This page contains many adverts that have been collected from various sources. Some have been purchased as paper ephemera items, whilst many have been copied from digital scans of magazines. In particular, the scans listed below as TV Times adverts have been obtained cheekydog1 on ebay. His DVDs are well worth a look for any similar research.
A pre-launch advert describing the forthcoming Access card, appealing to merchants to accept the new payment method. Supplied by Stew Mills.
Some of the first Access credit card adverts.
Note that the card number on the Access card adverts now starts 5224, rather than 4987. This indicates a switch to a MasterCard (then "Master Charge: The Interbank Card") numbering scheme, long before the MasterCard symbol started to appear on the cards.
Unlike the preceding years, where it seemed that different adverts were common, the 'cooker' ad below seems to have been repeated throughout much of 1977. It's almost as if they were working on something bigger...much bigger!
Copyright 2025 - :: The Access credit card brand and various related imagery are trademarks of MasterCard International Incorporated.
Access credit card ~ Visa ~ MasterCard ~ Barclaycard
Website by Ontime Development.