“Living with Purpose: Are You Too Busy?” – Guest Post by Carrie Shiomos Recently, Kem forwarded an article to me called The Disease of Being Busy by Omid Safi. It’s a very thought-provoking article in which the author describes our modern lifestyle of busyness and distractions as a disease. We run around accomplishing so many Read More
Author: Kem Lutz
BEing Yourself is Job Security!
Security is a major concern most of us face in our lives. A big part of this, since we all need to earn an income, is job security, and I’ve found a solution….At least it makes sense to me and has caused me to become better as a person, more relaxed, and enjoying life and Read More
Change my Attitude
I’m going to share something personal from my heart and real life. First, for those that don’t know me personally, I am a student of life, topics, and people – with an intense desire to help and succeed. I put a tremendous amount of pressure and guilt on myself because of this. That being said, Read More
How Cream for My Coffee Led Me to Blessing Someone in Need!
As I was walking around Lake Wilson one day, enjoying the Father’s creation, no thoughts of blessing someone in need – just telling Him how much I admire His handiwork, I suddenly had such an overwhelming desire for cream. I’m talking about the real stuff – heavy cream, cow’s cream, thick and sweet (part of Read More
Success Mindset Inspiration
I’ve been talking the last few weeks about having a success mindset and changing your thinking in order to get there. How are you doing? Could you use some success mindset inspiration? It’s not always easy, and I find I need regular, sometimes daily, encouragement to keep me there! That’s what I want to Read More
Success Mindset: 9 Ways to Help Change Your Thinking
Did you go by this routine that is quite normal…that you get up out of bed in the morning and ask yourself how you feel, then react to your day accordingly? For instance, if I’m a little bit tired, I hit the snooze. If my back aches, I should lay down a little bit more, Read More
Success Mindset: Change Your Thinking!
Yesterday was a particularly challenging day for me. You know the kind of day I mean – I was in a success mindset and decided to make a big move forward. I laid out all of my plans, entered them in my to do list and the big calendar. I was all set! Then, my Read More
Vision – Finding Your Direction
How are you doing on finding your direction? For a number of years, my mantra has been, “My mind is scattered in a thousand different directions!” with having so many hats to wear — mother, daughter, administrator, business owner, friend…so many ideas and plans! But as John Maxwell says, “The opposite of vision is scattered.” The Read More
BEing: A Lesson from Bubbles
I continue to grow and change, to refine what and how and the order in which I do things. I have completely changed the order of my Miracle Morning, waiting on coffee until I read and write at 6:30 AM. I stay in bed, and put on a headset to stay focused for worship first. Read More
Communities of BEing
I am a very disciplined person with extremely high ambitions. I want to discipline myself to godliness (1 Timothy 4:7) for the purpose of changing cultures. I’m not talking about a slight shift in thinking, I am looking for a radical change. The change I dream of is that people develop and become who they Read More