Muskogee Central High School
Class Of 1959
Remembering Muskogee
Race track at Fairgrounds, 64 Drive in Theatre, Honor Heights pool
Chet's Dairy Freeze, Carnation Dairy, Ritz Theatre
Broadway and Second Street Muskogee, Oklahoma
Carnation Dairy
Showbill for Muskogee, Oklahoma
Alice Robertson Junior High School Muskogee, Oklahoma AR
Edison Elementary Built 1920
Franklin Elementary School Built 1906
Houston Elementary School Built 1920
Irving Elementary School Built 1908
Jefferson Elementary School Built 1904
Longfellow Elementary School Built 1911
Pershing Elementary School Built 1911
Sequoyah Elementary School Built 1906
Whittier Elementary School Built 1911
2009 Roxy Theatre
2009 Site where the White Owl stood West end of Viaduct
2009 Muskogee Public Library 'D' and E. Broadway
2009 Carnation Dairy across West from the Public Library
The next pictures are sad.
Told you it was sad.
So sad to see it gone.