How are you doing on finding your direction? For a number of years, my mantra has been, “My mind is scattered in a thousand different directions!” with having so many hats to wear — mother, daughter, administrator, business owner, friend…so many ideas and plans! But as John Maxwell says, “The opposite of vision is scattered.”
The Bible says, “Without vision, my people perish.” I have to say, vision is the one thing that seemed to bring all of my ducks (thoughts) into formation and flying in the same direction! I have looked for purpose all of my life thinking there’s one big event, one thing that I am to do. Because I’m looking so hard for that one major happening, I’ve missed the preparation along the way. The journey down the path of vision is a marvelous stroll into self-actualization. Along the trail, I have developed skills, mental processes, and patience, and as I looked down the road that I’ve chosen, I have developed not eyesight, but vision. I am seeing a direction, seeing my strengths and where they might take me.
I really don’t believe that Moses, Abraham, Joseph, Ester, Paul, Rahab, or Martha knew who they were until they got to heaven. These were people of great faith, yet they did not know the end of the story or what they would turn out to BE as they walked each day doing what they were led to do. No one ask them, “Are you finding your direction?” But God used them to do great things, and they are remembered for them. They were following God’s vision.
Vision – I like the word because it’s not an endpoint. It is a course keeping me inside boundaries. Once I knew the direction I was headed, then diet, exercise, my skill development, my choice of activities and friends all make sense, and I have an inner drive to do such. My thoughts are no longer scattered. I don’t run around just doing whatever comes in front of me. It becomes an answer to the questions “Does this move me further down the path, or take me off the trail? Does this enhance my being, or merely satisfy someone else’s existence?” The importance of knowing the direction we’re headed cannot be overstated.
If you don’t have any idea what direction you need to go, I can help you find it! Through finding your direction, you will have every reason to live and “be the best version of YOURSELF!” (Joel Osteen) .