This site designed by Daelenica Roberson.
We Care Ministries
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My name is Maxine Beck. May 1, 2011 the Lord blessed me to open We Care Ministries Inc. It was the hope of my late sister Helen Beck that I follow the leading of the Lord and open this ministry. There-fore, We Care Ministry was BORN. This is a wonderful ministry that provides people of little or no in-come with spiritual direction, food,
clothing, furniture, housing and house-hold items for free. There is no charge for helping those in needs.
We help people who are home-less and who live in abandon houses. We teach people that everyone that walks into our office is important. This program is now funded by my own pockets, we are sincerely praying that God
will bless us with a larger building that we may do a greater work for the Lord and for those in need of help.
We ask that after you read about us you will donate this building to our ministry. Since May we have fed over a thousand people. Just about every day we are delivering food and clothing to families and to other wonderful ministries. I have met a great and wonderful man and woman of God that saw my vision and came to my rescue
when my van was stolen and took over picking up food and clothing to keep my ministry going. For this I am so thankful to God. Please help me keep the dream alive by donating items to help me help others. If you have a
garage sale and have good clean re-usable items please don't hesitate to call me and I will call you to set up a time to come pick them up. For every item you donate I thank you in advance. May God Bless you,
Ms. Maxine Beck