The Festival celebrates and embraces the distinct cultures, voices, and big ideas of our home town of New Haven. Our community makes us what we are—from our amazing volunteers and community ambassadors to local artists to our annual neighborhood festivals, we love connecting with our neighbors to create a Festival that belongs to us all.
Contact Us
Phone Number: (888) ART-IDEA (278-4332) or 203.498.1212
Fax: 203.498.2106
Email: [email protected]
Hours: Monday through Friday 9AM–5PM
International Festival of Arts & Ideas
195 Church Street 12FL
New Haven, CT 06510 USA
Work With Us
Become a Volunteer
Volunteers are the lifeblood of the International Festival of Arts & Ideas. For two weeks in June and throughout the year, over 300 volunteers from the greater New Haven region and beyond bring the Festival to life. As 85% of our events are free to the public, we rely on the passion, commitment, and support of community members to help us.
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We are now accepting applications to vend at the 2024 Festival. We require all food vendors to hold a current Food Vendor License from the City of New Haven and proof of Comprehensive General Liability Insurance.
Information on licensing can be obtained from:
New Haven Department of Buildings & Permits
200 Orange Street, Fifth Floor
New Haven CT 06510
(203) 946 8388
Perform at the Festival
ARTISTS: The Festival is always curated 6–11 months prior to the start date of each Festival season. We do not usually accept formal submissions, but you can always send an electronic press kit/performances/socials to [email protected] for consideration to be involved next season. Submissions are added to our rolodex of artists and checked on a monthly basis. Please note that our staff is small and we may not be able to respond to every inquiry, but we do appreciate learning about your work and we may reach out to explore booking in the future.
PROGRAMMING PARTNERSHIPS: The Festival develops programming partnerships with organizations and individuals to provide activities at the Festival. Here are some current opportunities available:
• Interested in hosting a tour in 2024? Apply Here
OPPORTUNITIES BEYOND THE FESTIVAL: Connect with Creative Ground, an initiative from the New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA) that connects New England presenters and artists with one another and with opportunities to perform or present.
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High School Fellowship Program
The International Festival of Arts & Ideas Fellowship Program offers qualified New Haven public school sophomores and juniors a unique, fully-funded opportunity to learn about the arts. The Fellowship Program is a semester-long college-level course designed to help students develop skills in communication and critical thinking by immersing them in all aspects of the Festival: performances, lectures, community engagement, production, and management.
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Neighborhood Festivals
Lively one-day neighborhood Festivals take place each year just prior to the International Festival of Arts & Ideas in downtown New Haven. Community Steering Committees, local arts and business partners, and Festival staff and volunteers host local talent, family activities, and vendors in New Haven’s historic and culturally rich neighborhoods.
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Business Partnership
Arts & Ideas relies on local and regional partner organizations to help bring people together and provide the most enriching and exciting opportunities to our community.
Partnership Directory Coming Soon
Sponsors at a variety of sponsorship types and levels receive visibility benefits, have the option to display literature, and/or have a presence on the Green to share your brand with Festival patrons.
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