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  1. (I hope i did nothing wrong to make this topic in Offtop) Hello, players! I wanted to present to you, so, I`m start to make a new mod on AoH3. Mod, where you can get... MORE states (and map!) MORE countries MORE events MORE decisions MORE ideologies (Play as democratic-liberalistic president, or as esoteric-nazi-fascist dictator and make hell on Earth) MORE Scenaries (about 20-21 century) Historical (like 1939, 1933, 1917, 1990, and etc.) Alt-historical (like Kaiserreich, TNO, TWR and etc.) Some authors scenarios (This are surprise) smthng NEW Opportunities for playing NEW music and sounds and HUD And smthng another fun creature. Yeah. I plan to rework must ALL details of game. In the moment, when I start this topic, I creating this mod alone. So, I will warning you - creation of my global mod will take a long time. But I hope you enjoyed it, when it have done! If you have any idea, you can send it to me - I will consider them. If you wanted to help, then I can see how you can help me and maybe, I`ll take you on the team! Mod supprot 2 languages - ENG and RUS. You can watch news about the creating mod in TG - https://t.me/+LNQ9fdycbYFmNDUy (Sorry for my bad English. It`s not my native language and I can say smthing wrong)
  2. I've figured out how we can play as mercenaries. We will have a camp (where buildings can be built) And in the province we will be able to hire recruits or by events (here is one event we met homeless people. We have a choice to hire, invite them to join, this will give fewer recruits, but it's free, or ignore) in the province we will be able to form regiments only studied by the state where we are located) We will have a limit on regiments, this limit can be increased with buildings, events or ask for help from some state We will have a unique resource, provisions, well, everything is logical here (you can get it from buildings, events, buy it, or rob a province, ask the country)
  3. If not there already, you could maybe add an option to enable nuclear environmental damage. This means every nuke detonated could damage the global environment, resulting in economic and social decline due to atmospheric damage. And the provinces around the nuclear explosion would have a dust cloud or something to show the effect of radiation. On a mass scale, such as nuclear war, this could potentially destroy the world due to many nukes going off and nuclear winter. I feel this would add suspense to scenarios, and would make both the player and the AI scared to use nukes, and might use it as a last resort. Maybe also nuclear treaties would help limit it a bit. I do feel like this is too much to add considering the game is releasing soon for all platforms. (Idk about IOS though, maybe of Lukaz sees this he could say if he wants) If this is too much, maybe add a cool effect in the modern world, where once it hits the late 1950s and onwards, whenever you nuke a country, you see a missile flying from random provinces in your country towards the selected target.
  4. Well, yes, the idea is that wars would follow claims. And claims are built following real territorial and historical boundaries or desires for territories (and to return the province too (Revanchism)). You can also fabricate claims by paying a certain amount of prestige. Also, wars also cost prestige and are expensive to maintain. Problems Maintaining armies and, in addition, a vassal of the ruler or neighboring professing the same religion may join the war. Depends on the claim used. Yes, the main goal of this Topica is that you first choose the cause of war, and then declare war. For the war, super expansion points are added. Without this, I think the world will no longer be similar to the real one and... who really cares? I have proposed this idea more than once, so this is simply not a big relaxation before the next big idea. the only thing I very much agree with @bulbanoof @RMaRe @IKayzerI @thecarvalhogamer@ecl @Kiwi@Moisés gamer @aa30388, @Alexey Navalny,@wbladew5,@qxz,@Wayne23lololh, @Anyone,@Nowarhia, @Outlawexperience, @GalacticCakes, @Matvey, @bizacjum @paul2kdj @BALONA30, @Barbaris, @Rodak Polak, @wafflestein8, @Yahya @wbladew5, @Mihael1, @Warnnexx, @Free City of Łódź what do you thinks about my idea? expert opinion on the ideas from, @SmearierMoon19 , please:D @Łukasz Jakowski
  5. A country powerful enough can have the ability to create an international council and basically choose the leaders of this council, kinda like the UN, this however is not to be confused with an economic or military alliance, this is no alliance. This could lead to: Countries imposing sanctions on another country (with justification, like them taking over another territory without justification, kinda like the casus beli in eu4.) And if other countries happen to have bad relations with the nation that is imposing the sanctions, they'll end up vetoeing against it. However, they can also abstain if they are a neutral nation (positive or negative relations with both nations.) Or they can end up approving if they are allied or have great relations with the nation that is imposing the sanctions. (If they are in an alliance, the chances are higher of approval). The sanctions could lead to instability and an economic downfall, also a decline in population (integration with the population/tourism idea by @aa30388) . Soldier desertion could be more likely. The countries who veto in favor, will still sanction the target country, but the ones who didn't will remain neutral or allies with the country. A country could also violate the air and sea territory of another country, and this could lead to council meeting's, in which the target country can impose a loan be paid or well, as stated above, sanctions. (But more likely a loan.) When two countries are at war, the council can also veto to interfere into that war, depending on the casualties. The casualties can be divided between War/Military casualties and Civilian, but also the destruction of a country (like bombing and such.) If most of the nations are against it however, this interfering won't happen. (Voting matters in this case.) Now just like the real life UN troops, these troops could be stationed in different provinces/parts of the country as a peacekeeping force, which will only attack in case of a spy causing a rebellion or some sorts. Rebellions and terror attacks can also take place, so the UN Troops can deal with that, these troops can be deployed in unstable regions, such as, well, the Middle East. This is more of an idea for a modern day scenario ofc, and It can be toggled off in older scenarios. These councils can also come with benefits such as aiding other countries who are poor, mostly however, they'd do civilian exports. (ofc no arms exports.) It could be an option like: "International World Council" with an on and off switch.
  6. The justification for war is really very simple and does not prevent an American tribe from declaring war on me I think it could be a better war justification system Example: We can create a justification for war by throwing cores into the territory of the country we are going to fight. In a peace treaty, we can only take the lands where we throw core. (It will be a little irrelevant, but I think our diplomatic points should also go when throwing core) Example: We must first identify the country we are going to fight and it may take some time to identify the rivaly. Example: Justification time should vary depending on what your ideology is, and some ideologies should be very limited towards who can they declare If I had 2 suggestions, simplicity would be removed and a system that is simple to understand would be created. Lukasz, pls answer my suggestion thank you in advance, happy birthday
  7. I don't know if this has been suggested, but there should be a tab where you can see your past wars, participants, casualties and other information related to them.
  8. Diplomacy - a vassal release model that includes the option to add it to an alliance. possibility of threatening a country to leave an alliance or reduce its stability, the consequences could be opposite, making the nation stronger and prepared to attack the nation that threatened it. sending volunteers or military aid to a country at a time of civil war, increasing relationships and strengthening ties. ask or demand a change in ideology (cold war) so that the ideological side has more influence or good relations, also to grant prestige to the power of that ideology, for example, if France becomes communist, the Soviet Union suffers an increase Prestige. (I would suggest that the option to ask/demand to implement ideology is an option that is unlocked through the "Modern Diplomacy" technology with a minimum requirement of being in a ranking of the ten powers). If two or more nations conquer an equivalent fraction of a nation, for example at the end of WW2, the nations that are allies may demand or suggest the creation of a new divided state of the nation that is not in their interests (example: Germany eastern and western.) possibility of recognizing country, this for countries that were barely created and have less prestige. trade routes. be able to establish trade routes with a country with a specific expense and benefit, if the country is very far away and has complicated terrain, the transportation cost will be greater than the profit, on the other hand, if it is directly on the border, the cost will be minimal and the profit equivalent to the product or resource being sold. Just as trade routes can be created, they can be destroyed through war, if an enemy puts up an armada and blocks a trade route, then the nation will receive a crisis if the majority of its economy depends on the route. a creation of a union separated by independent states (example, the Soviet Union), all countries involved will have the same civilization color (example, Red), the most influential and largest country will be able to control the countries of the Union (example, Soviet Republic Russian), if they fail to maintain the stability and interests of all the countries of the Union, the union will be dismantled (e.g., 1991, the fall of the USSR) Resources - energy/electricity - This resource is produced in nuclear power plants, sources of clean or polluting energy, the resource may be very prestigious at the beginning, later, it will be needed as a form of maintenance for buildings above a certain level indicating that they are already modern and finally, With the modern civil services law approved, energy will produce income as taxes depending on the amount of population and will generate expenses depending on demand and how much is produced. creation of own factories of goods and services - Players will be able to create factories with goods created from resources, for example the image shown below: the amount of resources necessary to produce that good and what resources are needed to make that good, the final value of a good is highlighted by the resources used, so the goods will be important materials when trading, they are not the same commercial in the national market to make it International, likewise the production of resources will be more important. Factories should have an option to make a specific good or to make weapons. If the factory is of a higher level or modern level, it will require energy to produce goods. If the international market has many goods of the same type, the value will be reduced and so will the demand, other countries will also copy the production of the same product. It could also suggest the possibility that goods can be used to create other goods, of course, the good used will have 10% of the original value to avoid expensive goods. Bonus sugestión: If a building produces energy in a polluting manner, the population growth of the province will be reduced by a specific percentage depending on the number of polluting buildings. Wars/battle - Artillery will be able to attack a distant army (1 or 3 provinces) wearing down its army. just as modern infantry would begin to reduce enemy numbers once they are half a province close, thanks to rifles or tanks. A nation may demand the disarmament of a nation's army, as well as demand access to the exploitation of national resources when the nation is a loser. A nation can steal and destroy the technology of the losing nation, of course without going overboard. A change of ideology or religion may be required once the war is over. Once the demands are made, the player or the AI will be able to invent a name for the peace treaty. Example: Treaty of Versailles, Treaty of Guadeloupe, Treaty of Paris. Units as tanks and airplanes will require Gasoline, not oil. so an oil refinery will be needed. If a front has many troops, it will be necessary to open another front to be able to cross to conquer a country (Example France VS Germany ww1, ww2). attrition due to terrain, if the army is in the Sahara, it will lose units little by little, if the army is in Tibet, it will also lose Units, as well as in Greenland, northern Scandinavia, northern Russia, central Australia, the Amazon, the Sonora Desert, northern Canada, Alaska, Nevada, central Africa (for malaria, if you don't have modern medicine technology), the Middle East, and even Central Asian countries from Afghanistan to Kazakhstan. Thanks for reading, I will write more ideas that come to mind in this post every day. Please personally forgive my bad English.
  9. Silos anda Bombers - I have a suggestion to make this much more fun and real. I suggest that the bombs do not explode when a click is made, if not, that a bomber be set in motion to drop that weapon, of course, if it does not have technology that unlocks the silos, in the case of the silos, the bombs They will take time to arrive depending on the distance. Iron dome and Anti-nuke defense- All nations that unlock a technology such as: "Advanced Missile Defense", obtain an iron dome that can avoid a nuke in a certain probability, so the nuke will not be a weapon that would define war with a button, and it can be avoided, That's why I suggest two ways to avoid them: Anti-Aircraft, Iron Dome and Counterattack (Radar). The counterattack is activated when radars detect the missile, so the nation can counterattack by fully unleashing its arsenal with a red button, or send a small-scale attack. Types of Nukes - There can be different types of nukes such as those that appear below: Atomic Bomb - Light atomic bomb - It can only be launched on bombers. Technology: Nuclear Fission - Unlock: Manhattan project. It Unlock: Treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons on diplomacy. - can you invite any nation to sign it. The Thermonuclear bomb - Medium Bomb - It can only be launched on bombers. Technology: Advanced Fusion Bomb -"H" bomb Project. - Ballistic Misiles - It can only be launched on silos. Technology: Strategic Silo Deployment - Unlock: Ballistic Misiles Project. Phase Disruptor Missile - Massive non-radioactive weapon. - It can be launched on bombers or silos. Technology: Neutrino Phase Modulator - unlock: Neutrino Fusion Project. ---- In my opinion, this could balance the use of Nuclear Bombs, so that more cities do not fall easily without resisting, but instead defend themselves with domes and counterattack, thank you for read this and Good day.
  10. When I start a war, there is no effect on armies in terrain, for example, I fight with the enemy’s army in the mountains, and it actually looks like I am fighting over plains or flat land. If it is a strategy game, the terrain should have a role in wars. If there is a mod dedicated to it, I want to try
  11. there aren't any events in here..so anywho here's the preview and the download link. preview: download link: The eighteen hundreds.rar
  12. So if you like aoc2, you like wars (at least into the game), but there are A LOT of wars into the years between 1000 and 1500, so why don't make a mod about this "War Era"? And that's the idea of this mod. I know, there are mods that works with this idea, but I want to make my own and share. There are 10 small scenarios for now, all of them before 1100 and some custom civilizations. I'm planning to release at least the 1.2 of the mod, with at least 20 scenarios about those wars. Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/sfy6e91te7t4kwc/AoCII.rar/file Download Instructions: Just replace the your "game" and "map" folder by the folders in the .rar file (of course in a copy of the game folder, do not mod the original game folder)
  13. I'm back now and Sorry, I did not create Age of History 2 scenario for a long time 😞 Anyone want German Empire Vs Austria-Hungary I will give you link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/qjkqyjc5094y6s4/German_empire-vs-Austria-Hungary.rar/file How to add this scenario? Go to Age of History 2 app and click right mouse and then click open file location, go to map folder & then go to earth folder & open file scenario enjoy your gameplay!
  14. Scenario code: 1598023718959gynxygad Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/6hryyc0igopbcdd/1598023718959gynxygad.rar/file
  15. WAŻNE cyferki wżuć do folderu civilization editor 1861 wojna secesyjna mapa świata.rar
  16. 3rd Balkan War by Arda_TR Youtube channel = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt97Ro5t-Srvs_tYq-N89vQ steam profile = https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198407976982 Scenario link = https://drive.google.com/open?id=12aJxXZ6QWqqBXuKZ1bDVmTYdEMbVlWeO
  17. Modern Day + vs. Present Day Participants: @Chexier and @Evidential Start Date: January 19, 2019 End Date: January 27, 2019 Days of Fighting: January 19 - January 20 Cause: Chexier copied the idea of having real armies divided by 50 in the scenario. Agressor: Evidential Defender: Chexier State of the War: Won by Chexier. Proof: http://www.ageofcivilizationsgame.com/topic/1745-war-record-keeping/?do=findComment&comment=10987 11:59 vs. Present Day Participants: @Chexier and @Vis Tacitus Start Date: January 24, 2019 End Date: Ongoing Days of Fighting: January 24 - January 27 Cause: Chexier copied some files of 11:59, and included them in Present Day. Agressor: Vis Tacitus Defender: Chexier State of the War: 25% Warscore to Chexier Inspired by @Shiite
  18. So it there would be options like: protect beaches, protect borders to "Nation", Disband all , Attack all provinces of "Nation" , Attack selected provinces of "Nation" like all your soldier would rush into every selected provinces like In HOI 4. The game would be way faster also like an emergency button like "protect the nation" it would use away all your money to produce soldiers and gain back land.
  19. So today i will explain how to make a secure alliance with (almost) any country, this is a recopilation of all the data i've been sharing in the Reddit and the Discord, so here we go! First you have to have these things: Have a relative close distance Both of them have to be nation friends You need to have 60+ relations with him If these things are on, i'm pretty sure it will work. You can raise opinion only with diplomacy, gib them money work but the bonus are very few. Another thing is that i discovered that some nations have "pre-loaded" friends, for example England and Portugal will always start with a good relations or Mexico and Cuba When to call them to war? First of all i want to make clear, if the war is very easy to win just don't invite them, call them if your enemy has a comparable power, or else they will be just a problem. This happens because sometimes you just want to peace out with 99% because maybe on of his provinces are too far, but you ally WILL ALWAYS peace out when its 100% scoreboard [lukasz plz fix]. This is the reason you see Castille and Morocco fight for 900 years. When to join his wars? If you want to get a PU, i recommend to always join his wars, joining wars gives you more + opinion with them If you consider the war won to them don't
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