The Bantam House
This coop was the second coop my dad and I built because the first one turned out so well. We also decided to build this coop because we wanted to get some bantam chickens. This coop is my favorite because I helped more with the design and over all look of the coop as well as building it. I don't however have a lot of building details (such as measurements etc.) on the coop. The pictures will pretty much speak for themselves. We built this coop strictly off of the materials we had laying around from an old garden shed and other things that we don't use (such as wheels off of old push mowers). The only things we purchased were the hinges for the doors and chicken wire. We haven't yet, but we plan on buying feeders that will hang from the bottom of the coop. That's pretty much all I have to say. I will try to describe each picture the best I can as we go. So here are the pictures and I hope you enjoy them.
Here is the basic frame of the coop.
The handles pictured here are ment for picking up the end so it's easier to move in angles.
Pictured here is the door.
The ramp going into the coop.
Here is the back with the heart shaped ventilation.
Here is the window with shutters and hand painted heart trim at the top.
The inside looking out the window.
The door for the coop and the small heart door on bottom for easy food and water access. Also hand painted hearts on the top trim.
The front "Bantam House" with heart shaped ventilation at the top.
Here is what the window looks like open and another small heart door on bottom for easy food and water access.
Here is the inside with the roost and nesting box.
The back "Ain't nobody here but us chickens"
All the chickens names listed: Cosmo, Ginger, Shadow and Smokey
This is the setup we have for the other chicken coop and what we plan on doing for The Bantam House.
Here is the comparison picture between the standard size coop and The Bantam House.