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October 26, 2016

She tossed around several costume options this year, but finally decided on Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In case she doesn't seem familiar... she's the super sassy, spoiled brat whose father has his entire company open boxes upon boxes of Wonka Bars in effort to find a golden ticket. The ticket that allows her admittance into the factory to meet Willy Wonka. She's not the girl who ends up as a blueberry, but the other one who demands her very own goose that produces a golden egg only to fall through the scale as a bad egg herself. "I want the world, I want the whole world. I want to lock it all up in my pocket, it's my bar of chocolate. Give it to me. I want it now!"

As you can imagine, Veruca's signature red dress with the black buttons and ribbon belt framed with a lace collar and cuffs wasn't something hanging in our local costume shop so we had to improvise. We purchased a red uniform dress from an online store and my wife sewed on the rest. Color me impressed. "I want to wear it! I want it now," screamed Madison. We obliged and our very own Veruca Salt came to life. The older she gets, the more she looks forward to living out her favorite characters this time of year and the more I can't wait to see what she comes up with. (Read about costumes from previous years: Belle, Dorothy, Butterfly, Tiger and Duck.)


  1. So so cute!!

    Allie /

  2. Aw this is adorable! Love how quickly she got into character too!


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