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Customer Newsletter

Welcome to the new EPrints Services customer newsletter.  As a valued support customer we would like to keep you more informed with what we are busy with at EPrints HQ at the University of Southampton in the UK.  In particular we aim to use this format to keep you updated on new projects and feature improvements which we are making exclusively available to you.  In this newsletter we are including information on updates to IRStats, Search filters, EdShare activities, Impact projects and the latest on EPrints 3.4.  
Feedback is important to us so please let us know what you'd like to hear about in future newsletters. 
EPrints Services Management Team

New Tools for EPrints
Further to our updates shared in the Christmas email we are pleased to announce the availability of IRStats2.5, Search filters (also known as Faceted Search) and EPrintsFlo for your repository.  Click on the links for more information and screenshots on what you can expect to see with these new additions.
We will be starting to roll-out updates to Gold support customers shortly followed by Silver customers*.  We will contact you directly before making any changes to your repository, and you will have the opportunity to opt-out if you wish.
* IRStats2.5 is available to all customers with IRStats2 already installed.  Faceted Search and EPrintsFlo is initially available to hosted customers only.
EdShare at OER17
It's been a busy year for EdShare projects and activities with our Open Education Lead Kelly Terrell presenting at a number of conferences and working with customers to upgrade their education repositories.  
We are pleased to confirm that Kelly will also be presenting at the Open Education Resources 2017 conference in London in April this year.  Kelly will be giving a presentation on OER infrastructure as well as a lightning talk on our EdShare offering.
Click here to find out more about EdShare
Interested in knowing more, get in contact with Kelly
Impact with EPrints
Our EPrints Strategy & Technical Lead, Justin Bradley, is currently creating a new flavour compatible with EPrints 3.4 to create a repository optimised for capturing Impact data.  
Allowing researchers to capture impact related data and institutions to gain an insight into their research activities.  From influencing policy through to public engagement, and to publicise impact stories.  
Interested in knowing more, get in contact with Justin
EPrints 3.4
Since our announcement at the Open Repositories conference in Dublin last year we have been busy working on updates and responding to feedback to the preview release of EPrints 3.4.  With increasing diversity in how EPrints is being used, 3.4 has been reconfigured and streamlined to be able to support different needs (such as impact, education, data and publications) more easily.  
Click here for further information on the EPrints 3.4 model.
EPrints 3.4 will be available to all EPrints Services customers.
Looking ahead
More EPrints 3.4, more on our CRIS-lite features, MePrints Profile extensions, Improved REF Compliance Reporting 
You are receiving this email as you are currently listed as one of the three official support contacts for your repository support contract with EPrints Services at the University of Southampton.

If you have any questions on the above topics or anything else please click here to drop us an email.

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