Area Agency on Aging 1-B is Now AgeWays

Home/Area Agency on Aging 1-B is Now AgeWays

New Name. Same Great People. Same Great Programs.

We’re excited to introduce our new name. We think AgeWays Nonprofit Senior Services reflects what we do best: Giving older adults the programs, services, and supports they need to age the way they choose.

While our name has changed, our programs, people, and dedication to supporting older adults, adults with disabilities, and family caregivers remain the same. The structure of our organization has not changed. We will continue our role as the Area Agency on Aging serving Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair and Washtenaw counties. We will continue to lead the way and pave the way for seniors in our region — just as we have for the last 50 years.

Getting in Touch

While some of our contact information, like our website address and email address, have changed, much has not. Here’s an update on how to reach us:

  • Website Address: Our website address is now Our formal URL ( will automatically redirect to
  • Information and Assistance Telephone Line: Our I&A phone number remains the same: 800-852-7795.
  • Staff Phone Numbers: Staff phone numbers have not changed.
  • Staff Email Addresses: Our email address domain has changed to For example, [email protected] will now be [email protected]. Emails sent to will forward to the new domain automatically.
  • Physical Address: Our office location remains the same. Our physical address is 29100 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 400, Southfield, MI 48034.

Need More Information?

Read our Press Release Read our FAQs

General FAQs

Why the name change?

We’ve been known as the Area Agency on Aging 1-B since our founding 50 years ago, in 1974, but several factors made us think it was time for a change:

  • Area Agency on Aging 1-B was very bureaucratic sounding. It did not reflect the warm, people-focused quality of our organization.
  • Area Agency on Aging 1-B was a mouthful and sometimes confusing. It was difficult for people to remember and — often — even say
  • We feel AgeWays better reflects what we do and how we help people. We believe it will help people better understand what we do and how we can help. Ultimately, we hope it will let us reach and assist more of the older adults, people with disabilities, and family caregivers who need us.

Are you still an Area Agency on Aging 1-B?

Yes! We are still an Area Agency on Aging. Ageways Nonprofit Senior Services is a “Doing Business As” (DBA), rather than our legal name, and our legal name will remain Area Agency on Aging 1-B. As you can see, the Area Agency on Aging 1-B name is still a part of our logo!

Our role and the programs and services we provide as an Area Agency on Aging will not change. We will remain the Area Agency on Aging that represents and serves Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair and Washtenaw counties.

Will personnel or programs change?

No. Programs, personnel, the structure of our organization, and our relationship with our participants, providers, vendors, and network partners will be unchanged. Only our public-facing name/logo will change, along with some of our contact information: our website URL (, and our email address domain (

What process was used to identify a new name?

We developed a detailed process that included voices and input from different demographics, groups and audiences from around our six-county region. Getting feedback from a variety of people, playing different roles (seniors, family caregivers, and aging sector professionals) was important to us. We used an unbiased outside consultant to help us conduct focus groups with various constituent groups and get the feedback we needed when choosing a new name.

The organization serves more than older adults, isn’t the name too narrowly focused?

While some of our programs serve adults with disabilities, most of our programs are focused on older adults and the family members, partners, friends and other loved ones who care for them. We experimented with names that were broader, but we felt they missed the mark in connecting with our core audience. Our focus group feedback was also very clear in that respect.

Whom can you contact if I have questions about the rebranding?

If you have questions about the rebranding process, you can contact the staff member at the agency with whom you usually work. Members of the agency’s Communications staff are also available:

Kathleen Yanik, Senior Communications Manager

[email protected]
(248) 606-5798

Jenny Jarvis, Chief Communications & Strategy Officer

[email protected]
(248) 752-0630

Program Participants FAQs

Is anything about the program I am enrolled in affected by the name change. Will I still get the same services?

Nothing about our programs or services have changed. You’ll still receive the same services as you did before the name change. The people, providers and staff members you work with will be unchanged. You will still see the same faces.

Will my service providers change?

We will continue to work with the same service providers. You will interact with the same people you did before the change.

Will any of the staff members that I work with at your organization change?

The name change won’t have any impact on the staff members or volunteers you’ve been working with at our organization. Their phone numbers will stay the same as well. Staff members will have a slightly different email address. Their address will now end with instead of For example, [email protected] will become [email protected]. Any email sent to an email address ending with will automatically forward to the new address, so the change will be seamless.

Will I have to fill out new applications or documents?

You will not need to fill out any new applications or documents due to the name change.

About Us:

Established in 1974, AgeWays Nonprofit Senior Services is a nonprofit 501(c) 3 organization with a rich history of supporting older adults, people with disabilities and family caregivers in southeast Michigan. We help people access the services and programs they need to remain living independently and with dignity in their own home or with family caregivers.

We provide direct care programs for seniors, along with funding and support for many programs provided by our community partner organizations.

We proudly serve as the Area Agency on Aging in our six-county region of southeast Michigan, which includes Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair and Washtenaw counties.