08/02/16 21:46
See the Topaz aircraft in flight. The Topaz offers a really comfortable cockpit, amazing climb capability, excellent easy control and a superb glide capability (with a glide angle of 17:1), see our video for a flight demonstration ….
Like more info about the purchase of a TOPAZ light sport aircraft? Please contact Rod at AirSports on 0422 446622 or by email to [email protected].
12/09/15 22:53

The new TOPAZ xls model light sport aircraft is now in Australia. The new model features a more powerful Rotax 912ULS engine and a new optional 'glass' cockpit. The new EFIS and EMS instrument option includes a multi page display with the home page an electronic '6 pack' including a real-time GPS moving map display. It's an easy to use touch screen with the flight instruments displayed in an analogue manner making the TOPAZ glass panel easier to read in flight - no more micro sized 'spinning numbers' so common with other digital displays. The EFIS and EMS screens also display all engine instruments in a normal dial manner, easy to read and monitor. Above - a cockpit photo of AirSports new TOPAZ Light Sport Aircraft.
12/08/15 22:37

The upgraded TOPAZ XLS is performing so well, the factory test flight reports, that are always very conservative, are reporting 120kts cruise speed, 3000ft at 5400rpm, truly amazing for any light sport aircraft. The Topaz is a super clean design with a very efficient wing, no struts, 3 blade composite propeller, ballistic parachute option, comfortable leather seats, two big baggage compartments accessible from behind the seats or through two fuselage access doors, with up to 40kg of cargo possible you have airline capable storage (unlike most sport aircraft). Contact us at 0422-446622 for further information.
29/05/15 12:31

Pretty as a picture, the Topaz aircraft as seen in the Recreational Aviation Australia calendar. Note the curved up wingtips designed to reduce drag. A nice touch is the built in streamlined wingtip lights.
15/05/14 12:40

The weather was superb at Temora Airport, New South Wales, ideal for Australia’s first two Topaz aircraft to be on display. NATFLY is the Southern Hemispheres largest light sport aviation Fly-In. The Topaz created quite a stir, the performance, cost, quality of finish and features certainly stood out when compared to some of the other “ho hum” aircraft on display. Why not come and see for yourself with a test flight at our airfield located north west of Melbourne. Airsports is the Australian and New Zealand distributor for the TOPAZ light sport aircraft.