Prof. Dr. Wolfgang May
Note: lost mails:
Since some time, some (many?) mails sent to me/by me
have been lost due to multiple reasons.
In case you miss an answer, resend your mails please.
- During the homeoffice period due to corona, phone calls to our
institute phones are forwarded to the private phones or mobile phones.
There, the original numbers of the callers are not shown, and
we can also not trace them back via the office phones.
Please better send me a mail.
Wolfgang May is professor for
Database and
Information Systems at the
Institute for Informatics at G�ttingen University.
Grown up in Furtwangen (Baden-W�rttemberg, Germany),
he received his Diploma in Computer Science/Informatics from the Universit�t Karlsruhe
(since 2009: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) in 1995.
From 1995 until 2002 he was a member of the Databases and
Information Systems group at the
Freiburg where he
received his PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in 1998, and his
Habilitation (venia legendi) in Computer Science
in 2001. With winter term 2002/03, he moved to
first as a visiting professor, and since April 2003 he holds an
associate professorship.
Coordinates and administrative information
- Research interests: RDF/RDFS/OWL/LOD, XML & friends, XML & Logic,
Logic Programming, Nonmonotonic Reasoning, information
extraction from the Web, Semantic Web, integrity,
deductive and active databases, Answer Set Programming, (temporal) logics &
theorem proving.
Courses and Lecture Notes
TeX-related stuff