Nifty·Posted on Oct 28, 2013Subscribe to BuzzFeed Daily NewsletterCaret DownBabybel Cheese Wax Is The Ultimate Artistic MediumIf you didn't make stuff out of that alluring red wax during elementary school lunch, you must have been a Alanna OkunBuzzFeed StaffLinkFacebookPinterestTwitterMail It's so much more than a container for that non-aggressively tasty soft cheese. With it, you can make... Poodles. Flowers. Teddy bears. The cast of Bambi. A manicure. A super impressive horse. Ladybugs. Koalas. Angry Birds. A DIY candle. Towers. A ninja. Dinosaurs. Satan. Jesus. Friends! If you have a cheese wax creation of your own, add it in the comments!