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life, well-lived

We are hiring!


life, well-lived

We are hiring!

Creating Healthy Places to
Live + Learn + Work + Play

To thrive. That’s what we desire for our team, our colleagues, and our families. And that’s the aspiration that shapes each of our client relationships.  We’re a full-service architecture studio creating inspirational and healthy places for living, learning, working, and playing—places for life, well-lived.

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inspiring design





inspiring design





Values-Based. Performance-Driven.


We love great design, yes. But moreover, we integrate inspired and inspiring design with an abiding concern for stewardship of the built and natural environments.  At Thrive, we gage our success by outcomes and performance---outcomes including energy performance, functional efficiency, occupant health, and most importantly, your happiness.

We invite you to learn more about Thrive. 


places to live





places to live





An Authentic Expression of You

As students, tenants, developers, or home-owners, we all recognize that the places we call home are the center of our 21st century lifestyles. We strive to create spaces that reflect that lifestyle--open concepts enabling exterior living, robust meals, and memorable times with friends and family. An authentic expression of you, and your dreams. 

In all that he does, Steve earns the utmost respect from clients and project partners alike.
— Terry T-K Huang, PDD, MPH, CPH Professor, CUNY School of Public Health

places to learn





places to learn





Places of Maximum Potential


Imagine a learning environment perfectly reflective of the way you teach, with readily accessible spaces for differentiated learning. It’s a place which nurtures the well-being of the whole student. Filled with fresh air and plentiful daylight. And free of airborne toxins released by conventional construction materials.

We’re designing tomorrow’s learning environments today. 





places to work





places to work





As Agile as You Are 

Green building.  It’s about so much more than penguins and polar bears.  We integrate sustainable-design thinking into your company’s workplace planning process to help you optimize organizational effectiveness, maximize productivity, advance employee wellness, and increase employee retention.

We think that’s just good design. And so will your staff.






places to play





places to play





Active, Passive, and Engaging

We’re human.  In today’s fast-paced world, we all struggle to find the time to stay fit, to relax, recover, and re-charge. We help you find that balance by creating invigorating spaces for active fitness, restful places for passive recreation, and engaging venues for sports and entertainment.  Let the places you play prepare you for the rest of your life. 

Steve has a unique technical capacity that offers both depth and breadth to the projects he touches. He is equally comfortable discussing financial instruments or energy metrics; plant ecologies or endocrine disruptors. He understands principles and is adept at identifying problems and implementing solutions.
— Robert Crowell, PE, LEED BD+C Principal and Vice-President 2rw Consultants, Inc. (MEP Engineers)























Contact Thrive


[email protected]

phone  434 962 7241

address 108 South First Street,
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Remodeling and Home Design