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12 Quirky Small Town Welcome Signs That Will Make You Laugh

These townies have a great sense of humor!

By Katina Beniaris
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When driving up to a small town, the first thing visitors notice is the welcome sign—every great town has one. Sometimes they're simple and heartwarming, other times they're pretty straightforward, but in these cases, they perfectly showcase the residents' sense of humor. Here you'll find some of the most comical welcome signs from small towns across America.

Also, check out these funny grocery store signs and these amusing church signs for more laughs.


Gettysburg, South Dakota

They must get a lot of confused visitors.


Gravity, Iowa

Look at all the puns this town dropped.

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Gila Bend, Arizona

Those must be some lonely crabs.


Earth, Texas

But, what was going on with the world before 1924?

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Saint Louis, Oklahoma

This town sure knows how to call out its bad seeds.


Hondo, Texas

Drive safely—or else!

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Cherryfield, Maine

Getting into the cherry business must be hard.


Mallard, Iowa

Sometimes you just have to poke a little fun at yourself.

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Santa Claus, Georgia

Forget about Christmas in July—this Georgia town must celebrate Christmas every single day of the year.


Weed, California

Uh, thank you?

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Deadhorse, Alaska

Oh dear, someone was a little too literal when creating this sign.


Hyder, Alaska

Do you think Casper's a resident?

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