• Dos arquivos do trasno / From the imp's archives
    Dos arquivos do trasno / From the imp's archives
    Seara. Discover Galician literature through its texts
  • Antolox�a / Selected poems
    Antolox�a / Selected poems
    Seara. Discover Galician literature through its texts
  • Contos / Stories
    Contos / Stories
    Seara. Discover Galician literature through its texts
  • As balas de prata / Silver bullets
    As balas de prata / Silver bullets
    Seara. Discover Galician literature through its texts
  • Non abonda a palabra recitada / The spoken word isn�t enough
    Non abonda a palabra recitada / The spoken word isn�t enough
    Seara. Discover Galician literature through its texts
  • Belas e bestas / Beauties and Beasts
    Belas e bestas / Beauties and Beasts
    Seara. Discover Galician literature through its texts
  • Dedalus en Compostela / Dedalus in Compostela
    Dedalus en Compostela / Dedalus in Compostela
    Seara. Discover Galician literature through its texts
  • Os cantos eran da Patria / The songs belonged to the homeland
    Os cantos eran da Patria / The songs belonged to the homeland
    Seara. Discover Galician literature through its texts
  • Sombra do aire na herba / Shadow of air on grass
    Sombra do aire na herba / Shadow of air on grass
    Seara. Discover Galician literature through its texts
  • Lieders
    Seara. Discover Galician literature through its texts
  • Contos da mi�a terra /  Stories from home
    Contos da mi�a terra / Stories from home
    Seara. Discover Galician literature through its texts
  • Un ollo de vidro / A Glass Eye
    Un ollo de vidro / A Glass Eye
    Seara. Discover Galician literature through its texts

Seara. Discover Galician literature through its texts

Un proxecto aberto para a comunidade internacional de lectores e lectoras
An open project for an international community of readers

A edici�n 2024 / The 2024 edition

Saber m�is / More

Dos arquivos do trasno / From the imp's archives

Dos arquivos do trasno / From the imp's archives

Rafael Dieste (1899-1981) foi un escritor, poeta, dramaturgo e ensa�sta fundamental na literatura galega do s�culo XX, vincul�ndose coas vangardas literarias e cultivando o teatro e a narrativa, especialmente o relato. Na s�a obra destacan A fiestra valdeira e Dos arquivos do trasno. Tentou modernizar o sistema literario galego distanci�ndoo do ruralismo.

Rafael Dieste (1899-1981) was a fundamental writer, poet, playwright, and essayist in 20th-century Galician literature. He was associated with literary avant-gardes and cultivated theater and narrative, especially short stories. His notable works include A fiestra valdeira and Dos arquivos do trasno. Dieste sought to modernize the Galician literary system, distancing it from ruralism.

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Antolox�a / Selected poems

Antolox�a / Selected poems

Chus Pato (Ourense, 1955) � unha das m�is destacadas poetas contempor�neas galegas. A s�a produci�n po�tica, que explora as fronteiras dos x�neros, ten recibido numerosos reco�ecementos, como o Premio da Cr�tica da poes�a galega por Hordas de escritura (2008), o premio Losada Di�guez en d�as ocasi�ns por N�nive (1997) e Hordas de Escritura (2009) ou o premio Clara Campoamor (2018). En 2024 recibiu o Premio nacional de poes�a.

Chus Pato (Ourense, 1955) is one of the most prominent contemporary Galician poets. Her poetic work often explores the boundaries of literary genres, has received numerous awards. Among the most notable recognitions are the Galician Poetry Critics' Award for Hordas de escritura (2008), the Losada Di�guez Prize on two occasions for N�nive (1997) and Hordas de Escritura (2009), and the Clara Campoamor Prize in 2018. In 2024, Pato was awarded the National Poetry Prize.

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Contos / Stories

Contos / Stories

Ram�n Otero Pedrayo (1888-1976) foi unha das grandes figuras da Xeraci�n N�s, o afamado grupo de intelectuais que nas d�cadas de 1920 e 1930 incorporaron a cultura galega � alta cultura do seu tempo. Literato, xe�grafo e ensa�sta, retratou na s�a literatura o ocaso da fidalgu�a e do vello mundo rural.

Ram�n Otero Pedrayo (1888-1976) was one of the great figures of the Xeraci�n N�s, the famous group of intellectuals who in the 1920s and 1930s incorporated Galician culture into the high culture of their time. A writer, geographer and essayist, he portrayed in his literature the decline of the nobility and the old rural world.

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As balas de prata / Silver bullets

As balas de prata / Silver bullets

Emma Pedreira � unha das voces literarias m�is reco�ecidas da xeraci�n dos 90. Escritora en poes�a e en prosa, Pedreira ten ga�ado alg�ns dos premios m�is relevantes do panorama literario galego actual, como o premio Xerais, o premio da Cr�tica Espa�ola ou o Fiz Vergara Vilari�o. As balas de prata � un colecci�n de textos in�ditos escolmado pola autora.

Emma Pedreira is one of the most widely-known literary voices of the generation of the 90s. Author of poetry and prose, Pedreira has received several of the most important awards of the current Galician literary scene, including those for Xerais, Spanish Criticism, and Fiz Vergara Vilari�o. Silver Bullets is a collection of unedited texts chosen by the author.

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Non abonda a palabra recitada / The spoken word isn�t enough

Non abonda a palabra recitada / The spoken word isn�t enough

Lu�sa Villalta (1957-2004) foi, segundo a Real Academia Galega, "unha das grandes figuras da literatura galega emerxidas na segunda metade dos anos 80 e primeiros 90". Lu�sa Villalta foi homenaxeada no D�a das Letras Galegas 2024, a gran celebraci�n colectiva da lingua e da cultura galegas.

Luisa Villalta (1957-2004) was, according to the Royal Galician Academy, �one of the great figures of Galician literature in the 80s and the beginning of the 90s.� Luisa Villalta will be honored on the Day of Galician Letters 2024, which is the great collective celebration of Galician language and culture.

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Belas e bestas / Beauties and Beasts

Belas e bestas / Beauties and Beasts

Claudio Rodr�guez Fer � un escritor e acad�mico de dilatada traxectoria tanto na investigaci�n como na creaci�n literaria. Nacido en Lugo en 1956, a obra de Rodr�guez Fer, de profundo alento contempor�neo e transdisciplinar, ten sido traducida a numerosos idiomas Pres�ntase unha selecci�n de dous relatos do libro in�dito Belas e bestas.

Claudio Rodr�guez Fer is a writer and university professor with an extensive career in both literary criticism and creative writing. Born in Lugo, Rodr�guez Fer�s work has a strong contemporary and cross-disciplinary nature, and has been translated to numerous languages. Presented here are two stories taken from the unedited book, Beauties and Beasts.

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Dedalus en Compostela / Dedalus in Compostela

Dedalus en Compostela / Dedalus in Compostela

Vicente Risco foi un dos membros m�is relevantes da Xeraci�n N�s, o grupo de intelectuais que consolidou a cultura galega nas primeiras d�cadas do s�culo XX. Dedalus en Compostela, publicado na revista N�s en 1929. � un texto representativo dos intereses do grupo en conectar a cultura galega coa creaci�n europea do seu tempo. O relato narra un paseo por Compostela con Stephen Dedalus, trasunto de James Joyce no Ulises e no Retrato do artista cando novo.

Vicente Risco was one of the most important writers of the N�s [We] Generation, the group of intellectuals who consolidated Galician culture in the first decades of the twentieth century. Dedalus in Compostela, published in the journal N�s in 1929, is a text that is representative of the group�s interest in connecting Galician culture to European creation of the time. The story tells of a walk through Compostela with Stephen Dedalus, modeled on James Joyce�s Ulysses and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

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Os cantos eran da Patria / The songs belonged to the homeland

Os cantos eran da Patria / The songs belonged to the homeland

Eduardo Pondal foi un dos poetas m�is destacados do Rexurdimento cultural galego do s�culo XIX. Estes oito poemas, que incl�en Os pinos, a base do Himno Galego, foron tomados da antolox�a Eduardo Pondal. Os cantos eran da Patria (120 poemas) preparada por Manuel Ferreiro para a Real Academia Galega.

Eduardo Pondal was one of the most oustanding poets of the Galician Resurgence in XIXth century. These eight poems, including Os pinos, base of the Galician Anthem, were taken from the anthology Eduardo Pondal. Os cantos eran da Patria (120 poemas) [Eduardo Pondal. The Songs Were From the Homeland (120 poems)] prepared by Manuel Ferreira for the Royal Galician Academy.

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Sombra do aire na herba / Shadow of air on grass

Sombra do aire na herba / Shadow of air on grass

Este poemario p�stumo editado en 1959 pola editorial Galaxia � a obra fundamental de Lu�s Pimentel, m�dico lugu�s e poeta vinculado �s vangardas literarias da d�cada de 1920 e figura de relevancia na modernizaci�n da poes�a galega nas d�cadas centrais do s�culo XX.

This posthumous book of poetry was published in 1959 by Galaxia Press is the major work of Luis Pimentel, physician from Lugo and poet linked to the literary avant-garde in the 1920s, an important figure in the modernization of Galician poetry in the mid-twentieth century.

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Rosal�a de Castro publicou este texto en castel�n en El �lbum del Mi�o en 1858. Consid�rase o primeiro manifesto feminista publicado en Galicia e est� moi influenciado polas correntes de reivindicaci�n da muller que estaban a aparecer na Europa do momento.

Rosal�a de Castro published this text in Spanish in El �lbum del Mi�o in 1858. It is considered to be the first feminist manifesto published in Galicia and is strongly influenced by the trends in the vindication of women�s rights that were appearing in Europe at the time.

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Contos da mi�a terra /  Stories from home

Contos da mi�a terra / Stories from home

A�nda que Rosal�a de Castro, a gran figura das letras galegas do s�culo XIX, empregou a lingua galega sobre todo para a expresi�n po�tica, cons�rvanse tam�n tres textos en prosa. Contos da mi�a terra publicouse na Tipograf�a Galaica, na Coru�a, en 1864.

Although Rosal�a de Castro, a major figure of Galician letters of the nineteenth century, used the Galician language principally for poetry, there are also three texts in prose. This is one of them. Contos da mi�a terra was published by Tipograf�a Galaica in A Coru�a in 1864

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Un ollo de vidro / A Glass Eye

Un ollo de vidro / A Glass Eye

Daniel A. Rodr�guez Castelao foi unha figura fundamental na arte, cultura e pol�tica galega do s�culo XX. Un ollo de vidro, publicado en 1922 nunha colecci�n de literatura popular en lingua galega promovida pola Editorial C�ltiga, � un dos seus relatos m�is populares. No relato, Castelao bota man da cultura tradicional galega e a s�a relaci�n coa morte.

Daniel A. Rodr�guez Castelao was a major figure in Galician art, culture, and politics of the twentieth century. �A Glass Eye,� published in 1922 in a collection of popular literature in the Galician language promoted by C�ltiga Press, is one of his best-liked stories. In it, Castelao relies on traditional Galician culture and its relationship with death.

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