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The Alliance of Natural Resource Outreach and Service Programs (ANROSP) is a national network of natural resource education and service programs which provides leadership, information, and resources to support the establishment and expansion of its member programs. We promote active stewardship by supporting science-based outreach and service programs in the field of natural resources. 


The Alliance of Natural Resource Outreach and Service Programs is a national network of natural resource education and service programs which provides leadership, information, and resources to support the establishment and expansion of its member programs.

ANROSP promotes active stewardship by supporting science-based outreach and service programs in the field of natural resources. Our partnering programs train conservation volunteers to enhance and expand natural resource conservation and education across the nation, and include programs such as:

  • Master Naturalist
  • Certified Citizen Naturalist Volunteer
  • Master Watershed Steward
  • Coverts Programs
  • Master Conservationist
  • and many more programs nationwide!

Annual Conference

The ANROSP National Conference is held annually. Members and non-members come together to network and gain valuable information to help develop, facilitate or assess master or volunteer service programs in natural resource education or conservation.   

For information on this year's ANROSP National Conference,  please see the sidebar NEWS items on the right, and visit our conference page for details.

Interested in hosting the a future ANROSP National Conference in your state? Submit your information at ANROSP conference proposals.


For more information on the ANROSP national conference, please subscribe to our general mailing list below.

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Membership applications?
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Conference concerns? 
[email protected]


ANROSP promotes awareness and citizen stewardship of natural resources through science-based education and service programs.


ANROSP envisions healthy ecosystems and communities through citizens who learn, teach and practice natural resource stewardship.
© 2016 Alliance of Natural Resource Outreach and Service Programs. All rights reserved.
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