Plans for my Pigeon Loft??


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 31, 2010
Long Island
So i plan on having a pair of Birmingham rollers or Doneks, but my question is how to make their loft...

This is what i created and tell me what you guys thing, i didn't include it in the plans, but the height of the pen is 6'

The picture below the picture of he front of the loft is an inside view. and the ficture to the right of the front of the loft is a birds eye view with the roof off. The metal mesh at the lofts bottom will be 1/2" squares. Just to make it clear, the loft will not be on the floor, it will be in the upper corner of the outside of the pen, with the front of the loft facing into the enclosed pen. I hope this makes sense to you guys
When I started I had 4 homing pigeons. My loft was a old chicken pen. It was 6.5ft high 5 ft wide in the front, the sides where 7 ft long and the back was 5 ft long and 6 ft high. The nest box are on the back wall.
For flying birds you don't need a large pen, can you just make a loft 4 X 8 X 6...then just a small pen off that (so new bird can see out)

just rev. loft and pen
I think you should follow a general rule of 2 square feet per bird. I know the boys up in NY often do less then one but that is generally not healthy for the birds nor humane IMO.
I have a loft right now that is 96SQf at capacity and it needs to be cleaned daily.
Build as big as you can because if you allow them to breed they pile up quick.
Just a tip, nest are better if stacked ,if they are side by side they have to have a pration between them or one pair will comandeer them all. Even if you only have one pair its better to stack two nest so they can have babys in one and lay in another ,as they usually start a second batch before the first is weaned. Also make it so that expansion is available because they are like potato chips! Can't just have one pair,they multiply fast!lol
Since youre keeping flying birds like rollers and doneks, the more confined, the better. More energy to burn once you kick them doors open. I keep around 20 rollers in a 3x3x3 kitbox. They have plenty of room. They get flown 1-2 times a day. These are competiton birds so they need to be kept in shape by flying, and I keep em on a tight diet. 1 cup of grain per 10 birds. I keep a separate loft for birds that are breeding and raising babies.

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