:

White 15 Second Icing
Pink 15 Second Icing
Bunny Ear Template
Heart Template for Nose
Small Royal Icing Eye Templates
Medium and Large Royal Icing Eye Template
Airbrush Gun
Stencil from The Cookie Countess or any stencil you wish to use


First of all, let me say stenciling RI Transfers is a great way you use an airbrush gun. It is great for beginners because you can spray the transfers while they are on the parchment paper without the worry of unwanted spray landing on your cookie. Normally I would cover the other transfers with plastic wrap to avoid random spray from hitting the other transfers but you can use almost anything like strips of paper. Let’s start with the chevron stencil so our cute little rabbit cookies will be hip and trendy.

  • Cover the transfers you don’t want sprayed with plastic wrap, cling wrap or strips of paper.
  • Then, place the stencil on the transfer you want to spray.
  • Use some magnets to hold the stencil in place. Thanks Callye of Sweet Sugar Belle and  Kim of Kookie Kreations by Kim for sharing the how to stencil with magnets tip with us. It is a brilliant way to hold a stencil in place.
  • Now, lightly spray the RI transfers by adding one or two drops of airbrush color to the cup on the airbrush gun.


Like I mentioned before, I am getting addicted to airbrushing with stencils. There are so many patterns to choose from and it is a fast way to add character and drama to cookies, cakes, and RI Transfers. If you want to find a stencil or 50 for your cookies, check out The Cookie Countess. Her shop is full of awesome designs and I receive my orders in a few short days. I need to come up with a cool way to organize them because my collection is multiplying like rabbits. I love it!

Rabbit Cookies with Chevron Ears www.thebearfootbaker.comI know it is too late for Easter but, who says you need a holiday to make rabbit cookies? Here are some of my favorite and I had to share them with you. Follow the links for some super cute rabbit food.

Simply Sweets by Honey Bee- Down the Rabbit Hole
Sweet Sugar Belle- Vintage Floral Easter Bunny Cookies
Klickitat Street- Bunnies, bunnies and more bunnies
Semi Sweet-How to Create Moss Cookies

Bear hugs,
