Duck injured and not eating


Aug 6, 2022
3 days ago my duck was attacked by a raccoon in her coop. It dragged her by her neck it she has some wounds. I've given her antibiotics and cleaned them. Since then she has not eaten at all. Ive closely monitored her and ive seen her drink but not eat. ive tried manually feeding her mushed up pellets to see if that would be easier for her to swallow but she spit it out. How can I get her to eat?
Sounds like something is blocking the troat causing the food to come back up? Maybe tube feeding her would be better, but I not sure if thats the best for a hurt duck.
It is not unusual for an injured duck to not want to eat. Some members do tube feed when a duck is injured. You could also try feeding something such as scrambled eggs or a treat she liked in the past.
It is not unusual for an injured duck to not want to eat. Some members do tube feed when a duck is injured. You could also try feeding something such as scrambled eggs or a treat she liked in the past.
ive given her peas and soft bread and she wont eat those. im just worried about how long she can go without eating
Put 1/2 tsp sugar, a pinch of salt and a pinch of baking soda in a cup of warm water. Offer it a cup or drip it on the edge of her bill. I know chickens won't eat if they are dehydrated, assume the same in ducks. Sorry, since @Miss Lydia is not available I really don't know who the duck experts are to tag ... maybe @Eggcessive or @azygous can help here.

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