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Dog walking

Centennial Parklands is one of the most dog-friendly parks in Sydney – over 30% of the Parklands’ open space is designated off-leash.

There are areas of the parklands where dogs must be on leash at all times and areas where they are prohibited altogether. These restrictions reflect NSW wide rules relating to dogs and are in place to ensure our natural environment, particularly our flora and fauna are protected and the parklands can be safely enjoyed by everyone.  

Please download our guide for dogs, follow the rules and have an enjoyable visit to the Parklands.
Dogs must be under control of their owner at all times while in the Parklands.

Download our Dogs in Centennial Parklands brochure (1.4 mb)

Rules and Regulations

The following rules are in place to protect the Parklands’ animals, plants, ponds and heritage items as well as provide equitable space and enjoyment for everyone who visits the parklands. 
The rules are legally enforceable and fines can be issued if they are breached:

  • Dogs must be on-leash within ten metres of any pond or lake (to protect the wildlife who live there)
  • Dogs are not allowed on the horse or cycle tracks, roads, equestrian grounds, children’s playgrounds, Learner’s Cycleway, in ponds or on sporting fields when in use.
  • Dogs are prohibited from Wildlife protection areas, including the Bird Sanctuary and York Road Bushland
  • Dogs must be kept ten metres away from children’s playgrounds and BBQs
  • Dogs must not be led by cyclists, rollerbladers, horse riders or from vehicles.
  • Dog owners must clean up their dog’s droppings and dispose in proper bins.
  • A single person can lead a maximum of four dogs. 
  • Restricted breeds such as pit bull terriers and Argentinian fighting dogs must be on a leash, muzzled and under the control of a person over 18 years at all times.
  • Dogs are prohibited from the Moore Park Golf Course and Centennial Parklands sports centre
  • Dogs are not allowed within ten metres of all food preparation areas, including BBQ areas, cafés and restaurants.
  • Dogs will be prohibited from Tramway Oval and Kippax Lake Field from November 2021
  • Dogs are not permitted at any time in the Horden Pavillion, inside the Centennial Homestead Kitchen (restaurant), Royal Hall of Industries and Equestrian Centre

Centennial Parklands has a dog brochure that you can pick up from our office on Banksia Way or various brochure racks across the Parklands, or download here (PDF, 1.4 MB).

Centennial Parklands' dog policy is supported by the NSW Companion Animals Act 1998

  • Dogs are allowed off-leash outside of Grand Drive
  • On sporting fields when not in use. From November 2021, dogs are prohibited at all times from Tramway Oval and Kippax Lake Field.

Dogs must always be under effective control.

Dogs must be kept on a lead:

  • Inside and on the Grand Drive circuit, and within 10 metres of Federation Pavillion
  • The entire Fearnley Grounds and Guriwal Trail
  • Within 10 metres of ponds, waterways and wildlife protection areas
  • Within 10 metres of the horse track and horse access corridor near Robertson Road Gates
  • On all roads, shared pathways and cycle lanes
  • In the front lawn of the Superintendent’s Residence
  • Inside the takeaway Centennial Homestead Pantry, Pantry deck and entrance, on the Homestead Kitchen (restaurant) deck and lawn and around the fountain.

Tethered dogs must be supervised and remain the responsibility of their owner/carer.

The Companion Animals Act (1998) introduced new standards of care for dogs and cats, as well as regulations aimed at promoting public health and safety.
To meet the requirements of the Act and to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for park users, the Trust revised its dog policy and regulations.
Under the Act, a dog that is in a public place must be under effective control by means of an adequate chain, cord or leash. It must also wear a collar with its name and the name and contact details of its owner.
The Act prohibits dogs from a range of areas for public health and safety reasons.
The Trust, as a local authority under the Act, is able to declare additional areas off-leash, on-leash or prohibited.

Any incidences with dogs – lost dogs, injured wildlife from dog attacks or concerns about dog behaviour should be reported to our rangers on 0412 718 611.
Lost or injured animals

If you lose your dog in Centennial Parklands, we would encourage you to contact the Parklands Rangers on 0412 718 611 or report it at the Parklands Office.

The Trust often has lost dogs brought in to the Office by other park visitors, or alternately the Rangers may be able to do a visual search, or keep an eye out, for your dog if available.

Alternatively, if you have lost your dog (or would like to adopt one), the Sydney Dogs and Cats Home is the place to start.

Any lost dogs found in Centennial Parklands will often be transferred to the Sydney Dogs and Cats Home. The organisation provides a wonderful service and you are invited to consider supporting them.

Centennial Parklands has a number of key requests for park visitors if they come across injured dogs or other wildlife.

Please do not handle, or attempt to handle an injured animal that you are unfamiliar with. The animal may not react kindly if it is in pain and feels you are a threat.

We recommend that you contact the Parklands Rangers on 0412 718 611 or report the injured animal to the Parklands Office.

Alternately, two not-for-profit organisations are available to contact regarding injured animals:

Centennial Parklands regularly works with these organisations, they do a great job and invite you to consider supporting them.

Information and services for dogs & their owners

Dog training clubs are helpful for training puppies as well as re-training older dogs and socialising dogs.

The Eastern Suburbs Dog Training Club runs dog training and obedience classes most Sundays from 8.15 am at Musgrave Avenue in Centennial Park.

Sessions cater to all levels and abilities.

For further information on dog training clubs, call 0412 645 154.