Living with Purpose: Are You Too Busy?

“Living with Purpose: Are You Too Busy?” – Guest Post by Carrie Shiomos Recently, Kem forwarded an article to me called The Disease of Being Busy by Omid Safi.  It’s a very thought-provoking article in which the author describes our modern lifestyle of busyness and distractions as a disease.   We run around accomplishing so many Read More

Change my Attitude

I’m going to share something personal from my heart and real life.  First, for those that don’t know me personally, I am a student of life, topics, and people – with an intense desire to help and succeed.  I put a tremendous amount of pressure and guilt on myself because of this.  That being said, Read More

How Cream for My Coffee Led Me to Blessing Someone in Need!

As I was walking around Lake Wilson one day, enjoying the Father’s creation, no thoughts of blessing someone in need –  just telling Him how much I admire His handiwork, I suddenly had such an overwhelming desire for cream.  I’m talking about the real stuff – heavy cream, cow’s cream, thick and sweet (part of Read More

Vision – Finding Your Direction

How are you doing on finding your direction?  For a number of years,  my mantra has been, “My mind is scattered in a thousand different directions!”  with having so many hats to wear — mother, daughter, administrator, business owner, friend…so many ideas and plans!  But as John Maxwell says, “The opposite of vision is scattered.” The Read More

Communities of BEing

I am a very disciplined person with extremely high ambitions.  I want to discipline myself to godliness (1 Timothy 4:7) for the purpose of changing cultures.   I’m not talking about a slight shift in thinking, I am looking for a radical change. The change I dream of is that people develop and become who they Read More