Mailing Address: 509 Amy Gutmann Hall,
3317 Chestnut Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Admin Support, Warren Center and NETS Program Manager and Social Media Outreach:
My research interests include topics in machine learning, artificial intelligence, algorithmic game theory and microeconomics, computational social science, and quantitative finance and algorithmic trading. I often examine problems in these areas using methods and models from theoretical computer science and related disciplines. While much of my work is mathematical in nature, I also often participate in empirical and experimental projects, including applications of machine learning to problems in algorithmic trading and quantitative finance, and human-subject experiments on strategic and economic interaction in social networks.
For (in)convenience, most of this site is organized as a single flat html file. The links below let you navigate directly to the various subsections.
Publications   Research Group Members   Teaching and Tutorial Material   Professional Bio   Educational Background   Editorial and Professional Service   Press
Aaron Roth and I have written a general-audience book about the science of designing algorithms that embed social values like privacy and fairness; here is the publisher's description:
Over the course of a generation, algorithms have gone from mathematical abstractions to powerful mediators of daily life. Algorithms have made our lives more efficient, more entertaining, and, sometimes, better informed. At the same time, complex algorithms are increasingly violating the basic rights of individual citizens. Allegedly anonymized datasets routinely leak our most sensitive personal information; statistical models for everything from mortgages to college admissions reflect racial and gender bias. Meanwhile, users manipulate algorithms to "game" search engines, spam filters, online reviewing services, and navigation apps.
Understanding and improving the science behind the algorithms that run our lives is rapidly becoming one of the most pressing issues of this century. Traditional fixes, such as laws, regulations and watchdog groups, have proven woefully inadequate. Reporting from the cutting edge of scientific research, The Ethical Algorithm offers a new approach: a set of principled solutions based on the emerging and exciting science of socially aware algorithm design. Michael Kearns and Aaron Roth explain how we can better embed human principles into machine code - without halting the advance of data-driven scientific exploration. Weaving together innovative research with stories of citizens, scientists, and activists on the front lines, The Ethical Algorithm offers a compelling vision for a future, one in which we can better protect humans from the unintended impacts of algorithms while continuing to inspire wondrous advances in technology.
Here are links to some media related to the book:
Teaching Spring 2025:
CIS 4230/5230,
Ethical Algorithm Design.
Since 2002 I have been a professor in the
Computer and Information
Science Department
at the
of Pennsylvania,
where I hold the
National Center Chair.
I have secondary appointments in the
department of
and in the departments of
Statistics and Data Science
Operations, Information and Decisions (OID)
in the
Wharton School.
I am the Founding Director of the
Warren Center for Network and Data Sciences,
where my Co-Director is
Rakesh Vohra.
I am the faculty founder and former director
of Penn Engineering's
Networked and Social Systems Engineering (NETS) Program,
whose current directors are
Andreas Haeberlen
Aaron Roth.
I am a faculty affiliate in Penn's
Applied Math and Computational Science
graduate program.
Until July 2006 I was the
of Penn's interdisciplinary
Institute for Research in Cognitive Science.
Since June 2020, I have been an
Amazon Scholar,
focusing on fairness, privacy and other "responsible AI" topics within
Amazon Web Services.
I have worked extensively in quantitative and algorithmic trading
on Wall Street (including at Lehman Brothers,
Bank of America, SAC Capital and Morgan Stanley; see further details below).
I often serve as an advisor to technology companies and venture capital firms,
and sometimes invest in early-stage technology startups.
I occasionally serve as an expert witness or consultant on technology-related legal and
regulatory cases.
I am an elected Member/Fellow of the
National Academy of Sciences,
American Academy of Arts and Sciences,
Association for Computing Machinery,
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence,
and the
Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory.
The Past:
I spent the decade 1991-2001 in machine learning and AI research at
AT&T Bell Labs.
(Here is an
epic photo
of Labs staff from 1995, there are many famous scientists peppered throughout.)
During my last four years there,
I was the head of the AI department,
which conducted a broad
range of systems and foundational AI work;
I also served briefly as the head
of the Secure Systems Research department.
The AI department boasted terrific colleagues and friends that included
Charles Isbell (now at Georgia Tech),
Diane Litman (now at University of Pittsburgh),
Michael Littman (later at Rutgers, now at Brown),
David McAllester (now at TTI-Chicago),
Satinder Singh (now at University of Michigan),
Peter Stone (now at University of Texas), and
Rich Sutton (now at University of Alberta).
Prior to my time as its head, the AI department was shaped by the
efforts of a number of notable figures, including
Ron Brachman (who originally founded the department; now at Cornell Tech),
Henry Kautz (who led the department before heading to
the University of Washington; now at the University of Rochester), and
Bart Selman (now at Cornell).
Before leading the AI group, I was a member of the closely related
Machine Learning department at the labs, which was headed by
Fernando Pereira (later at Penn, now at Google),
and included
Michael Collins (later at MIT and Columbia, now at Google),
Sanjoy Dasgupta (now at UCSD),
Yoav Freund (now at UCSD),
Rob Schapire (later at Princeton, now at Microsoft Research),
William Cohen (now at CMU), and
Yoram Singer (later at Hebrew University and Google, now at Princeton).
Other friends and colleagues from Labs days include
Sebastian Seung (later at MIT, now at Princeton),
Lawrence Saul (later at Penn, now at UCSD),
Yann LeCun (now at Facebook and NYU),
Roberto Pieraccini (now at Jibo),
Esther Levin (now at Point72),
Lyn Walker (now at UC Santa Cruz),
Corinna Cortes (now at Google),
Vladimir Vapnik (now at Facebook).
I spent 2001 as CTO of the European venture capital firm
Syntek Capital,
and joined the Penn faculty in January 2002.
From June 2018 to June 2020, I led applied research in the
AI Center of Excellence
Morgan Stanley,
along with
Yuriy Nevmyvaka
(with whom I have also collaborated on a number of papers on
algorithmic trading
From June 2016 to March of 2018,
I was the Chief Scientist of
MANA Partners,
a trading, technology and asset management firm based in NYC.
From early 2014 to June 2016,
I led a quantitative portfolio management team
Yuriy Nevmyvaka
Engineers Gate.
From June 2009 through September 2013,
we were PMs
in the MultiQuant division of
SAC Capital
in New York City.
From May 2007 through April 2009,
we led a quantitative trading team at
Bank of America in New York City, working on both proprietary and algorithmic trading strategies
within BofA's
Electronic Trading Services division.
From the Spring of 2002 through May 2007, I was first a consultant to, and later the head of, a quant prop trading team within the
Equity Strategies group of
Lehman Brothers in New York City.
I spent most of 2011 on sabbatical in
Cambridge, England, where I visited the
University of Cambridge Economics Department
and was a visiting Fellow at
Christ's College.
I also spent time visiting
Microsoft Research Cambridge.
I have served as an advisor to the startups
Yodle (acquired by web.com),
Activate Networks,
RootMetrics (acquired by IHS),
Convertro (acquired by AOL),
Invite Media
(acquired by Google),
(founded by
Chris Dixon; acquired by McAfee),
PayNearMe (formerly known as Kwedit),
Riverhead Networks
(acquired by Cisco).
I was also involved in Dixon's startup
(acquired by eBay), and
have been a consultant to
Bessemer Venture Partners.
In the past I have served as a member of the Advanced Technology Advisory Council of
PJM Interconnection.
the Scientific Advisory Board of
Opera Solutions,
and the Technical Advisory Board of
Microsoft Research Cambridge.
I am a former member of the
Scientific Advisory Board of the
Alan Turing Institute,
and of the
Market Surveillance Advisory Group
and a former external faculty member at the
Santa Fe Institute.
I did my undergraduate studies at the University of California
at Berkeley in math and computer science, graduating in 1985. I
received a Ph.D. in computer science from Harvard University in
1989. The title of my dissertation was
The Computational Complexity of Machine Learning
below for more information),
Les Valiant
was my (superb) advisor. Following postdoctoral
positions at the Laboratory for Computer Science at M.I.T.
(hosted by
Ron Rivest
at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) in Berkeley
(hosted by
Dick Karp
1991 I joined the research staff of AT&T Bell Labs, and later the Penn faculty (see professional
bio above).
Alongside my formal education, I was strongly influenced by being raised in an academic family, which included
my father
David R. Kearns
(UCSD, Chemistry);
his brother, and my uncle
Thomas R. Kearns
(Amherst College, Philosophy);
their father, and my paternal grandfather,
Clyde W. Kearns
(University of Illinois, Entomology);
my mother
Alice Chen Kearns,
who was an early influence on my writing;
and her father, and my maternal grandfather
Chen Shou-Yi
(Pomona College, Chinese History and Literature).
In the past I have been program chair or co-chair of ACM FAccT, NIPS, AAAI, COLT, and ACM EC. I have also served on
the program committees of NIPS, AAAI, IJCAI, COLT, UAI, ICML, STOC, FOCS, and a variety of
other acryonyms. I am a member of the NIPS Foundation, and was formerly on the steering committee for
the Snowbird Conference on Learning (RIP).
I am currently on the editorial board of the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
I am currently/recently on the editorial boards of the MIT Press series on Adaptive Computation
and Machine Learning, and the journals
PNAS Nexus
Market Microstructure and Liquidity.
In the past
I have served on the editorial boards of
Games and Economic Behavior,
the Journal of the ACM,
SIAM Journal on Computing, Machine
Learning, the Journal of AI Research, and the
Journal of Machine Learning Research.
I serve as a member and current chair of the
ACM A.M. Turing Award Committee.
I am currently a member of the
Emerging Technology Technical Advisory Committee
of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
I am a former member of the
Computer Science and Telecommunications Board
of the National Academies.
From 2002-2008 I was a member, vice chair and chair of
DARPA's Information Science and
Technology (ISAT) study group.
Current (alphabetical):
Yahav Bechavod
(hosted by Aaron Roth )
Alumni (reverse chronological):
Former postdoc
Jess Sorrell,
now on the Johns Hopkins faculty
Teaching Spring 2025:
CIS 4230/5230,
Ethical Algorithm Design.
Below are some press/media articles about my research/work, or in which I am quoted, or which I authored.
(Some links are behind paywalls or are unfortunately now dead.)
Associated Press article
on Hinton/Hopfield Nobel Prize in Physics, October 2024.
What follows is a listing of (almost) all
of my research papers in (approximately) reverse
chronological order. For papers with both a conference and journal version,
the paper is usually placed by its first (conference) date.
Also, as per the honorable tradition of the theoretical computer science community, on almost all of the
papers below that are primarily mathematical in content, authors are listed alphabetically.
Acronyms for conferences and journals include:
AAAI: Annual National Conference on Artificial Intelligence;
AIES: AAAI/ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Society;
AISTATS: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics;
ALT: Algorithmic Learning Theory;
COLT: Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory;
EC: ACM Conference on Economics and Computation;
FAccT: ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency (formerly FAT* and FATML);
FOCS: IEEE Foundations of Computer Science;
HCOMP: AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing;
ICCV: International Conference on Computer Vision;
ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning;
IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence;
ITCS: Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science;
NIPS/NeurIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems;
PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences;
SaTML: IEEE Conference on Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning;
SODA: ACM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms;
STOC: ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computation;
UAI: Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence; WINE: Workshop on Internet and Network Economics.
In addition to the list below,
you can also look at my page on
Google Scholar,
and this
DBLP query
seems to do a pretty good job of finding those publications that appeared in mainstream CS venues (though not others),
and can be useful for
generating bibtex citations.
The main result of the paper above --- an efficient algorithm claimed to find a
Nash equilibrium in tree graphical games --- is unfortunately
This was discovered and discussed in the very nice paper by Elkind,
Goldberg and Goldberg, which can be found
The problem of efficiently computing an exact Nash equilibrium in trees remains open (though
EG&G demonstrate that no two-pass algorithm can suffice). The
original polynomial-time
Nash algorithm from the K., Littman, Singh UAI 2001 paper
is unaffected by these developments, as is its NashProp generalization in the
Ortiz and K. 2002 NIPS paper.
Last Modified: February 3, 2025
Teaching Fall 2024:
CIS 6250,
Theory of Machine Learning.
Warren Center for Network and Data Sciences
Networked and Social Systems Engineering (NETS) Program
Penn undergraduate course
Networked Life (NETS 112), Fall 2019
and a
condensed video version.
Penn-Lehman Automated Trading Project
Tribute Day for Les Valiant, May 2009
Videos of some miscellaneous talks:
Doctoral student
Natalie Collina
(jointly advised with Aaron Roth )
Doctoral student
Ira Globus-Harris
(jointly advised with Aaron Roth )
Doctoral student
Varun Gupta
(jointly advised with Aaron Roth )
Masters student
Miranda Miao
Doctoral student
Georgy Noarov
(jointly advised with Aaron Roth )
Doctoral student
Mirah Shi
(jointly advised with Aaron Roth )
Doctoral student
Sikata Sengupta
(jointly advised with Aaron Roth
and Duncan Watts )
Former doctoral student
Alexander Tolbert,
now on the Emory University faculty
Former Masters student
Declan Harrison,
now an officer in the U.S. Navy
Former doctoral student
Emily Diana,
now on the research faculty at TTI Chicago,
then joining CMU faculty
Former doctoral student
Saeed Sharifi-Malvajerdi,
now on the research faculty at TTI Chicago
Former doctoral student
Chris Jung,
now a postdoc at Stanford
Warren Center
Travis Dick,
now at Google Research NYC
Warren Center
Juba Ziani,
now on the Georgia Tech faculty
Former doctoral student
Hadi Elzayn ,
now a research scientist at Meta/Facebook
Former doctoral student
Seth Neel,
now on the Harvard Business School faculty
Former doctoral student
Shahin Jabbari,
now on the Drexel faculty
Warren Center
Jieming Mao,
now at Google Research NYC
Former Warren Center
Bo Waggoner,
now on the University of Colorado faculty
Former Warren Center
Jamie Morgenstern,
now on the University of Washington faculty
Former doctoral student
Steven Wu,
now on the CMU faculty
Former doctoral student
Hoda Heidari,
now on the CMU faculty
Former doctoral student
Ryan Rogers,
now at LinkedIn
Former Warren Center
Grigory Yaroslavtsev,
now on the George Mason University faculty
Former graduate student
Lili Dworkin
now at Recidiviz
Former doctoral student
Kareem Amin,
now at Google Research NYC
Former research scientist
Stephen Judd
Former doctoral student
Mickey Brautbar,
now at Shipt
Former postdoc
Jake Abernethy,
now on the Georgia Tech faculty
Former postdoc
Karthik Sridharan,
now on the Cornell faculty
Former postdoc
Kris Iyer,
now on the Cornell faculty
Former MD/PhD student
Renuka Nayak,
now on the UCSF faculty
Former doctoral student
Tanmoy Chakraborty,
now at Facebook
Former postdoc
Umar Syed,
now at Google Research NYC
Former doctoral student
Jinsong Tan,
now at Square
Former postdoc
Eugene Vorobeychik,
now on the Washington University faculty
Former postdoc
Giro Cavallo,
now at Yahoo! NYC
Former doctoral student
Jenn Wortman Vaughan,
now at Microsoft Research NYC
Former postdoc
Eyal Even-Dar,
now at Final Israel
Former doctoral student
Sid Suri,
now at Microsoft Research NYC
Former postdoc
Sham Kakade,
now on the Harvard faculty
Former postdoc
Ryan Porter
Former postdoc
Luis Ortiz,
now on the University of Michigan-Dearborn CS faculty
Former postdoc
John Langford,
now at Microsoft Research NYC
Teaching Fall 2024:
CIS 6250,
Theory of Machine Learning.
Web page for the undergraduate course
Networked Life (NETS 112), Fall 2019
and a condensed
online video version.
(See also the
Fall 2018,
Fall 2017,
Fall 2016,
Fall 2015,
Fall 2014,
Fall 2013,
Fall 2012,
Fall 2011 (hosted at Lore),
Spring 2010,
Spring 2009,
Spring 2008,
Spring 2007,
Spring 2006,
Spring 2005,
Spring 2004
Web page for
MKSE 150: Market and Social Systems on the Internet, Spring 2013,
taught jointly with Aaron Roth.
Web page for the graduate seminar
No Regrets in Learning and Game Theory, Spring 2013,
run jointly with Aaron Roth.
Here are the
slides for my STOC 2012 tutorial
on Algorithmic Trading and Computational Finance
Web page for
CIS 625, Spring 2018: Computational Learning Theory.
Here is the
Spring 2016 version,
earlier version with Grigory Yaroslavtsev,
earlier version with Jake Abernethy,
and an
earlier version with Koby Crammer.
Web page for the graduate seminar course
Social Networks and Algorithmic Game Theory,
Fall 2009
Web page for
CIS 620, Fall 2007: Seminar on Foundations of Cryptography.
Web page for
CIS 620, Fall 2006: Seminar on Sponsored Search.
Web page for the graduate seminar
CIS 700/04: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning (Fall 2004).
Web page for
CIS 700/04: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning (Fall 2003).
Web page for a course on
Computational Game Theory (Spring 2003).
This was a joint course between CIS and Wharton
(listed as CIS 620 and Wharton OPIM 952).
Course web page for
CIS 620: Advanced Topics in AI (Spring 2002)
Course web page for
CIS 620: Advanced Topics in AI (Spring 1997)
Web page for
NIPS 2002 Tutorial on Computational Game Theory.
ACL 1999 Tutorial Slides
Course Outline and Material for
1999 Bellairs Institute Workshop
Theoretical Issues in
Probabilistic Artificial Intelligence
(FOCS 98 Tutorial)
A Short Course in Computational
Learning Theory: ICML '97 and AAAI '97 Tutorials
Innovating responsibly with generative AI,
the Guardian, October 2024.
review in the Spectator
of the
Savoy Company of Philadelphia
production of "The Grand Duke",
August 2024. (OK not work-related but how cool!)
FastCompany summary of panel on
AI and public safety,
July 2024.
Article in Information Week
on AWS Financial Services Symposium Panel on Responsible AI, June 2024.
Philadelphia 6 ABC piece
on generative AI, June 2024.
Articles in
Penn Engineering blog
on this
model disgorgement paper,
May 2024.
Philadelphia FOX29 TV piece on
Penn Engineering's new AI major,
February 2024.
Podcast on
responsible AI in the generative era,
on This Week in Machine Learning
with Sam Charrington,
December 2023.
sound bite about ChatGPT
on NPR's All Thing Considered, November 2023.
InformationWeek article on
ChatGPT and the Great App-ocalypse,
November 2023.
Amazon post on
clean rooms differential privacy product launch,
November 2023.
Amazon Science blog post on
Responsible AI in the wild: Lessons learned at AWS,
with Aaron Roth, November 2023.
Article about
Apple and generative AI
in AI Business, October 2023.
Article about
LLM prompt research
in AI Business, September 2023.
"Bridging Philly"
and radio program on generative AI
with Cary Coglianese and host Raquel Williams,
July 2023.
Penn Engineering
on "The Growth and Impact of Generative AI",
May 2023.
Amazon Science blog post on
Responsible AI in the generative era,
May 2023.
Penn Engineering blog post on the vulnerability of US Census data to reconstruction attack,
February 2023.
"The Take" podcast episode on the human cost of ChatGPT,
February 2023.
Philadelphia Inquirer article on face scanning at PHL,
January 2023.
Die Zeit Article on ChatGPT,
January 2023.
This Week in Machine Learning
podcast with Sam Charrington,
January 2023.
Articles on AWS AI/ML launch of service cards in
"Eye on AI" podcast,
August 2022.
Science News article on AI and ethics,
February 2022.
Interview with Clubic related to AWS ML Summit (en Francais),
June 2021.
Actuia article related to AWS ML Summit (en Francais),
May 2021.
Press release on election to National Academy of Sciences
and an
article in Penn Today,
April 2021.
"Who Should Stop Unethical AI?", The New Yorker
[PDF version]
February 2021,
and a
follow-up article in Psychology Today,
April 2021.
Penn Gazette interview on "The Ethical Algorithm",
November 2020.
Series of articles on bias in AI in Quartz,
March 2020.
NPR Marketplace on algorithmic trading and coronavirus fears,
March 2020.
Ipse Dixit podcast on "The Ethical Algorithm",
March 2020.
WHYY's The Pulse piece on "Can Algorithms Help Judges Make Fair Decisions?",
February 2020.
Tech Nation interview with Moira Gunn on "The Ethical Algorithm",
January 2020.
Interview with Aaron Roth about "The Ethical Algorithm" in SINC (Spanish),
January 2020.
Philadelphia Inquirer article about face scanning at PHL,
January 2020.
Fintech Beat podcast with Chris Brummer on "The Ethical Algorithm",
January 2020.
Review of "The Ethical Algorithm" in Nature,
January 2020.
Discussion of "The Ethical Algorithm" at Keystone Strategy NYC, aired on CSPAN's Book TV,
December 2019.
Discussion of "The Ethical Algorithm" on Beyond50 Radio,
December 2019.
"The Ethical Algorithm" on Talks at Google,
December 2019.
Steptoe CyberLaw podcast on "The Ethical Algorithm",
December 2019.
Podcast on "The Ethical Algorithm" for Carnegie Council,
December 2019.
Podcast on "The Ethical Algorithm" on Knowledge@Wharton,
December 2019.
Podcast of Seattle Town Hall talk on "The Ethical Algorithm", moderated by Eric Horvitz,
November 2019.
Interview about "The Ethical Algorithm" on WHYY's Radio Times (at 32 minute mark),
November 2019.
Opinion piece adapted from themes in "The Ethical Algorithm" in Scientific American,
November 2019.
Excerpt from "The Ethical Algorithm" in Penn Today,
November 2019.
NPR Marketplace Morning Report interview
on "The Ethical Algorithm",
October 2019.
Very brief informational article on deepfakes in Christian Science Monitor,
October 2019.
Knowledge@Wharton article on the market for consumer data and related privacy concerns,
October 2019.
A couple of
articles in Penn Today
on AI, ML and "The Ethical Algorithm" and a
related podcast
September 2019.
NPR Marketplace interview on presidential tweets, market volatility and algorithms (roughly the 2 minute mark),
August 2019.
Knowledge@Wharton article on data privacy, anonymity, and re-identification,
August 2019.
WSJ article on Wall Street and academia,
May 2019.
Bloomberg article on machine learning at Morgan Stanley,
April 2019.
Fast Company article by Kartik Hosanagar on an algorithmic bill of rights,
March 2019.
Bloomberg article about shutdown of the legendary Prediction Company,
September 2018.
Bloomberg article about joining Morgan Stanley,
June 2018.
NYT article on the EU's GDPR,
May 2018.
Penn News article on fairness gerrymandering,
February 2018.
NPR Marketplace interview on algorithmic trading and market volatility,
February 2018.
"Data Skeptic" podcast with Kyle Polich on machine learning, computational complexity, game theory, trading, fairness etc.
November 2017.
WSJ article on financial markets counterterrorism.
October 2017.
Regulatory Review article on fairness in machine learning.
October 2017.
Axios article on "intimiate" data and machine learning,
September 2017.
Interview on Fairness in Machine Learning.
Aired on Sirius XM Channel 111, Business Radio Powered by The Wharton School,
August 2017.
Pasatiempo Magazine (Santa Fe New Mexican) article about SFI lecture on machine learning and social norms,
April 2017.
CBS Sunday Morning segment on "Luck",
September 2016.
Bloomberg news article on
machine learning and macroeconomic policy,
and a related radio segment on
Bloomberg Surveillance,
June 2016.
Some coverage of the article
Private Algorithms for the Protected in Social Network Search
Pacific Standard,
Naked Scientists,
Groks Science,
PBS Newshour,
Jan-June 2016.
MIT Technology Review article on Cloverpop,
September 2014.
Bloomberg News article on HFT and hybrid quant funds, March 2014
Discussions of PAC and SQ learning and their relevance to evolution in
Les Valiant's book "Probably Approximately Correct", June 2013
NPR text and audio on Coursera, online education, and Penn, October 2012
Australian radio program "Future Tense" on "The Algorithm", March 2012
Chapter on biased voting experiments in Garth Sundem's book "Brain Trust",
ScienceNews article on Princeton fish consensus experiments,
December 2011.
of and an
with Les Valiant upon his receiving the 2010 Turing Award,
CACM June 2011.
Profile and lecture overview,
Christ's College Pieces, Lent Term 2011.
Fiscal Times article on machine learning and technology in trading, March 2011,
Wired Magazine article on algorithmic trading, January 2011,
and some
more extensive remarks
one-year follow-up
on the author's blog.
Science News article on light speed propagation delays in trading, October 2010
Economist article on flash crash autopsy, October 2010
WSJ online post on HFT research, September 2010
Discussion of behavioral social network experiments in Peter Miller's "The Smart Swarm"
(Chapter 3, page 139 forward)
Atlantic article on HFT "crop circles", August 2010
Nature News article on "distributed thinking", August 2010
Wall Street Journal article on machine learning in quant trading, July 2010
and a
related interview on CNBC
New Scientist article on "Why Facebook friends are worth keeping", July 2010;
here is a
free reproduction
Philadelphia Business Journal article on the MKSE program and Networked Life, October 2009
Discussion of behavioral social network experiments in Christakis and Fowler's
"Connected" (page 165 foward)
Philadelphia Inquirer article on networked voting experiments, March 2009
Science Daily article on networked voting experiments, February 2009
The Trade magazine
article natural language processing for algorithmic trading, September 2007
Bloomberg Markets magazine
article on AI on Wall Street, June 2007
SIAM News article on behavioral graph
coloring, November 2006
Philadelphia Inquirer article on network science and
NSA link analysis, May 2006
Chicago Tribune article on privacy in blogs and social networks,
November 2005
Chronicle of Higher Education article on
Facebook and social networks,
May 2004
Star-Ledger article on the
demise of AT&T Labs, March 2004
Business Week Online article on technology in NASDAQ and
NYSE, September 2003
Philadelphia Inquirer article on ISTAR,
interdependent security, and games on networks, January 2003
Washington Post article on
web-based chatterbots, September 2002
New Scientist article
on the Cobot spoken dialogue system, August 2002
Tornado Insider article on DDoS attacks, January 2002
Tornado Insider article on biometric security, January 2002
Audio of COMNET panel "Staving Off Denial-of-Service Attacks and Detecting Malicious Code"
Tornado Insider article on natural language technology, September 2001
Tornado Insider article on robotics, July 2001
Il Sole 24 Ore profile, June 2001
[English Translation]
Corriere Della Sera profile, May 2001
[English Translation]
Associated Press article on software robots, February 2001
New York Times article on TAC, August 2000
New York Times on Cobot, February 2000
TIME Digital Magazine (now Time On) on Cobot, May 2000
Washington Post article on Cobot, December 2000
New York Times article on boosting, August 1999
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[arXiv version]
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Issues in Science and Technology,
Winter 2005.
[Article in PDF]
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New York Times article on TAC
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[MLJ version]