Careers In Air Force Acquisition

Opportunities in Department of Air Force Acquisition (DAF)

Over 44,000 Air Force and Space Force acquisition professionals, both civilian and military, work in a variety of career fields supporting the DOD Mission and sustaining established capabilities. Working in DAF Acquisition, you can find opportunities to use your leadership, business and technical skills in one or more of seven functional areas:


Business - Cost Estimating

Business - Financial Management

Engineering & Technical Management

Life Cycle Logistics

Program Management

Test and Evaluation

DAF Director Acquisition Career Management (DACM)

 Mr. Ruben Rios (click for bio)


The DAF Director Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office is responsible for the oversight and execution of statutory training, professional credentialing, continuous learning, and career development for over 44K acquisition personnel across 14 career fields and seven Functional Areas in the Air Force and Space Force.

DACM ensures compliance with DOD policy and guidelines, establishes Acquisition Professional Development Program (APDP) and implements career field policies. DACM is responsible for DAWIA compliance and credentialing, management of Acquisition Training, oversight of the Defense Acquisition Workforce Development Account (DAWDA) and implementation of Tuition Assistance. 

MISSION: To enable a world-class DAF Acquisition workforce.

VISION: To ensure a professional acquisition workforce with the right competencies to successfully execute Department of the Air Force acquisition programs.

Acquisition Professional Development Program (APDP)

The Acquisition Professional Development Program (APDP) promotes the development and sustainment of a professional acquisition workforce in the Department of Air Force (DAF). Through integrated management of the acquisition professional certification program, function-specific training, advanced education, experiential and leadership training opportunities, APDP ensures the proficiency of DAF acquisition professionals, enabling the workforce to meet current and future acquisition requirements.

Implementing a DoD-wide certification process, APDP provides guidance for each member to meet the mandatory education, training, and work experience requirements established for their specific acquisition job. APDP also oversees continuous learning programs for workforce members to maintain professional currency.

Career/APDP information is available on the Air Force Portal, and APDP SharePoint Hub - which is accessible to anyone with email account/credentials. Find the most current information about Back-to-Basics acquisition workforce framework and certification; general and functional area-specific guidance and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs; an acquisition functional area Library with related memos, articles and briefings from Senior Acquisition Leaders, the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) and the DACM Office. 

APDP Resources & Support

For ALL inquiries about APDP certification, continuous learning requirements, ACQ Now Reports and ACQ Now Event Management, as well as any issues and questions for the Acquisition Training Office Operations and Customer Support Team regarding training or DAU course registration, contact the ACQ Now Help Desk at: [email protected] 

Access to Internal DAF Acquisition Career Management Site (CAC Required)

Internal DAF only