My friend Danica McKellar, (probably best known for playing Winnie Cooper on The Wonder Years) is a fantastic actor and writer. A few years ago, we worked together in a short film called Speechless . . . which she wrote and directed.
Yesterday, Danica e-mailed me that she’d done a photoshoot for Stuff Magazine.
I did a photo session for “Stuff” magazine last Wednesday– the first time in my life, ever, taking pictures in lingerie!!
The editors of Stuff want to know which hottie from the 90s Stuff readers would like to see in their magazine. Now, I’ve known Danica since forever, so she’s like a little sister to me. The Protective Big Brother in me wants to say, “No way am I going to encourage people to check you out in sexy pictures!” But there’s no denying that she’s grown up to become quite a beautiful woman. Her competition is Jennie Garth, Elizabeth Berkley, and Kari Wuhrer. Though I had a mad crush on Kari Wuhrer when I was younger (read: last year), and I knew Elizabeth when I was a kid the world has already seen a whole lot of them in (and out of) lingerie. Danica is my good friend, and I’ll gladly endure the trauma of seeing her in lingerie so she can make the cover of Stuff. I know how Hollywood works, and if she wins, it will help her career tremendously. It would be sort of impossible to see her just as little Winnie Cooper, wouldn’t it?
So if you want to help her out, head over to Stuff Magazine, and click on Which hottie from the 90
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No way, I’m first? wow.
Anyhow, That’s really cool, I remember her from when I was a kid watching the wonder years, and it’ll be neat to see (alot :P) of her again. And that’s really really awesome that she’s hot AND a geek 😉
Heading over to vote now 🙂
GOt my vote.. I loved Danica/Wonder YEars as a kid, and it’s made me sad that she pursed a degree in nuclear physics or something instead of acting more. Seeing her in Stuff will make everything better.
I certainly don’t need any extra encouragement for this!!! Who didn’t want to be Kevin Arnold!?!?
Danica is gorgeous. I think I’ll highlight this over at my blog, too. Maybe get the poker bloggers involved 🙂
I’ve never seen Wonder Years and I don’t really want to see ANY of them in their underwear but I voted for Danica just for you, Wil.
I’ve never heard of her! But since you said to she got my vote.
Damn… shes hot! even cooler that shes brainy too!
cast my vote for her… she’s never given the impression that she’s less than bright, but damn! She’s got one of the few bachelor’s degrees that actually took brains and work to recieve. [I have a B.S. Bus. Admin: Finance, Real Estate & Law. Sounds special, lotsa words, totally meaningless. I hardly worked for it, just showed up, jumped through hoops made of the notorious “Red Tape”. Makes for emergency toilet paper that’s framed and ready to go if I ever need it, though.]
But I tangientially* digress… vote for Danica, everyone.
*yeah, I know it’s prolly not in Webster’s… but hey, it’s one of my only creations.
I’m glad to hear Danica is doing so well. Often, I’ve wondered what happened to her.
*whistles innocently* *keeps pressing the button* I swear I’m not stuffing the Stuff ballot. Do de do dee dooooo.
I used to watch The Wonder Years and I adored her character. I’ve also liked everything I’ve ever read about her.
Go Go Gadget Voting Finger!
There’ll be no need for virtual arm twisting for me. I used to watch wonder years all the time. Danica roxxors! *clicky clicky*
Cute as she is, I’m not so worried about seeing Danica in lingerie.
I want a link to the paper with the mathematical proof!
Why am I still here instead of voting? Why are you still here instead of voting? C’mon people; this vote ain’t gonna wind up in our favor by itself!
Done and Done.
She seems smart and cool so
I voted her. And you asked nicely.
“I want a link to the paper with the mathematical proof!”
It’s Danica McKellar’s paper, titled: Percolation and Gibbs states multiplicity for ferromagnetic Ashkin-Tellar models on Z^2.
Ok Star Trek boy I voted for Danica. But only because she is an important part of the adolecent fantacies that taught me to dream beyond my “class”. As a result I ended up marrying way beyond my means.
Voted! Thanks for the heads up.
By the way, her paper is at
Hey, this is my first day looking at this blog and I love it. I love your writing style Will. So, its only fair that you check out my blog too. And I voted for Danica!
Also, check her out as Elsie Snuffin in The West Wing. As for her Math skills… Wow!
I used to have a huge crush on Fred Savage (who am I kidding? I still have a small crush) but I’m betting that Danica looks better in lingerie. 🙂
Everyone’s seen Elizabeth nearly naked.
Only for you, Wil. Voting to see girls in lingerie isn’t my thing (I just have to look in the mirror when I get dressed) but if she wants to do it, OK. Though I think they should also include an excerpt from her paper.
Wonder Years! Now that’s bringing back some memories. Yeah, we all had crushes on her.
Very cool about the math degree; any chance she’ll be doing a cameo on Numb3rs? 🙂
Hate to nitpick, Wil, but it’s McKellar with an A. Still, an E for effort and I’m headed over to Stuff to… er, stuff… the ballot.
~chris, making sure he put only one L in Wil…
Damn, Wil! Where do you find all of these hot nerds?
… takes one to know one, I suppose…
Long time… First time… ;o]
I had to go vote for Danica. Out of everyone on that list, she’s the only one I’d want to see in lingerie!
Does their script prohibit multiple votes from the same IP? I hope not, ‘cos I voted three times. As an added bonus, my wife Pamela is an alumna of John Burroughs High School in Burbank, where The Wonder Years was filmed.Plus, I see she likes kitties, which gives her even more added bonus points. Now you need to get her to blog. 🙂
My vote for Danica has been cast. Any friend of yours, etc. etc.
But seriously, I hope she wins and gets the career boost she is looking for. Although how a pictorial in Stuff will help a math geek is beyond me….
Ok, so how much does it suck that a women who is like, Einstein smart, needs to pose in lingerie in order to jump start her acting career? How is that even right? Oh, I voted for her, even though it felt kinda weird. I don’t really wanna see the girl in her undies. But hey, if it helps, then so be it.
Here’s the paper.
L Chayes et al 1998 J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 31 9055-9063
Percolation and Gibbs states multiplicity for ferromagnetic Ashkin-Teller models on Z^2
L Chayes, D McKellar and B Winn
Department of Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1555, USA
Received 16 September 1997, in final form 13 August 1998
Print publication: Issue 45 (13 November 1998)
Abstract. For a region of the nearest-neighbour ferromagnetic Ashkin-Teller spin systems on Z^2, we characterize the existence of multiple Gibbs states via percolation. In particular, there are multiple Gibbs states if and only if there exists percolation of any of the spin types (i.e. the magnetized states are characterized by percolation of the dominant species). This result was previously known only for the Potts models on Z^2.
PII: S0305-4470(98)87630-0
“grown up to become quite a beautiful woman”
Excuse me? Grown up to be a beautiful woman? I think she was well past beautiful when she was on Wonder Years. Winnie was very very pretty, and smart, and very sweet.
Since I’m quite married, I don’t think I’ll be buying the mag. However, I voted for her 5 times. I do think it was really cool that she was in Jane White.
Good luck!
good idea wil! lets stuff the box everyone!
at least this isn’t a poll on! i guess the cause is a bit more noble.
You are quite aware that I’m easily susceptible to suggestions, yes? I vote for your people, I aquire Wilco albums (so far only A Ghost is Born which I quite like)…
I’d have to say Jenny Garth is her main competition though. Anyone else remember the game Legend of the Red Dragon played on local BBSes before the uprising of the internet? (Long live Renegade!) I remember typing Jenny’s name in the forest gave you something special, but it’s been so long…
Okay, that’s enough geeking for now. You keep posting, and I’ll keep subscriping to the RSS feed via my livejournal friends list :o)
I voted for Ms. McKellar, not because you said so, but of all the ladies there, she really offered the most. She has a creative and an analytical mind. I mean, how Fwicking K3Wl is that?!
And yes, she had the cutest smile.
I hope she gets it, Wil!
I voted for Ms. McKellar, not because you said so, but of all the ladies there, she really offered the most. She has a creative and an analytical mind. I mean, how Fwicking K3Wl is that?!
And yes, she had the cutest smile.
I hope she gets it, Wil!
Done. I always thought Danica was beautiful.
I’m quite torn on the matter.
On the one hand, I think it’s kind of sad that Hollywood works that way. I mean, an intelligent and talented woman like her has to reduce herself to pure superficiality, to make herself a mere object of desire, in order to get a chance to prove her other qualities.
But then again, that’s the way Hollywood works. I guess there’s nothing to be done about it. So I voted although I have no particular desire to see her in lingerie.
I guess I would take a peek out of sheer curiosity, I’d be a liar if I claimed I wouldn’t. And I sure hope she (and others of her calibre) makes her way because of her talent and not only because she showed some T&A in a magazine.
(x-posted in my LJ at Yes, that’s an open invitation for discussion if anyone cares ^_^)
I remember her sister, Crystal, from when she spent some time at Corpus Christi college in Oxford. At the time, she was doing Ancient Roman History, and I hear that she has since graduated from Yale magna cum laude and then got a law degree from Harvard… Nothing like sibling rivalry!
While she was at my college, she joined the Wine Tasting society and now I can’t look at a bottle of Veuve Cliquot Champagne without being reminded of her! And camomile tea! 😉
Anyway I’ve never met Danica but my real point is that they are both seriously intelligent and wonderful people (if Danica is like her sis) and yet, in this day and age, posing in lingerie is a good career boost. The armfuls of qualifications and past performances and talent that they have doesn’t seem to come into it.
I’m still going to vote though. Means to an end, right?
Even though I had a crush on her when younger – or maybe because of that – I simply refuse to see Winnie Cooper as a sexual being (yes, I’m furiously blocking the last episode of The Wonder Years).
Now if she were to put on her Centauri bald cap on the other hand…
Since I’m all alone at work for the next shmillion hours, I may pull a you and vote for Danica…again and again and again and again and…
How could you all forget her on The West Wing – I loved her on that show!! I was sorry to see they weren’t using her there anymore. Oh well – anything to help one of my fellow girl geeks out … I voted!!
Hot damn! I always loved her in the Wonder Years. Never saw her in The West Wing because, well, I never watched the show. But she got several of my votes, because the last thing anybody wants to see is Elizabeth Berkley again. Hopefully we’ve stuffed the ballot enough to offset the Jennie Garth name recogniztion issue (if would have worked so much more in Danica’s favour if they actually had pictures to go with the ballot – just about every guy who grew up in the Wonder Years era had a crush on her, I think)
Any friend of Wil’s…
Reminds me of the Star best episode ballot stuffing story in “Just a Geek”. Friends of mine did something similar for the Best Star Trek Fan Club contest for Insurrection. One of the members worked for Toronto City Hall, and sent an Intranet message to all the staff, asking to vote for them. Others had similarly large employers and spread the word to the other staff (the IP addresses were logged, I guess, probably learning from the lesson you taught them). Anyhow, they won, and got the tour of the set, and to interview the cast and all that. So, here’s to Internet-Networking!
Um, voting done. Not that I’ll ever see the cover, but I wouldn’t mind seeing her on TV or in a movie again sometime soon. 🙂
Educated, smart, sweet, cute…
Wil… Dude… You gotta hook me up! 🙂
Uh, Elizabeth Berkley? Go rent showgirls and you can see more than Stuff would ever show.
Who didn’t think Kevin Arnold was a moron for not figuring out Winnie Cooper was hot until it was too late?
OK I went and voted @ Stuff. Now can you do me a small favor and hook me up w/ Danica? I used to have a huge crush on her back in the day.
My vote is in as well…..I’ve always loved Danica, in The Wonder Years and West Wing, and even if Uncle Willy hadn’t persuaded me, I probably would’ve voted for her anyways….what a cutie!!
OMG! She is so hot! I had such a crush on Winnie Cooper! LMAO! Wow…
Anywho, she gets my vote over all those others. Jennie Garth? C’mon man! No Contest! Is she single? j/k… seriously, have her call me. only kidding. But if she wants to she can email me…
Of all of them, she’s by far the prettiest anyway, so I hurried and voted for her so it would look like I hit Stuff Magazine by accident. You’d think work wouldn’t mind me hitting sites like that.
You know, she does a BASEBALL proof on her site.
* Hot
* Smart
* Baseball
She’s a triple-threat!
–AJ @ radio del huevo