Adventure Draw is an interactive
coloring book
that engages kids through coloring, but also reading, writing and storytelling. It's not just a coloring book, it's a creativity book! Take a look
"Sofia loved it! She colored and made up her own stories. I caught her talking to herself playing out the characters. I love to sneak in learning while having fun – super cool coloring book!"
- Michael Holzer MD
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Great for ages 6+
By the way, super cool notice: shipping is free!
How Many would you like?
Great for ages 6+
By the way, super cool notice: shipping is free!
Events and Presentations

Sean's presentation walks kids through what it is to be an author and illustrator,
and in vein with the book he uses an easel and oversized paper to have the kids
write and draw their own adventure in a collaborative fun event for all.
Sean has presented to groups of 5 to 200 for 15 to 60
minutes - he is available upon request.
Sean has presented to groups of 5 to 200 for 15 to 60
minutes - he is available upon request.