BY: Ruby Warrington · Fashion + Beauty, Lifestyle
Her juices have a cult following on the West Coast…and she’s basically a total babe. This week’s Material Girl is Moon Juice founder Amanda Chantal Bacon, here’s a peek into her Mystical and super stylish World…

What was your entry point into healthy food and juicing?
Healthy and body specific eating began around age five with a divine intervention by an ayruvedic doctor. The gateway to serious juice drinking was an apple lemon ginger green juice.
What’s been the most transformational part of your own foodie journey to date?
It really dates back to that doctor, who pulled me aside and had me stop eating sugar, wheat and cow’s milk when I was five years old. It turned out to be life defining. This has all been enhanced by working as a fine dining chef, traveling the world’s farmers markets, and experiencing peasant traditions.
How does this tie into your path as a spiritual being?
My meditative practice and life experiences are directly affected by the foods I eat. When I’m juicing and eating light sattvic foods, I can tune in and slip out to other dimensions within seconds. I don’t drink any more for this reason, but even eating heavier, cooked foods and meat just adds some time and pranic work to getting the cosmic high. I would have to say that there was a real shift in my spiritual perception when I made a deep commitment to clean eating and drinking.
What’s in your fantasy juice?
Love this question…It would be white peaches pressed into fig leaves drunk on a dock in the summertime on Lake Como.
:: M A T E R I A L G I R L ::
My label
Black Crane

My shoes

My fragrance
Rose oil from India

My jewels
Pink opals

My pampering
My food
Raw chocolate

My home
Earthy mid century modern
:: M Y S T I C A L W O R L D ::
My awakening
Breath of Fire
My sign
Aries sun, Aquarius moon, Scorpio rising
My mantra
Sat Nam
My healer
My son, Rohan
My reading
Pema Chodron is who I turn to when I need some grounded advice and a good strong shoulder

My mission
Bringing love and beauty to us all with plants
My transformation
Is a daily process, and I’m on a particularly ripe and juicy part of the ride…
Shop the full selection of juices and cosmic provisions at, and follow Amanda @moonjuiceshop