Clan Wars Freeze: The Global map will be frozen until January 5, 01:15 PST (04:15 EST).
Strongholds Interruption: With the release of Update 9.5, Stronghold Raids will be reset from December 22, 00:15 PST (03:15 EST) - December 23, 00:01 PST (03:01 EST). This interruption will not affect Stronghold Skirmishes.
Ah, that crisp, fresh smell of a new World of Tanks update. We have a lot of fun new additons to the game this go-around, including a no-nonsense suite of new content such as vehicles and maps, and some fun new additions to gameplay. Let's look at the highlights in Update 9.5!
The New Stuff
A Trio of New Maps!
Say hello to Mittengard, Ghost Town, and Winterberg (a snowy version of Ruinberg). These maps add to an already varied rotation, and should provide a few opportunities to refresh your strategic thinking.
 Mittengard |
 Ghost Town |
![]() Winterberg |
New British Vehicles!
The U.K. vehicle catalog is getting a new branch of tanks and tank destroyers. If you're a fan of the Brits, put these beasts on your progression plan!
- M2: Tier II light tank
- Stuart I: Tier III light tank
- Grant I: Tier IV medium tank
- Sherman III: Tier V medium tank
- Archer: Tier V tank destroyer
- Sherman Firefly: Tier VI medium tank
- Achilles IIC: Tier VI tank destroyer
- Challenger/Avenger: Tier VII tank destroyer
- Charioteer: Tier VIII tank destroyer
- FV4004 Conway: Tier IX tank destroyer
- FV4005 Stage 2: Tier X tank destroyer
Highlighted Vehicles (Click to enlarge) |
 M2 |
 Achilles IIC |
 Grant I
 Sherman Firefly
Enhanced Minimap!
The in-battle minimap is getting some new, super helpful built-in features that will no doubt give you a leg up in strategy and general awareness of battle flow.
- Camera direction beam: Along with the vision cone, a line extends from your vehicle across the map to better show where your camera view is pointed.
- "Sector of fire" display for artillery: Artillery usually can't see the limit of their traverse until they reach it. With this option, the map gets a cone that shows your whole traverse area.
- Vehicle labels: Vehicle names for both teams can now be seen on the map along with their class icons.
- "Last seen" indicator: Spotted enemies who then become un-spotted will leave a faded marker on the minimap where they disappeared from view.
These new map settings are available in all game modes, and can be toggled in the Settings menu under the General tab, so check there first to customize the minimap to your liking!
Coming Soon...
After holding the Public Test, the development team is taking an extra bit of time to work on some features previously seen there. Look for the following in upcoming iterations of this update:
Personal Missions: A new type of challenge players can access via the Missions and Specials button in the Garage. Personal Missions are a form of missions that aren't time-limited and are "chained" together. Players will receive special rewards like high-tier vehicles or special crew members.
Update Notes
The nitty-gritty details of this update are available below! Just click "Expand:"
New Content
- New branch of British vehicles:
- M2 (tier II light tank)
- Stuart I (tier III light tank)
- Grant I (tier IV medium tank)
- Sherman III (tier V medium tank)
- Archer (tier V tank destroyer)
- Sherman Firefly (tier VI medium tank)
- Achilles IIC (tier VI tank destroyer)
- Challenger/Avenger (tier VII tank destroyer)
- Charioteer (tier VIII tank destroyer)
- FV4004 Conway (tier IX tank destroyer)
- FV4005 Stage 2 (tier X tank destroyer)
- New Premium Vehicle: Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71 added to the Premium Shop.
- New maps: Mittengard (for lower battle levels), Ghost Town (for Team Battles), Winterberg
- Expanded minimap features: View vector, sector of fire (artillery only), display of vehicle names, display of point where vehicle was last spotted (see Settings/General menu)
- Severogorsk and Ruinberg on Fire maps removed
- Some surface features fixed for the following maps: Fisherman's Bay, Mountain Pass, Windstorm
- Fixed some gameplay issues on Stalingrad
- Fixed issue with the ability to drive outside the boundaries of the Windstorm and Mountain Pass maps
- Fixed some visual issues on Windstorm
- Fixed issues with the visual and damage models of some environmental objects
- Fixed some gameplay and visual issues on the Stalingrad map
Changes to Vehicle Characteristics
- FV215b (183) tank destroyer rebalanced: Armor protection of the rotating superstructure increased, traverse speed and crossing capacity decreased
- Some issues with visual models fixed for the following vehicles: >Maus, IS-7, JagdPanther (gun sizes fixed), M4A3E8 Fury, КV-1S, Centurion Mk. 7/1, T95E2
- Some issues with damage models fixed for the following vehicles: Maus, SU-14, T95E2
- Issues with camouflage fixed for the following vehicles: Churchill I, Panther mit 8,8cm L/71, Sherman Firefly
- Fixed color of the Achilles IIC tank destroyer icon
- Damage of the Chinese 122mm Sha-bao-471 HE shell increased from 465 to 530
- Fixed camo issues for the following vehicles: >Churchill I, Т-34-85M, Т-54 ltwt. Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H, T-34, STA-2, M3 Lee
Object 907:
The UBR-412B AP shell will be replaced by the UBR-412PB APCR shell, increasing average shell penetration from 219 to 264 mm (this type of APCR shells is standard ammunition for other Tier X U.S.S.R medium tanks).
Adjusted the following characteristics of the D-54TS gun:
Aiming time reduced from 2.3 to 2 seconds.
Reload time reduced from 7.1 to 6.5 seconds.
Dispersion on the move reduced by 20%.
- Players will receive additional XP for damage caused to vehicles spotted by them, if the spotted vehicle is of higher tier than the player's vehicles (+10% for each tier of difference between the vehicles), but not more than 30%
- Functionality of the minimap expanded. Added a view vector, sector of fire (artillery only), display of vehicle names, display of point where vehicle was last spotted
- Warning for inaction in battle will now be issued only after three violations in a row (previously, the fine was imposed on the player immediately). Now the fine for inaction in battle will be imposed on the player only after the fourth violation
- Fixed issues with visual models fixed for the following vehicles: Maus, JagdPanther (gun sizes fixed), M4A3E8 Fury, KV-1S, Centurion Mk. 7/1
- Fixed issues with damage model fixed for the SU-14
- Fixed brightness and color of tracks of some HD vehicle models
- Fixed display of Emblems and Inscriptions on some vehicles
- Fixed flickering of foliage in the sniper view mode
- Fixed display of high-detail shadows of some objects on the low shadow quality preset
- Fixed issue with a vehicle's own shadow not present in the sniper view mode
- Fixed display of vehicle tracks when switching between the allied vehicles in the Postmortem mode
- Fixed issue with multiple splashes appearing when a shell hits the water at an angle
- Fixed flickering of vehicle markers on the minimap
- "End of reload" sound volume increased
- Streaming of music and ambient sounds from the hard disk at zero volume level disabled
- Fixed some issues with interface and gameplay in Strongholds
Added option to use a War Department Reserve simultaneously with a Reserve from another structure.
Increased storage capacity of all structures from 10 to 1000 prepared Reserves.
Fixed incorrect functionality of the Special Instructions Reserve when receiving the same mission the second time.
- Interface of the Special Battle window improved
- Interface of the recurring awarding of the Mastery Badge changed
- Improved display of Camouflage on vehicles when using the Improved Graphics preset
- Effects of shells hitting the vehicle reworked
- Condition text for the Arsonist, Demolition Expert, and Kamikaze awards changed
- The Racer 2014 medal moved to the Special category
- List of hints on the battle loading screen expanded
- Fixed some minor issues with interface and text of several messages
- Fixed issues with autosearch in the Team Battle mode
- Fixed display of messages in the battle chat after rejoining the battle
- Fixed calculation of the number of hits of external modules (tracks and the gun) in the post-battle statistics
Other Bugfixes and Changes
- Reduced game client memory consumption
- System of game sound loading changed to reduce the number of in-battle freezes
- Fixed some client hang-ups and crashes
- Fixed freezes when displaying some special effects
- Fixed issue with the capturing of screenshots in Windows upon pressing Print Screen or Alt+Print Screen with minimized WoT client
- Unloading worldoftanks.exe from system processes after the client is closed
- Fixed issue with vehicles not receiving the Elite status with all researched
- Fixed issue with the vehicle model falling through the Garage floor
- Fixed issue with the Platoon chat turning off upon disabling the battle chat in the Random Battle mode
- Fixed issues with the Confederate medal not being awarded if the player only damaged the tracks of enemy vehicles
- Fixed rare issue with the camera displacing to zero coordinates when switching between the allied vehicles in the Postmortem mode
- Fixed issues with depression angle restrictions of critically damaged guns not working
- Fixed issue with the inability to return a crew in the vehicle, if the crew members who had previously been sent to the Barracks filled the Barracks to capacity
- Fixed some hang-ups and crashes of the game client
- Reworked some effects of shells hitting the vehicle reworked
- Fixed issues with vehicle freezes at the end of the battle
- Fixed display of the battle interface in the Garage
- Fixed issues with performance decrease when scrolling the list of missions on the personal missions screen
- Performance on some PC configurations increased
- Fixed issue with the inability to destroy objects with APCR and HEAT shells
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