severe scaly leg new roo


8 Years
May 12, 2011
first of all i dont need a lecture about buying him i seen it on him and i liked him and figured hed be better off with me than someone unwilling to treat it .. =/ havent named him yet .. ill add pics periodically .. but hes part silkie .. his comb has some sores probably from fighting with other roos .. =/ ill post pics of it tomorrow .. =( his poop is runny and mostly clear .. hes sweet but doesnt care for beign handled much .. i dolt really blame him .. hes prolli gunna hate me by the time i get this cleared up .. how contagious is this hes quarenteened but i need to know how easy itd be for me to pass it from him to my girls .. =/ i dont want them to get this it is horrible .. poor poor boy .. ive got him in straw in his pen is there a better bedding for him to be in with his condition ? helllllllpppp ( look at those spurs in the sec pic lol )

I was actually hoping you would get some responses :( I can tell you what I've read...

You smear the legs with vaseline or bag balm. Really thick. Keep repeating until they are better. I've also read, but can't find it again, that you can use ivermectin pour on...a couple drops on the back of the neck and that will help. I can't find the thread for that. I have a young roo, I've been trying to treat and was hoping this thread would give me some more suggestions. I haven't tried the pour on since I can't find the thread but I think I will use it tomorrow anyway. The bag balm just isn't getting the job done!!
same thing but red kote works better. The main thing is that it has the scaralet oil in it to get rid of it. The spray Wd 40 for rust works well too. My brother had chickens like that in the pass and thats what we use. Not just us but the people who see this right away will tell you the same thing I tell you.
same thing but red kote works better. The main thing is that it has the scaralet oil in it to get rid of it. The spray Wd 40 for rust works well too. My brother had chickens like that in the pass and thats what we use. Not just us but the people who see this right away will tell you the same thing I tell you.

i figured it was at least similar, maybe i need red kote XD

hope your baby feels better

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