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Planning a Tournament
of 16 - 200 golfers?
We know all of the key contacts at dozens of golf courses. We can save you time and money.

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Planning your outing
Submit your tournament request, and we'll send it to all the best local golf courses. Plus, we'll send you a valuable GTAA guide to help your tournament planning.
Stuff for your golf tournament
Logoed apparel, prizes, awards, or even software to run your event. Check out our outing products and services directory!

Are you hosting a golf tournament and you don’t know where to begin? A good place to start is to get quotes from area courses! Looking for a nice course that meets your budget and has a professional staff to help you with fundraising? Need related golf outing services and products? You’re in the right place! BestOutings is your one source for all your golf tournament needs. Our mission is simple- to make your next golf outing a memorable one!

What we Provide

In addition to our extensive searchable directory of golf courses in every US city and state, we offer a wide variety of products and services to make your corporate or charity golf tournament planning a piece of cake! These include:

  • Course Selection: The hardest part of planning any golf tournament is finding the perfect golf course… a nice golf course that you can afford and that will make your golfers happy. Fortunately, with our "Tournament Request Tool", you can instantly put your tournament criteria in front of all the best golf courses in your area! You’ll receive proposals from golf tournament sales representatives.

  • Golf Tournament Planning Guides: Learn the ins and outs of planning your next golf tournament from the experts who have done it all before! For charity or corporate golf tournaments, our planning guide will help ensure that your next tournament is a success.

  • Golf Course Employee? If you are a golf course owner or tournament sales professional, make sure your BestOutings listing is accurate and up-to-date. Just visit our golf course login to get your free account, and we’ll promote your golf course to thousands of golf event planners plus give you an easy way to handle your donation requests.

Why BestOutings?

Finding a golf course and scheduling a golf outing should not be difficult. We’re here to help streamline the process of getting quotes which makes it easier than ever before for you to find the perfect golf course! So, if you’re ready to save a lot of time and save some money on your next successful golf tournament in your area, will surely be a valuable tool.

Plus, you can use our site to find apparel, logoed merchandise, software, tips from the experts, tournament planning checklists and guides and cool fundraising ideas for your next golf tournament event. We hope you have a great event! To get started, submit your outing request!