Town of Wilton New York

Town Services

Dog Control

Dog Control Officer: Wayne Luce (518) 223-2387

Emergency Services

In case of Emergency Dial 9-1-1

Emergency Services is an important function of Town Government.  This reference guide highlights many of the agencies who would be directly involved during a true emergency, but, it is by no means an exhaustive list. 

FEMA - READY! National Preparedness Community!
Ready is a national campaign designed to educate and empower Americans to prepare for and respond to emergencies including natural and man-made disasters. The goal of the campaign is to get the public involved and ultimately to increase the level of basic preparedness across the nation.
Home Energy Assistance Program

HEAP Provides energy assistance to families with low incomes by issuing regular and emergency grants to dealers for fuel for heating and utility related costs.

New York State Services

Links to services available and provided by New York State

Prepare for Short-Term Emergencies

Every household should have an emergency kit that contains enough supplies for at least three days, try to pack these items in bags that can be easily carried in case relocation is necessary.

R. U. OK?

R.U.OK? is our local effort to ensure Wilton residents are safe and obtain needed services in the event of an emergency, such as a large-scale power outage. It is neighbors helping neighbors. Town Volunteers will check on registered residents to ensure they are safe and secure. When assistance is needed, appropriate emergency response crews will be notified and given relevant information pertaining to the needs of the individual.

Section 8 Housing

The Section 8 program is a national initiative for the federal government and the purpose of such is to assist very low income households afford private rental units/homes that are decent, safe and affordable.

Senior Services

Information on services available for Seniors in the Town of Wilton, NY, including the Lillian Worth Senior Center as well as information on housing, transportation and employment.

Wilton Water & Sewer Authority

The Town of Wilton Water & Sewer Authority (WWSA) is a public benefit Corporation established in 1991. The Authority consists of five members, who were originally appointed by the Town Board of Wilton. The Town of Wilton’s accountability for the Authority does not extend beyond making appointments. The WWSA leases office space from the Town of Wilton at 20 Traver Road in the Town Hall Annex but is not a branch of the Town of Wilton’s governing body

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