- Jun 28, 2011
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- 27,327
- 1,302
The Ancona chicken originated in the Marche region of Italy, and was named after the city of Ancona from which the first birds were imported into the UK in 1851. Breeders worked to set its type and markings and it went on to gain a great deal of popularity as a show bird, as well as an exceptional egg layer. It was imported into the US in 1888. The breeds that went into the creation of Anconas are unknown, but they have many similarities to the Leghorn and have been referred to as Mottled Leghorns at times.
Anconas have a distinct feather color pattern with a black background color that is marked with a white V-shaped spangle on some of the feather tips. Ideally, one out of every five feathers is tipped with white. There has been a blue mottled version developed also. Anconas were originally single combed, but a rose combed version has been developed, both are recognized by the APA.
Anconas are wild, active and flighty birds, that are good flyers. They have excellent predator awareness, are good foragers that will range over a wide area, making them a good choice for a free range flock. They are fairly cold hardy and good winter layers, though the large single combs will suffer from frostbite. The hens are exceptional layers of large white eggs and are non-broody.
It was recognized by the APA in 1898 and is on The Livestock Conservancy's Watch list.
Breed purpose: Egg Layer, Ornamental
Comb Type: Single or Rose
Broodiness: Non-setter
Climate Tolerance: Average
Weight: Roosters 6 lbs, Hens 4.5 lbs
Egg Productivity: Excellent
Egg Size: Large
Egg Color: White

Ancona Hen @Prestonsloan12

Ancona Hen @SanderB

Ancona Hen Head @Prestonsloan12

Ancona Chicks @SanderB

Ancona Rooster @Rhinoman

Ancona Rooster @ SanderB

Ancona Flock @Yellow House Farm

Ancona Flock Rosecombed @Yellow House Farm

Ancona Cockerels Rosecombed @Yellow House Farm
BYC Breed reviews:
General breed discussions & FAQ thread:
Exhibition, Genetics & Breeding to the Standard of Perfection thread:
Do you own Anconas? Are you an Ancona breeder? If so, please reply to this thread with the your thoughts and experiences, including:
· What made you decide to get this breed?
· Do you own them for fun? Breeding? Some other purpose?
· What are your favorite characteristics about this breed?
· Post some pics of your birds; male/female, chicks, eggs, etc!
Anconas have a distinct feather color pattern with a black background color that is marked with a white V-shaped spangle on some of the feather tips. Ideally, one out of every five feathers is tipped with white. There has been a blue mottled version developed also. Anconas were originally single combed, but a rose combed version has been developed, both are recognized by the APA.
Anconas are wild, active and flighty birds, that are good flyers. They have excellent predator awareness, are good foragers that will range over a wide area, making them a good choice for a free range flock. They are fairly cold hardy and good winter layers, though the large single combs will suffer from frostbite. The hens are exceptional layers of large white eggs and are non-broody.
It was recognized by the APA in 1898 and is on The Livestock Conservancy's Watch list.
Breed purpose: Egg Layer, Ornamental
Comb Type: Single or Rose
Broodiness: Non-setter
Climate Tolerance: Average
Weight: Roosters 6 lbs, Hens 4.5 lbs
Egg Productivity: Excellent
Egg Size: Large
Egg Color: White
Ancona Hen @Prestonsloan12
Ancona Hen @SanderB
Ancona Hen Head @Prestonsloan12
Ancona Chicks @SanderB
Ancona Rooster @Rhinoman
Ancona Rooster @ SanderB
Ancona Flock @Yellow House Farm
Ancona Flock Rosecombed @Yellow House Farm
Ancona Cockerels Rosecombed @Yellow House Farm
BYC Breed reviews:
General breed discussions & FAQ thread:
Exhibition, Genetics & Breeding to the Standard of Perfection thread:
Do you own Anconas? Are you an Ancona breeder? If so, please reply to this thread with the your thoughts and experiences, including:
· What made you decide to get this breed?
· Do you own them for fun? Breeding? Some other purpose?
· What are your favorite characteristics about this breed?
· Post some pics of your birds; male/female, chicks, eggs, etc!