I started trading in 1981. In 1986, my professional trading career began. I spent around 5 very difficult years to achieve consistency, I can say that they were the most difficult years of my entire life. Back then there were no mentors, no seminars. There were very few books, or content that a developing trader could get or follow. You had to be hired by a major Wall Street firm or you had to learn by trial and error like I did. This process cost me a lot of time, money, even my own family to accomplish. But I succeeded and even then it was only until 1994 that I began to teach professional traders my method. I was one of the first teachers in the trading industry. I broke the rules of those times because the unwritten law was: «keep everything private and secret.»
With iFundTraders you find education based on more than 30 years of experience from Oliver L. Velez
Continuous and Up-to-date Education so that you can progress in your trading methodology every day
Learn to recognize the signals in the markets to take better investigation decisions and to create your own future in trading
We are a family of traders with continuous support and feedback to help us walk our trading journey
You have the chance to have a fully funded account by Oliver L. Velez if you desire so you can trade the markets.* Conditions apply
Education On demand, learn 24/7 and from anywhere. You can access the education from any device.
Dow Jones called me the Messiah of Trading for my contribution to the industry.
Today, after 33 years of experience, I have made it my life’s mission to bring Wall Street to Main Street. This is why I am dedicated to bringing the Gospel of trading to my people. Historically, Latin America has been left out of the stock market world. They have been denied access and financial education, they have simply given the bare minimum to this region. That is why today I am focused on developing this region of the world and opening the doors of the world of trading, of investments in the stock market, to the people I love. My Latino community.
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