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Katia Sycara Directory:


  Katia Sycara
Robotics Institute, School of Computer Science
Human-Computer Interaction Institute
Language Technologies Institute (LTI)
Center for Advanced Learning and Discovery
Carnegie Mellon University

Office: Newell-Simon Hall, 1602D
Carnegie Mellon University

5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
Phone: +1 (412) 268-8825, Fx: +1 (412) 268-5569

E-mail: katia at cs dot cmu dot edu

Katia Sycara
Katia Sycara, Research Professor, Robotics and holder (part time) of the Sixth Century Chair in computing Science, University of Aberdeen UK. Director of the Advanced Agent-Robotics Technology Lab

Short Biography

Current research: Advanced Agent-Robotics Technology Research

Multi-agent systems, human-robot interactions, game theoretic techniques, adversarial reasoning, machine learning, case-based reasoning, planning and scheduling, agents on the Internet, information fusion, agents in e-commerce, peer to peer systems, semantic web, semantic web services, grid computing, modeling cross-cultural negotiation and collaboration, and large scale human-machine systems.

Current groups/projects: Advanced Agent-Robotics Technology Lab

Past Projects:


  • Immigration Course Prsentation, delivered in Friday, 30 August 14:00 -14:30 in 4623 WeH for LTI
  • Immigration Course Presentation, delivered 23 August from 13:30 - 14:00 for RI
  • Immigration Course Presentation, delivered 23 August 11:30 -12:00 for Institute for Software Research International (ISRI)
  • Katia, Sycara, "Multiagent Infrastructure for Agent Interoperability in Open Computational Environments," Keynote Talk, International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agents. Maebaschi, Japan, October 23-26, 2001.

  • Released Software
    • The Agent Foundations Classes are designed to make the construction of the many types of agents a semi-automated process, in order to extend their distribution, and thus increase the usefulness and effectivity of already-existing agents. For download, click here.
    • The RETSINA Semantic Web Calendar Agent provides interoperability between RDF based calendar descriptions on the web, and Personal Information Manager (PIM) Systems such as Microsoft's Outlook. The RETSINA Calendar Agent is available for download: Click here.
    • MIGSOCK is a solution to the problem of socket migration. MIGSOCK provides a Linux kernel module that re-implements TCP to make migration possible. MIGSOCK is available for download, with permission. Click here.
    • Text Miner is a text classification agent application for Intelligent Agent portfolio management. Text Miner will be available for download soon.
    • WebMate is a personal agent for World-Wide Web browsing that enhances searches and learns user interests. Webmate is available for download. Click here.



    Awards and Honors
    • Katia Sycara has been named representative of the DAML Service Coalition to the WWW consortium (W3C) Working Group on Web Service Architecture.

    • Katia Sycara of Carnegie Mellon University has been awarded the ACM SIGART Autonomous Agents Research Award for 2002. Dr. Sycara has made significant contributions to a number of subareas of agent research, including agent architectures, middle agents, and multi-agent negotiation.

    • Katia Sycara was elected a Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) for her "significant contributions to case-based reasoning, autonomous agents, and multi-agent systems." One of a small select group of individuals elected each year, Sycara was recognized at the Fellows Dinner on July 30, during AAAI 2002 in Edmonton, Alberta Canada.

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