After the last season ended and the hype about the anime "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid" died, I decided to finally watch the series and make my own opinion. And this blog, which will show you the good and bad aspects of the series, resulted out of that simple idea so enjoy reading it. :grinning:

The story
The idea of dragons living together with humans gave rise to a rather extraordinary and lovely story. Not only we see how humans and extrahuman beings break down barriers but also get an insight on how these special beings live among themselves. In this aspect "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid" resembles the anime "Monster Musume", which is, in fact, the only other anime I know fixed on this concept.

The story began quite suddenly with Tohru visiting Miss Kobayashi and not until later we find out why. Miss Kobayashi, walking around in a drunken state, met Tohru in the mountains and, after pulling the sword of the Gods, which nearly killed Tohru, out of her body, suggested Tohru to live at her place. Later, or more like when we first see them together, she is sober and realizes what she said to Tohru. From there on they begin to live together.

But Tohru will not be the only dragon at Miss Kobayashi's appartement since her friends, Kanna, Fafnir and Lucoa, are also on earth. Though only Kanna decides to live there, too, the appartement never stays empty because Fafnir and Lucoa come to visit them.

All dragons try to adapt to their new situation on earth but, sometimes, they fail simply because of their powers, appearance and personalities. For example, in one episode, Tohru tried to stop a thief with her superhuman strength and nearly revealed her identity as a dragon because she exaggerated and smashed him into the ground.
The opening and ending
Though the opening was a little bit too high pitched for me it was quite entertaining. It had many interesting and funny motives like dancing dragons and I had a valuable insight in the daily life of the dragons and their wards. Introducing the characters which will appear later with the opening made me excited to see them appear. The opening, which has the potential to stuck in one's head, also was on-topic: It dealed with the amusing coexistence of dragons and humans which is also the main topic of the whole series.
On the contrary, there's the ending which was more cheerful than the opening but not as catchy as it. But that does not mean it wasn't amusing. The chibi versions of the characters were really amazing (great praise to the illustrator) and made them even more lovable. The theme of the ending was more focused on how the dragons cope with their new situation and, sometimes, the lyrics implied that a difference of race doesn't mean humans and dragons can't get along.
"It's okay that I'm a lesser species! I'll devote all my heart and soul. I want to always be together, to be friends and play."
As long as one's willing to understand each other, they can become friends. This also fits with the general topic of the whole series and is the basic of how nearly every dragon in the series behaves.
The characters

Generally I can say that every character in this anime is unique and very cheerful. Miss Kobayashi is the responsible and calm yet sloppy person whose personality changes into a more aggressive one when she is drunk. Makoto, a colleague of Kobayashi with whom she drinks alcohol, is, as he himself admitted it, an "otaku" who is too shy to talk about his hobbies in public. He sees Kobayashi as a person he can trust and show his true self to her which ends in enthusiastic dialogues about maids.

Drawing him as an exaggerated version of a geek in these situations shows us how much his personality changes. Then there are Tohru and Kanna who both live at Kobayashi's appartement and change her way of living drastically to the point where all of them become a family. While this happenes Tohru tries to work there as a proper maid which, sometimes, doesn't go that well.
But there are not only friendly-minded dragons on earth. Fafnir for example beared a grudge against humans - and even wanted to kill them if he had a chance - when he was introduced. And even Tohru's father didn't acknowledge that humans and dragons can live together. Later on, they were convinced that their way of thinking is wrong.

Kanna, Tohru, Lucoa and every other dragon who came in contact with Kobayashi, began to understand and experience the human feelings which connected them all. They consolidate into a big family which helps out and protects each other. This is one of the aspects I love of this anime.
The entertainment factor

Comedy is one of the main genres of this series and they try to make as many jokes as possible. In most of the cases it worked because they were unexpected and I admit that I laughed more than I expected. For example when Tohru tried to mix parts of her cooked tail in Kobayashi's food just because she wants Kobayashi to praise it's taste, I was really amused.
It was also very entertaining to see how leery or hostile dragons meet humans, who didn't even knew about their existence, and interacted with them. Lucoa for example always played around with Shota, her host, and embarrassed him to the point where he already got nightmares from her sexual harassment.

The combination of the realistic and surrealistic concept the mangaka "Cool Kyoushinsha" built up in Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid was also very entertaining. Topics such as flying on the back of a dragon, the dream of many children, were considered and shown. Though that idea alone is something out of our world, and therefore unrealistic, the mangaka didn't ignore physical aspects such as the aerodynamic drag on every flying object. Adding this factor makes the scene more realistic than every dragon-flight scene in fantasy-like anime because they seem to forget such small details. And of course, this is one of the reasons Kobayashi only uses the Tohru-transport in emergency cases.

The creator also added some relatable aspects to the whole story which made it even better. Be it Kobayashi who grew up playing on her console, Fafnir who dies many times playing Dark Souls or Tohru and Kanna who play Mario Karts, the games could make some people remember their childhood and make the anime more relatable even though it's so unrealistic.
The critique
Every series, how great it might be, also has some bad aspects. And I won't be nice enough to say that Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid does not have a single bad apect. In fact, there are some aspects I really don't like about this anime.

First, the introduction of the characters was horrible. As I mentioned before, we only got to know more about Tohru and Kobayashi later on which let me confused at the beginning of the anime. Also, the fact they shortened the reasons why the other dragons live on earth to only a few sentences was making those "reasons" more and more unfounded. For example Lucoa: She was on earth because she escaped from being poisoned by her sister. That's it. Sounds a bit boring, but it was planned to not reveal too much about her personality. Same goes for Kanna, Fafnir and Elma: their background story is rather short. Too short for me to see any character developement.

And when we're already talking about Lucoa, I'd like to mention that she ended up as a sex symbol due to her appearance.

Introducing such a lovely character and not showing her full potential turned her more and more into a useless beauty who is the root of the fanservice in the series. She could not even help her host since he is focused on achieving things on his own.

And the thing that annoyed me the most is that they used the same joke thousands of times (*cough* exaggeration *cough*) making it less and less funny. The only example I want to give here is Saikawa - the "Loli-Lover". She is branded with that title because she overreacts every time Kanna touches her and this "joke" is used way too much.
The final rating
Putting these few bad aspects aside, the anime was quite good. It was not the best but now I understand why it was so hyped. And I honestly admit: It was better than I expected. At least from what I've seen on the Internet. Therefore my final rating is

Comments (43)
I love this anime but loss of amines are better then this but cool post :grinning: :blush: :smile: :kissing_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I really liked this anime but personally I'm not interest in girlXgirl romance. I mean it's better than a bland male protagonist, but if my boy Arata Kasuga were there, this would have fell into the masterpiece category!
Yuji Kazami would have also been great!
I loved everything about this anime