Cherrywood comes from Black Cherry trees which usually grow throughout North America, although it is also prevalent in Europe, Central America, and South America.
Cultivation of the tree’s wood and fruits occurred in Central and South America long before European contact. Now, it can be cultivated wherever it is grown. Cherrywood is also traded and used throughout the world.

Cherry plywood dining table, Mark Leichliter
Cherry plywood is exceptionally classified as a premium hardwood plywood. It is thick in density, very hard, and durable. These features also tend to make it a bit pricier. While the name “Cherry” refers to its tree of origin, the color reflects the name.
The Heartwood of cherry wood plywood is usually a deep reddish brown color, while the Sapwood is generally a light pinkish. Heartwood is the denser core or inner part of the tree trunk, which is more challenging. On the contrary, Sapwood is the softer outer layer between the heartwood core and the bark. Typically, cherry hardwood plywood will use wood components comprised of approximately 25% sapwood core and 75% heartwood core.
Furthermore, good, thick cherry wood plywood is considerably workable and easily sands down to what many would call a “glass-like” appearance and smoothness.
This also means that thick cherry wood or plywood is great, finishes nicely, and looks beautiful. Wood finish refers to refining and protecting the plywood’s surface. Also especially essential when using furniture, which will be discussed further.
Again, cherry hardwood plywood stock is intended for projects requiring a quantity of good, stronger wood plywood. Although they can be used in pretty much any project, it is not advised where it is not necessary due to pricing. Again, many people only use this cherry plywood in projects where they must have a quantity of good, strong, and durable cherry plywood used.

Canteen of Cutlery Box made from English Cherry, Caroline Jones
Hardwood cherry plywood can be used in any number of construction projects. For instance, many people like cherry plywood to make furniture, such as cabinets, since it is durable and looks good. Cherry plywood is also great for flooring or wall panels, although it is less commonly used with the latter project. Moreover, cherry plywood flooring is standard because it protects against any damage.
Other uses of cherry plywood include various musical instruments, toys, different architectural designs (ex., decorative wall panels, doors, and other light fixtures), packaging or boxes (especially those used for tool storage), and toys or playground equipment.
It can also be used to make various toys and sports equipment, such as lacrosse sticks, although this is less common.
Because of cherry wood’s strength and look, it can be used in a few quantities in various furniture projects. Although, again, use in great amounts and quantity of it is not recommended where it is not necessary because of its higher price.
There is a great selection of cherry plywood on Amazon that many buyers recommend. We have gathered information and made it available.
Brazilian Cherry Flooring
A type of cherry plywood, commonly named Brazilian Cherry plywood, is from plywood from the cherry tree. This hardwood is made of Jatoba tree, suitable for floorings and cabinets, among many other uses, and known as damage-prone wood.
Again, black cherry trees are grown and harvested worldwide in similar amounts and quantities, meaning cherry plywood stock is equally available.
Purchasing directly from a store that the producers or manufacturers of cherry plywood use is always an option.
Or, if a person does not want to do that for one reason or another, in-store purchases of cherry plywood are usually available at various prices at any used or local hardware store.