Button quail pictures

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

How big are button quail? Do they make good pets? Can everybody please post pictures of their buttons? Where can I get button quail?

They are a lot of fun to listen to and watch. On rare occasions, I have one that seems to enjoy being handled, and when it comes to mealworms they are all willing to eat out of my hand. There are several of us here who breed them, though mine won't start laying for at least another two weeks. In a wire bottom cage they are fairly low maintenance. Just make sure they have hidey-holes of some kind. Whenever I trim the lower branches of my trees I put the boughs in with the birds and it seems to work great for them. Because it is so cold, I have a bit of straw on the bottom of their cage. Increases the maintenance, but they stay warm enough.

AW! There SO CUTE! Great pics:D What can I house them in? A large fish tank with top?
How many buttons could I fit in a fish tank would you say? What are the most popular colors?
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

AW! There SO CUTE! Great pics:D What can I house them in? A large fish tank with top?
How many buttons could I fit in a fish tank would you say? What are the most popular colors?

Buttons are best keep in pairs, a large fish tank will work fine. I keep some pairs in those rabbit cages with the plastic bottom and wire top, I have a set in my avairy, and some in 90qt starlite totes. My Golden Pearls sell the best for me​
So how much do you think a fish tank would cost? What do buttons eat? Could they eat chick starter? What about water dishes what could I put water in? Do you know anybody that sells baby buttons? Are button quail eggs very hard to incubate?
Button Quail are quite easy to incubate which is one reason they are so addicting.
I feed mine Game Bird Layena 60%, Finch seed 40% and ground Oyster shell for calcium.
I use Pop Bottle waterers but you couldn't use that in an aquarium. I would use the small
chick water containers with the small reservoir so they wouldn't walk through it as easily.
This is one of my Quail enclosures decorated for Christmas.

Here is the info I have on my site

The Button Quail is about 4-5 inches in height, much smaller then other quail. They are ground dwellers and love to have little hiding spots to play in.

The males are very distinguishable from the females by their red/reddish vent feathers. The exception's are the white and splash colors.

Some Basic Care Guides:

Button Quail should really be keep in pairs. This is how they live in the wild, you will have much happier birds. When keep in groups the risk of fighting is very high and buttons can do some damange.

Daily clean fresh water is a must.

Buttons need a high quailty gamebird starter (non-medicated) I do sell small 10 pound bags see the store for more information.

Daily treats: Fresh dark green veggies, fruit, clean potato skins, finch food and they love angel hair pasta, note iceburg lettuce is not a good choice. They go nuts for meal worms. millet is another great treat.

Calcium is very important to female buttons diet, I give them a cuttle bone and a mushed up hard boiled egg shell and all.

Buttons love and should have hiding places.

Also buttons love to have a daily bath which they do in sand. I just pick up a bag of play sand and put it in a bowl for them.

As for what to put the water in I use water bottles that are like the ones you get for rabbits. I find these work great! It is mine and other leading breeders feeling that finch food is a treat and should not be a main part of their food, it is kind of like candy, you will find that there are other breeders that feel different about this here is a link to my website http://twilightblessingsfarm.webs.com/ and here is a link to the leading breeder in the US http://www.zebrafinch.com/NewButtonquail/MainQuail.html

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