Dr. Sean Peisert is a senior scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, where he leads research in computer security. He is also a full adjunct professor at the University of California, Davis; Director and PI of Trusted CI, the NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence; editor-in-chief of IEEE Security & Privacy; a member of the National Academies Forum on Cyber Resilience;
a member of the Distinguished Expert Review Panel for the NSA Annual Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper Competition; a member of the DARPA Information Science and Technology (ISAT) Study Group; an ACSA Senior Fellow; past chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Security & Privacy, and is a steering committee member and past general chair of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy ("Oakland").
His current focus is research of techniques that enable secure and privacy-preserving analysis of scientific data, and improving security in high-performance computing systems and other research cyberinfrastructure, power grid and maritime control systems, and nuclear arms control monitoring and safeguards.
He occasionally consults.
He was previously chief cybersecurity strategist for CENIC.
He received his Ph.D., Masters and Bachelors degrees in Computer Science from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). He is an ACM Distinguished Member.
Selected News and Press Coverage:
Oct. 3, 2024: Cybersecurity Center of Excellence Receives Five-year, $6M/Year Award from NSF [expanded announcement]
Jan. 17, 2024: International Computing Society Recognizes 2023 Distinguished Members for Significant Achievements - Pivotal Educational, Engineering, and Scientific Contributions Recognized
Dec. 15, 2023: Announcing publication of the Operational Technology Procurement Vendor Matrix
Nov. 30, 2023: Editors in Chief Confirmed for IEEE Computer Society Publications
Nov. 6, 2023: Berkeley Lab Leading the Way with New Cybersecurity Projects
Jul. 24, 2023: Updates on Trusted CI’s Efforts in Cybersecurity by Design of NSF Academic Maritime Facilities
Jan. 25, 2023: Announcing the 2023 Trusted CI Annual Challenge: Building Security Into NSF Major Facilities By Design
Nov. 16, 2022: Publication of the Trusted CI Roadmap for Securing Operational Technology in NSF Scientific Research
Sept. 15, 2022: Scientific Data Division Summer Students Tackle Data Privacy
June 28, 2022: Berkeley Lab’s Sean Peisert Tapped to Take on Deputy Director Role
Dec. 14, 2021: Publication of the Trusted CI Guide to Securing Scientific Software (Trusted CI Blog)
Jun. 16, 2021: Sean Peisert Named to DARPA ISAT Study Group
Jul. 10, 2020: Sean Peisert named editor-in-chief of IEEE Security and Privacy (IEEE CS | LBNL | UC Davis)
Selected Publications:
Sean Peisert, ”Adapting a Publicly Focused Individual Health-Care Model to Cybersecurity [From the Editors],” IEEE Security & Privacy, 21(6), pp.4–8, Nov/Dec. 2024.
Sean Peisert, "On Software Infrastructure: Develop, Prove, Profit? [From the Editors]," IEEE Security & Privacy, 21(4), pp.4–8, Jul./Aug. 2023.
Sean Peisert, "Unsafe at Any Clock Speed: the Insecurity of Computer System Design, Implementation, and Operation [From the Editors],"
IEEE Security & Privacy, 20(1), pp.4–9, Jan./Feb. 2022.
Sean Peisert, "Reflections on the Past, Perspectives on the Future [From the Editors]," IEEE Security & Privacy, 19(1), pp.4–7, Jan./Feb, 2021.
Sean Peisert, "Isolating Insecurely: A Call to Arms for the Security and Privacy Community During the Time of COVID-19 [From the Editors]," IEEE Security & Privacy, 18(4), pp.4–7, July./Aug. 2020.
Sean Peisert, "Some Experiences in Developing Security Technology That Actually Get Used [From the Editors]," IEEE Security & Privacy, 17(2), pp.4–7, Mar./Apr. 2019.
Security for High-Performance Computing / High-Throughput Networking
"SoK: Limitations of Confidential Computing via TEEs for High-Performance Compute Systems," Ayaz Akram, Venkatesh Akella, Sean Peisert, and Jason Lowe-Power,
Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED), Sept. 26– 27 2022.
“Trustworthy Scientific Computing," Sean Peisert, Communications of the ACM (CACM), 64(5):18–21, May 2021.
"The Medical Science DMZ: An Network Design Pattern for Data-Intensive Medical Science," Sean Peisert, Eli Dart, William K. Barnett, James Cuff, Robert L. Grossman, Edward Balas, Ari Berman, Anurag Shankar, and Brian Tierney, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA), 25(3), pp. 267–274, March 2018.
Operational Technology / Control System / Power Grid Cybersecurity
“Roadmap for Securing Operational Technology in NSF Scientific Research,” Andrew Adams, Emily K. Adams, Dan Gunter, Ryan Kiser, Mark Krenz, Sean Peisert, and John Zage, Trusted CI Report, November 16 2022.
"Findings of the 2022 Trusted CI Study on the Security of Operational Technology in NSF Scientific Research," Emily K. Adams, Daniel Gunter, Ryan Kiser, Mark Krenz, Sean Peisert, Susan Sons, and John Zage, Trusted CI Report, July 13, 2022.
Adaptive Control of Distributed Energy Resources for Distribution Grid Voltage Stability," Daniel Arnold, Shammya Saha, Sy-Toan Ngo, Ciaran Roberts, Anna Scaglione, Nathan Johnson, Sean Peisert, and David Pinney, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, accepted 21 Feb, 2022.
“Detecting Manipulation of Power Distribution System Control Devices,” Ciaran Roberts, Daniel Arnold, Mahdi Jamei, Anna Scaglione, Reinhard Gentz, Sean Peisert, Emma M. Stewart, Chuck McParland, and Alex McEachern, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 11(1), pp. 749–761, 19 August, 2019.
“Anomaly Detection Using μPMU Measurements in Distribution Grids,” Mahdi Jamei, Anna Scaglione, Ciaran Roberts, Emma Stewart, Sean Peisert, Chuck McParland, and Alex McEachern, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, October 25, 2017.
"Monitoring Security of Networked Control Systems: It's the Physics," Chuck McParland, Sean Peisert, and Anna Scaglione, IEEE Security and Privacy,12(6):32–39,
November/December 2014.
"Data Privacy for the Grid: Toward a Data Privacy Standard for Inverter-Based and Distributed Energy Resources," Robert Currie, Sean Peisert, Anna Scaglione, Aram Shumavon, and Nikhil Ravi, IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, 21(5), pp. 58–57, Sept.-Oct 2023.
"Differentially Private Map Matching for Mobility Trajectories," Ammar Haydari, Chen-Nee Chuah, Michael Zhang, Jane Macfarlane, and Sean Peisert, Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), Austin, TX, December 5–9, 2022.
"Differentially Private K-means Clustering Applied to Meter Data Analysis and Synthesis,"
Nikhil Ravi, Anna Scaglione, Sachin Kadam, Reinhard Gentz, Sean Peisert, Brent Lunghino, Emmanuel Levijarvi, Aram Shumavon,
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, accepted 4 Jun 2022.
"An Examination and Survey of Data Confidentiality Issues and Solutions in Academic Research Computing," Sean Peisert, Trusted CI Report, September 8, 2020.
Software Assurance
"Differential Fuzz Testing to Detect Tampering In Sensor Systems and its Application to Arms Control Authentication," Jayson R. Vavrek, Luozhong Zhou, Joshua Boverhof, Elisa R. Heymann, Barton P. Miller, and Sean Peisert, arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.02324, 9 Apr 2024.
"Guide to Securing Scientific Software," Andrew Adams, Kay Avila, Elisa Heymann, Mark Krenz, Jason R. Lee, Barton Miller, and Sean Peisert," Trusted CI Report, December 14, 2021.
"The State of the Scientific Software World: Findings of the 2021 Trusted CI Software Assurance Annual Challenge Interviews," Andrew Adams, Kay Avila, Elisa Heymann, Mark Krenz, Jason R. Lee, Barton Miller, and Sean Peisert," Trusted CI Report, September 29, 2021.