Ralph Lauren military jacket

Hello again!

Welcome to my Friday hook up. I'll confess that this OOTT was from those pre-furloughed days when dressing up for work was the joy of the day. There's no better motivation than knowing that you'll be customer facing and therefore under scrutiny. I have lovely clients who pop in to see me, confessing that they merely want to check what I'm wearing that day! So, no pressure there then. But honestly, I do love the excuse of work, in fact any excuse, to dress up. 

This is the first time I've shown the bargain of the month that I found in February when I was on a quick trip to the mainland. As is my habit, I checked out TK Maxx on this very brief trip and was lucky enough to happen across this wonderful military style jacket by Polo Ralph Lauren. It was the only one in the store as is often the case and to my delight it fitted like a glove!

Regardless of the crazy price saving here, I have always lusted after this style of jacket. I think Victoria Beckham designed one a couple of years ago, but even before then it's been on my wishlist. I see it as a wardrobe staple, one that can be dressed up or down and is an absolute classic in my eyes. You'll be seeing a lot of this in future I promise you.

Barrel buttons and braiding are typical of this type of jacket, but on top of that, the woollen fabric is weighty in a reassuring way, without being too heavy - it remains sleek, is what I'm trying to say. Yes, it's true love, that's for sure.

Perfectly pleasing pre-loved rings.

I bought the off white jeans on the same shopping trip. The brand is River Island, but they were on sale at TK Maxx for £9.99 as opposed to the £40 original price tag. You know how I just love a bargain! Next time I'll style them up with a sweater to show you the neat cut of them including the black belt which ties in with the black contrasting stitching. They're high waisted, neat fitting and will be great for the spring/summer period. I've paired them with my much loved black patent chelsea cowboy boots from Topshop last year.

Yes, here's another pair of Radley London sunglasses, courtesy of my friend Ellie who designed them.

And finally, I think I'm beginning to make headway with all of my chores at home. I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed at the sheer number of jobs that are calling out for my attention. So the other day, I decided to break these down into bite size pieces and hey presto, I've tidied the cupboard under the stairs!

I'll leave you with a few beach photos from the past week. I've been following the tide around, swimming on the high tide every day which has  been such a treat.


Until next time, stay home, stay safe!

Anna x



  1. Lovely black&white outfit, so elegant and cool!. And the jacket looks fab, a quality piece with interesting details and fits you like a dream. Same for trousers, they look fab!
    Glad to read that you're enjoying your swimming!, so beautiful landscapes!

    1. I'm over the moon with this jacket Monica! I can see so many partners to wear with it that I may have to limit the exposure as I fear you may all tire of it.

      Happy Easter weekend to you x

  2. No one does the military looking jackets like Ralph! I have a big regret over a purple velvet jacket by him with a kazillion little bronze buttons on it that I gave away years ago, but it went to my friend Yvonne, and she knows I'll take it back!

    This black beauty is gorgeous, just WOW, Anna! I love the simple styling with the white-ish jeans. I had/have white jeans on my shopping list for ages, wanting to find some in the thrifts. Ah, well, they will eventually re-open, right?

    Dressing for work has become hugely important for my sanity, although, like you, I very much enjoyed showing off my outfits to my colleagues and the many clients who came to the office. I really miss that, so thank gawd for the blog!

    Well done on your closet clean-out! We are slowly doing one drawer/cupboard at a time.

    Thank you for the wonderful beach pictures. So calming and serene.

    A very happy Easter weekend to you and your family, my dear.

    1. It was such a thrill finding this prize of a jacket Sheila! It has tiny hooks as well as buttons and the finishing details are immaculate. I already have three variations lined up to showcase with this, but will sprinkle them lightly through the blog over the next few weeks.

      I came across a lot of new items in my seasonal changeover which will help to give my closet an injection of life for a while. Many still with tags on as I'd bought them out of season, so it was just like a mini shopping spree. Such a lovely discovery!

      Hope that you too have a super Easter weekend x

  3. Wow what a bargain! I've not been into TK Maxx for ages, even before the lock-down was forced! The whole outfit is wonderful and I'm glad you dressed up for us! Do take care and keep sharing your inspiring outfits Anna. xx Jacqui x

    1. I was so blooming lucky to find this when I did Jacqui! Especially now that all of the shops are closed for however long. I'm having great fun shopping my closet at the moment - are you?

      Keep safe and have a lovely Easter weekend x

  4. I have exactly the same ring! The right one! Bought last year in a antique shop in Lewes! And I have the left one but the silver is gold colored! Also bought in Lewes! How crazy is that! Have a good Easter weekend!

    1. Hahaha, we clearly have very good taste Nancy! Hope you had a lovely Easter weekend too x

  5. That military style jacket is stunning, and what a bargain too. I too have been making headway with my list of chores, although I must say it is slow going. And there would be even more procrastinating if I lived somewhere as fabulous as you! xxx

    1. I know what you mean about slow progress. If I were still at work, my weekends would be so productive, but the very open-endedness of this seems to lure me into a go slow!

  6. Stunning jacket Anna, it’s looks great paired with your white jeans. What a find; very stylish.
    I have a blue and gold Joe Brown one in a similar style; I find that it’s great for dressing up or down.

    Thank you for the gorgeous beach pictures, I always appreciate the ‘sound’ ones on your Instagram page. Very soothing and calming for the soul.

    Keep safe and keep posting. X Phyl.

    1. I must admit I've not felt so smug about a purchase in a long time Phyl. The jacket is truly versatile, but also such great quality - so classy!

      Glad you're enjoying the videos. It's great to share these lovely views x


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