The main elements are:
The american revolution fails, but in 1772-1787, New Spain throws off colonialism in a 15 year civil war, which yields the main democratic (i.e. non-syndicalist) superpower: Mexico. Mexico is TTLs USA.
Russia and China balkanise in the 19th Century, and there is a scramble for Africa with britain, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal?,... getting colonies.
1909-1917? there is a great war between France(+allies) and UK(+allies), which France wins. Germany, and indeed much of europe, balkanises and is restructured by France, who make most states go Syndicalist.
They also take most colonies in Africa. But the economy was in shambles, so that France fell to Syndicalism (TTLs Communism), and so did the Ottoman Empire. In the 1940s-1970s, there was massive decolonisation. But France mostly managed to keep the countries Syndicalist. In the 1950s, the Franco-Ottoman Split occured: Aliism, whose main superpowers are Brazil-Paraguay and the CROS (i.e. most of the Ottoman Empire), split fromLassalleism, which had until then been the only Syndicalist ideology. Now we are still in a Cold war between Democracies (led by mexico, and including quite a lot of constitutional Monarchies), Lassalleist powers (led by France, marked by "Syndicalist Republic of x" or "Syndicalist Democratic Republic of x", but mind the exceptions) and Aliist powers (led by the CROS, marked by "Communal (Democratic) Republic of x"). Revolutions transformed nearly all borders of this world.
Both Extreme Lassalleism and extreme Aliism can turn into Juche-like ideologies, which are present in several countries around the world, notably in Denmark.
Additionally, some countries had an anti-Syndicalist revolution and turned into "National Republics" (Estonia, Myanmar, North Korea/Koryo, Serbia,...). This is to be imagined as TTLs fascism, which can also turn into something quite similar to Juche.
There are also some, but only a minority of, absolute monarchies, Caliphates, Islamic Republics, theocracies and other forms of governments.
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