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Family Website

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This site is dedicated to our forebears, the men and women who went before us and made us who we are.   Here you will find everyday people who lived and died while doing the best they could to raise families and give their children better than they had.

         Here, also, you will find rogues, adventurers, egomaniacs, kings, queens, conquerors, emperors, farmers, murderers, knights, crusaders, patriots, colonial settlers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, soldiers and other men and women who survived the brutality of the middle ages and whose descendents went on to colonize and build the lands they loved, wherever they found themselves.

         We hope that you will also find here the information and tools you need to explore your own heritage.   If you can contribute to that knowledge, we will be grateful.   Enjoy.

Bushnell Family Coat of Arms
Bushnell-Seymour Coat of Arms

Site maintained by Bushnell & Associates

Scott Bushnell, Webmaster


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With special thanks to
Robert Cook Bushnell and Susan Troub
for their years of dedicated service
and to Kitty Dye for all the hard work on the 2007 Reunion!


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