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Islet Target Genes Required for Niche Assembly and Formation in Drosophila melanogaster
(2024-12-04) Ledbetter, Sophie I
A particular cell type, known as stem cells, possess a unique capability to self-renew and have the capacity to differentiate into mature cell types. To maintain stem cells, they require signals from a cellular microenvironment called the “niche. The stem cell niche regulates stem cell fate and has the ability to house and regulate a population of stem cells through intricate signaling pathways. Signals transmitted from the niche are important for stem cell self-renewal and cell differentiation signals, and proper signaling requires niche placement in a specific tissue location to polarize the tissue and get regenerated by new cells. Our lab currently studies the Drosophila testis stem cell niche in the male gonads of embryos. Distinct placement of the stem cell niche at apex (tip) of the testis tube organizes stem cells near the apex; cells undergoing differentiation will reside further down the testis tube. The niche forms during late stages of embryogenesis when pro-niche cells begin to migrate to the anterior region of the gonad and assemble the stem cell niche. The gonad niche tilts toward the visceral mesoderm (Vm), which sends Slit and FGF signals. In response to Vm signals, niche cells express the transcription factor islet, which is required for niche cytoskeletal polarization and anterior niche assembly (Anllo and DiNardo, 2022; Anllo et al., 2019). Recent single cell RNA sequencing data predicted Islet target genes that are expressed in the adult niche, and I prioritized testing three of these candidates: btk29A, kon-tiki, and scribble. My goals are to (1) identify if candidate Islet target genes are expressed in the embryonic gonad niche and (2) reveal whether these niche-expressed genes mediate niche assembly and function. My data revealed expressed of all three of these candidates in the niche, show that btk29A is required for niche assembly, and suggest potential roles for scribble, and kon-tiki in niche cells. Future experiments will confirm whether Kon-tiki and Scribble are required for niche assembly. Our understanding of the mechanisms that initially create a compartmentalized stem cell niche during development, in addition to anterior cell movement, will give us a more comprehensive grasp of how the niche is properly formed. These principles will help to clarify concepts about tissue function and development, including the activation of JAK/STAT signaling pathway for stem cell self-renewal, which is translatable to other systems (Leatherman and Di Nardo, 2008).
Assessing The Role of the Endocaanbinoid System in Arsenic-Induced Neurotoxicity
(2024-12-04) Cross, Monica Nicole
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is an important brain pathway that plays a major role in early brain development and neural circuitry. The ECS has been found to regulate stress and emotional behavior during development. It modulates neural and behavioral stress and has also been found to be affected by stress exposure. The endocannabinoid system is a biological system that includes endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptor proteins. Cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) has been found to control excitatory and inhibitory synaptic strength. The balance of these strengths is important and an imbalance in the strengths can contribute to autism spectrum disorder, epilepsy, and schizophrenia. Arsenic is a natural found heavy metal in air, water, and soil. It can disrupt the ECS by second- hand smoke, water contaminations, and industrial processes. Studies on arsenic's effects on the ECS are limited, but it is important to know the correlation between developmental defects and arsenic toxicities. iPSC in vitro 40 days neural organoid differentiation model mimics early brain development especially the 1st trimester during pregnancy.
HLTH 4901 & HLTH 4902 Shadowing Experience
(2024-12-04) Vann, Grace A
From a young age, I aspired to enter the healthcare field, with my focus gradually shifting to becoming a Physician Assistant (PA) due to their unique role in patient care. The journey to PA school required not only academic excellence but also substantial hands-on experience. To gain a deeper understanding of the medical field and fulfill the shadowing hours necessary for PA school applications, I completed over 150 hours in two distinct areas: pediatrics and diagnostic radiology. These experiences provided a well-rounded view of healthcare, highlighting the importance of compassionate, family-centered care in pediatrics and the highly technical, procedure-focused realm of diagnostic radiology.
This Shelf Life Has Expired; A Movement Perspective on Physical Trauma
(2024-12-06) Dayton, Channing
In this project, I navigated the way in which physical trauma, specifically sexual violence, impacts one’s psyche and new social norms. I will be investigating this idea through the victim’s perspective, diving into how stories are often misinterpreted and told without a full view of a larger situation. I find this topic to be prevalent in today’s day and time, and especially significant on college campuses. This topic is also one that is important to me on a personal level, and has altered the course of my life. After I experienced this physical trauma, I was left with many questions that have influenced my interest in this course of study. Physical trauma impacts the body and perception of one’s body, which directly intersects with the physicality of dance.
Hunting by humans affects the navigation of two endangered mammals in Zimbabwe and Brazil
(2025-01-16) Presotto, Andrea