The causes, events and people of the most destructive war in history.
The causes, events and people of the most destructive war in history.
Had Britain's wartime leader truly stood alone in his opposition to appeasement, or did he rewrite history to portray himself in a better light? By Professor John Charmley.
How did this new doctrine of speed, flexibility and surprise deliver a string of stunning victories for Hitler's armies? By Robert T Foley
The rows were explosive, the challenges enormous, but he led Britain through the war with unique assurance. By Dr Geoffrey Best.
Why did Hitler believe that the East should provide lebensraum (living space) for the German people? By Jeremy Noakes.
Churchill said that there was never a victory before it and never a defeat after it. How important was this epic victory? By Professor Richard Holmes.
Has an obsession with the Allied landings in Normandy given a distorted view of the achievements of the Italian campaign? By Professor Richard Holmes.
How meticulous planning, good luck and sheer guts ensured the success of history's largest amphibious invasion. By Duncan Anderson.
How Operation Market Garden could have shortened the war by six months - and why it failed at the last moment. By Mark Fielder.
Labour's landslide in the 1945 general election remains one of the greatest shocks in British political history. How did Churchill fail to win? By Dr Paul Addison.
Germany thought its Enigma encryption was impenetrable, but the codebreakers of Britain's Bletchley Park had other ideas. By Andrew Lycett.
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