Map Thread XI

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Well, here's a rough map of the same TL around 1760. I've been working on a linguistic map of the TL, but it's been taking a while.

Well I must say you've done an excellent job of fleshing out this world. My only gripe is the borders are a bit too light for my liking.
A map of the world in 1945 in my TL:

Yes, that is a dead zone in Paris.
Reposting to avoid the end-of-page curse.


Monthly Donor
Well I must say you've done an excellent job of fleshing out this world. My only gripe is the borders are a bit too light for my liking.

Thanks! I might write an actual timeline surrounding it once the school year is over. I guess the borders are a bit light, but I prefer to keep them light to keep them distinct from the natural borders of coastlines and lakes. (I should have colored the rivers in as borders and deleted the rest, which I may do later.)
Thanks! I might write an actual timeline surrounding it once the school year is over. I guess the borders are a bit light, but I prefer to keep them light to keep them distinct from the natural borders of coastlines and lakes. (I should have colored the rivers in as borders and deleted the rest, which I may do later.)

I think that would also be better.

I like to have my borders a bit lighter than the coastlines, but not so light that they look like they could be some kind of giant federal state. :p
Reposting to avoid the end-of-page curse.

I would suggest fixing those borders between *Peru and *Gran Colombia as well as *Nicaragua and *Honduras.

I think Japan's sea borders look very odd, and too busy.

I would go over the map with a fine tooth comb and make sure other sea borders are either colored correctly, or removed where only vestiges remain (Cook Islands, Micronesian states, Tuvalu, etm.)

Is China supposed to be 2 toned with no borders, or is it the same issue as those in Latin America?

Anyway, I haven't commented much on your TL's map series, but I am enjoying it.

Pragmatic Progressive

Monthly Donor
It kinda does the opposite, in fact. ):

People can see this thread, and they know that you would love for them to go. Being aggressive isn't going to help convince them.

I don't think you'll gain contributors shoving Map Games down people's throats in a place where it's hardly relevant. I'm not trying to come off as a jerk, but you could at least post a map and then say "it's from this Map Game, join if you like" rather than "You're all interested in maps, participate in THIS!". Of course we're interested in maps, that's why we're here, but there may be a reason why we don't regularly participate in games like these, and if you're worried about people not seeing it, put it in your signature or something -- I find myself clicking signature links regularly, and don't be worried about myself never coming into Map Games either. I can't speak for anyone else, but I visit Shared Worlds often enough, and I find most of the games there aren't suited to my taste. Everyone has their own cup of tea.

Have fun with your map game - while I personally didn't enjoy it when I tried it, I know you and other regular contributors do and I hope you attract new, worthwhile players and have fun with it for a good while to come.

a) I did not want to come off as aggressive and/or offensive. I duly apologise for any offence that I have caused.

b) I followed your advice, Turek, and sigged the games.

But c) This is the most recent map of the map game that I wanted to advertise.

The map of the Co-operative Countries game No. 2, which I have also sigged (in non-bold script) will follow.

A world of monarchies.png

Pragmatic Progressive

Monthly Donor
The main elements are:

The american revolution fails, but in 1772-1787, New Spain throws off colonialism in a 15 year civil war, which yields the main democratic (i.e. non-syndicalist) superpower: Mexico. Mexico is TTLs USA.

Russia and China balkanise in the 19th Century, and there is a scramble for Africa with britain, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal?,... getting colonies.

1909-1917? there is a great war between France(+allies) and UK(+allies), which France wins. Germany, and indeed much of europe, balkanises and is restructured by France, who make most states go Syndicalist.
They also take most colonies in Africa. But the economy was in shambles, so that France fell to Syndicalism (TTLs Communism), and so did the Ottoman Empire. In the 1940s-1970s, there was massive decolonisation. But France mostly managed to keep the countries Syndicalist. In the 1950s, the Franco-Ottoman Split occured: Aliism, whose main superpowers are Brazil-Paraguay and the CROS (i.e. most of the Ottoman Empire), split fromLassalleism, which had until then been the only Syndicalist ideology. Now we are still in a Cold war between Democracies (led by mexico, and including quite a lot of constitutional Monarchies), Lassalleist powers (led by France, marked by "Syndicalist Republic of x" or "Syndicalist Democratic Republic of x", but mind the exceptions) and Aliist powers (led by the CROS, marked by "Communal (Democratic) Republic of x"). Revolutions transformed nearly all borders of this world.

Both Extreme Lassalleism and extreme Aliism can turn into Juche-like ideologies, which are present in several countries around the world, notably in Denmark.

Additionally, some countries had an anti-Syndicalist revolution and turned into "National Republics" (Estonia, Myanmar, North Korea/Koryo, Serbia,...). This is to be imagined as TTLs fascism, which can also turn into something quite similar to Juche.
There are also some, but only a minority of, absolute monarchies, Caliphates, Islamic Republics, theocracies and other forms of governments.

Do you need any more info?

Here there is the second map+ a short history of the world. So that people could immediately participate. There are only two parts of Africa, a small bit of China (around Nanjing) and diverse islands left!

Dahome nearly finished.png
inspired by something by rvbomally

(This map does reflect my political affiliations: if liberals offend you, be warned)

"TL Cluster 1988jkc2455, subcluster GB-01, sector 256783, sub-sector BO-08-
12-C. Known popularly as "Hooverworld", due to attachment of much of the
developed west to notions of economic management popular some 90 years

"This is a largely unipolar world, dominated by the local US-variant, but this is
shifting as the US is currently in a high-stability political stasis making major
positive changes very difficult in the short to medium run."

"Vistors should be cautious in using irony, since many of the locals are
unfamiliar with this mode of conversation and may be confused and enraged
as a result."

Love that map.


Part VII of my Map Series

The Year is 1936.

-The French have remilitirized Lorraine, causing alarm in both London, Berlin, and Barcelona about Deloncle's intentions. They are also not helped by France's reaming, in violation of the Treaty of Potsdam.

-Italy meanwhile, has invaded Ethiopia and annexed it, creating Italian East Africa. In response, America decides to get Liberia into its sphere.

-Meanwhile, Italy has refused to align with any side, but Spain is increasingly getting closer to the French, even signing a pact known as the Madrid-Paris Axis*

-In Asia, Japan has decided to invade China. They take most of Shandong and are beginning to invade Inner Mongolia (infuriating Khan Sternberg in the process)

*Later, the Axis would include Japan.




In 1905 Ned the Alien Space Bate decideds to shake things up a bit on earth and decides to switch Iran and Austro-Hungary. Along with each comes their respective infrastracture levels, populations and problems. Of course Britain is scared when the German aligned Austria appears next to Britain (though not as much as Russia), along with is massive amounts of oil. Meanwhile in Europe chaos reigns for a few weeks with the Ottomans near going to war on the Russian and British protected Iran. Once things stablize Russia and Germany have carved new influence zones into Persia and both want to get on the countrys good side but as of yet the Shah has wisely (or maybe not so wisely) stayed neutral in the affairs of Europe.

The year is now 1916 and a few days before the start of WW1 over disputes between German and Russian influence zone in Persia.

As an alternate historian -- I love you.

As an American -- I hate you.
It's from my TL. And since you're not a communist, you, like most other OTL Americans, would either be oppressed, a rebel or living the sweet life(AKA your normal life) in Russia or South Africa.
Dat communism
But Russia isn't.
I would suggest fixing those borders between *Peru and *Gran Colombia as well as *Nicaragua and *Honduras.

I think Japan's sea borders look very odd, and too busy.

I would go over the map with a fine tooth comb and make sure other sea borders are either colored correctly, or removed where only vestiges remain (Cook Islands, Micronesian states, Tuvalu, etm.)

Is China supposed to be 2 toned with no borders, or is it the same issue as those in Latin America?

Anyway, I haven't commented much on your TL's map series, but I am enjoying it.
In Latin America, the northern part is occupied by the United People's Republic of America(communist America) while the southern part is free, for now. They will be officially separated later, though. And the Chinese Civil War, between the (light green) Russian-backed Republicans and (dark green) Qing Empire is going on, which is why China is two toned. In southern Mexico, which will eventually become independent, American-backed communist rebellions are occurring, which is why they're red. And thanks.
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