11. Typing Challenge

14. AFI Top 100

15. NFL Teams

16. Periodic Table

19. Drawing a Blank

21. Pixar Movies

It's not fair — who can type that fast?!
They're called the Forgettable Presidents FOR A REASON.
Whoa, you swear last time you took this, there were only, like, 140!
"Burnt Sienna! One down..."
Alarmingly easy.
Seriously, you're too good at these.
OK, you can't name them, but you swear you've seen them all!
Spelling out state names is NO JOKE.
What the hell is that 'G'?
You listed every article and conjunction you knew, and the word "like." WHAT ELSE IS THERE?
*looks in mirror* "Am I missing something? AM I A MUTANT?"
Definitive proof that just because you know Africa is not a country doesn't mean you know Africa.
This is actually pretty hard without mascots.
You're still not sure why you thought you could do this...
Don't forget Vatican City!
BRB, just gotta skim the books real quick...
OK pointless facts I've accumulated over the course of my life, TIME TO SHINE.
Seriously, Sporcle? You're gonna start with VERMONT?!