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Tiffany Jing Li
    Associate Professor
      Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
      19 Memorial Drive West
      Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA
      email: jingli @ ece.lehigh.edu
      tele: 610-758-3305, fax: 610-758-6279

In this page   More Information (Research, Teaching)

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  • Research Assistantship available: Graduate research assistantships available for Fall 2011 in the area of wireless communications and networks. Students are required to have solid mathematical backgrounds, analytical skills, fluent Engligh speaking and writing skills, and a good preparation in communications, networks and/or signal processing. Previous experience in channel coding is a big plus. Please email me with subject "RA 2011 application".
  • Lehigh ranking:
    • Overall ranking: Lehigh University has again been recognized by US News and World Report as one of the nation's outstanding research universities. In the just released 2011 Guide to America's Best Colleges, Lehigh University is ranked 37th overall. In addition, Lehigh is ranked 29th in the nation for "great schools, great prices."
    • Engineering ranking: Lehigh's graduate engineering program is ranked No. 42 out of 198 colleges of engineering that grant doctoral degrees. Lehigh's undergraduate engineering program is ranked 36th in the country. (U.S. News & World Report's "America's Best Graduate Schools for 2011", April 27, 2011.)
  • About Bethlehem, PA
  • Lehigh University is located in the city of Bethlehem, PA, which is ranked as one of the 100 best places to live and launch 2008(Fortune Small Business)). The university is about 1 hour's drive from Philadelphia, 1.5 hours from the New York city, 2 hours from the Allantic city, and 3 hours from Washington DC.

A Short Biography
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Tiffany Jing Li received the B.S. degree in computer science from Peking University (Beijing University), Beijing, China, the masters and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, in 1997, 1999, and 2002, respectively. Her graduate advisors are Professor Krishna Narayanan and Professor Costas Georghiades. She spent the summer of 2000 and 2001 with Seagate Research, Pittsburgh, PA, and with Tyco Communications Laboratories, Eatontown, NJ, conducting coding research for magnetic recording systems and long-haul fiber optical communication systems. Right after obtaining her Ph.D. degree, she joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Lehigh University, and was promoted to an associate professor in 2008.

Her research interests fall in the general areas of coding and communication theory, wireless communications and networks, and digital data storage systems. Her recent reserach focuses include turbo/LDPC/TPC codes and iterative decoding, MDS erasure codes and digital fountain, distributed source coding and joint source-channel-network coding, wireless ad-hoc and sensory networks, distributed network storage, and quantum error correction coding.

Dr. Li is currently an editor for IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications. She served as an associated editor for IEEE Communications Letters from 2004 to 2008, and as an editorial board member for IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials journal from 2008 to 2010. She also served as a Symposium Co-Chair in ICC'2013, ICC'2008, GLOBECOM'2005, Chinacom'2006, Wirelesscom'2005. She received many awards in academic performance and mathematics and physics competitions, including the Ethel Ashworth-Tsutsui Memorial Award for Research in 2001 for "demonstrating excellence in research at Texas A&M University", the Chinese Academy of Science Striving Scholarship 1994-1997, the candidacyship and third place prize in the '93 Chinese Mathematics Olympiad (CMO, the Winter Camp), and the first place prize in both '92 Chinese National Mathematics Competition for High School Students and '92 Chinese National Physics Competition for High School Students (Zhejiang Province). She has published 100+ peer-reviewed papers in international journals and conferences, and was awarded 10+ federal, state and industry research grants.

Research Outlines
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� Current Research Group:
  • Yang Liu (Ph.D)
  • Kai Xie (Ph.D)
  • Nattakan Puttarak (Ph.D. female)
  • Phisan Kaewprapha (Ph.D.)
  • Fang Ma (M.S. female)
Former Students:
  • Kai Xie (Ph.D, 2011 expected) -- interned with LSI, currently interning with Alcatel-Lucent; will join Alcatel-Lucent, Murray Hill, NJ, after graduation.
  • Xingkai Bao (Ph.D, 2009) -- interned 2 times with Philips Research Lab; joined Alcatel-Lucent, Murray Hill, NJ, after graduation
  • Peiyu Tan (Ph.D, 2009, female) -- interned with LSI, with Infineon, and with DoCoMo Lab; joined CebaTech Inc, Eatontown, NJ, after graduation
  • Ruiyuan Hu (Ph.D, 2009) -- interned with Interdigitals Inc.
  • Meng Yu (Ph.D, 2008) -- Interned with Sandbridge; joined Sandbridge Inc, White Plain, NY, after graduation
  • Hend Alqamzi (Ph.D, 2006, female) -- joined as an assistant professor in UAE

  • Fang Ma (M.E. 2011 expected) -- currently interning with Trifecta Technologies Inc,
  • Bo Lin (M.S. 2010) -- interned with Lutron Electronics, joined Lutron Electronics Inc, Coopersburg, PA, after graudation
  • Arpit Mehta (M.S. 2007) -- joined Motorola, NJ, after graudation
  • Nattakan Puttarak (M.S. 2007, female) -- continued for Ph.D at Lehigh
  • Phisan Kaewprapha (M.S. 2007) -- continued for Ph.D. at Lehigh
  • Ramesh Viswanathan (M.S.2006) -- now with Qualcomm, CA
  • Dr. Min Xiao from Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China, Oct 2009 - Oct 2010
  • Prof. Yinhui Yu from Jilin University, Jilin, Changchun Province, China, Aug 2009 - Aug 2010
  • Prof. Zhiping Shi from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, Feb 2009 - Feb 2010
  • Dr. Jintao Hu from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, Shanxi Province, China, Sept 2008 - Sept 2009

Research Support:
Capacity-approaching error correction coding schemes:
  • Turbo Codes and parallel/serial/hybrid concatenated convolutional codes (PCCC/SCCC/HCCC)
  • Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) Codes
  • Turbo Product Codes (TPC) based on parity check codes
  • Product Accumulate (PA) codes and Generalized Product Accumulate (GPA) codes
  • Interleaver design and analysis
Distributed Source Coding (DSC):
  • Slepian-Wolf coding, Wyner-Ziv quantization
  • Multi-resolution binning and rate-adaptive DSC, error-resilient DSC
� Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
  • Routing, Network coding, and joint source/channel/network coding
  • User cooperation (cooperative PHY) and relay networks
  • Node scheduling, clustering and power management
� Wireless communications:
  • High-performance coding schemes for Rayleigh fading channels
  • Pairwise error probability (PEP) and ML bounds for Rayleigh channels
  • Density evolution for Rayleigh channels
� Optical fiber communications:
  • Bandwith- and power-efficient coding for Chi-square, asymmetric Gaussian and symmetric Gaussian channels
  • Perofmance bounds, error floors and Reed-solomon wrapping
  • Channel capacity of optical fiber channels with soft- and hard-decision
� Digital data storage systems:
  • Iterative decoding and equalization (IDE) for ideal partial response (PR) channel models and Lorentzian channel models
  • Density evolution for inter-symbol interference (ISI) channels
  • Precoding for inter-symbol interference (ISI) channels
Here is more on Jing's Research ...
Courses I Am Teaching
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� �
Spring 2006, Spring 2007, Spring 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2010 ECE 108 Signals and Systems (4 credit hours)
  • Continuous and discrete signal and system descriptions using signal space and transform representations. Includes continuous and discrete Fourier series, continuous and discrete Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, and z-transforms. Introduction to sampling.
Fall 2005 ECE 342 Communication Theory
  • A first course in communications, either at a senior level or at a first-year graduate level, this course provides an introduction to the basic principles in the design and analysis of modern communication systems. We intend to cover both analog communication systems and digital communication systems, with emphasis on the latter. The topics include: signal analysis and transmission, analog communication systems (analog modulation), and digital communication systems (A/D conversion, source encoding, channel encoding, digital modulation, detection and estimation).
Spring 2003, Spring 2004, Fall 2006, Fall 2007, Fall 2010 ECE 432 Turbo Codes and Iterative Decoding
  • Capacity-approaching error correcting codes. Turbo principle and fundamentals of soft-in soft-out (SISO) iterative decoding. Turbo codes (parallel/serial/hybrid concatenated convolutional codes) and turbo-like codes. Iterative decoding algorithms and performance analysis of parallel/serial turbo codes. Low density parity check (LDPC) codes, code graph and message passing decoding algorithms. LDPC code design and construction. Performance analysis using density evolution and extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) charts. Applications of turbo and LDPC codes.
Fall 2009 ECE 450 Statistical Modeling for Communication Networks
  • Any realistic model of a real-world phenomenon must consider the possibility of randomness. In general, the quantities of interest are not predictable in advance, but will exhibit an inherent variation that must be accounted for by the model. This requires the model to be probabilistic in nature, which is commonly referred to as a probability model or statistical model.
    This course provides an introduction to the statistical modeling in the areas of communications and networking, including the theory, algorithms, applications and approximations of stochastic processes and applied probability. Topics include probabilistic theory, discrete-time and continuous-time Markov chains, renewal processes, queuing process, Brownian motion, and analytical and numerical approximation methods.
    The majority of the modeling problems and examples discussed will be in the area of communications and networking. A small portion falls in the application areas of decision analysis, control, and finance (including many interview problems one encounters applying for the quants (quantative analyst in investment industry) position).
Fall 2003, Spring 2006 ECE 431 Spread Spectrum and CDMA
  • fading and despersive channel model, direct sequence spread spectrum, frequency hopping spread spectrum, DS-CDMA, FH-CDMA, spread sequence and their properties, multi-user detection, PN code acquisition, wireless communications systems, industrial standards (IS-95, WCDMA, CDMA2000).
Fall 2004, Fall 2008 ECE 411 Information Theory
  • Information measures for discrete and continuous spaces (you will probably miss this part and hence need to learn by yourself), rate-distortion theorem, lossless and lossy compression methords (source coding), channel capacity, radom coding error exponent and random coding theorems, basic channel coding methords, joint source-channel coding and sepearation theorem.
Spring 2005 ECE 450 Network Information Theory
  • This advanced graduate course covers several topics in network information theory and multi-terminal communications. The topics include: Maximum entropy and Burg's Theorem. Information theory and statistics. Method of types. Stein's Lemma. Distributed source coding. Broadcast channel. Multiple access channel. Relay channel and cooperative networks. Network flow and network coding.
List of Publications
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  • J. Li, Y. Cai, K. R. Narayanan, A. Lucero, A. Pilipetskii, and C. N. Georghiades, "On the Bit Error Rate of Product Accumulate Codes in Optical Fiber Communications," to appear IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Dec. 2003.
  • J. Li, K. R. Narayanan, and C. N. Georghiades, "Product Accumulate Codes: A Class of Capacity-Approaching, Low-Complexity Codes," to appear IEEE Transaction on Information Theory, Jan. 2004.
  • J. Li, K. R. Narayanan, E. Kurtas, and C. N. Georghiades, "On the Performance of High-Rate TPC/SPC Codes and LDPC Codes over Partial Response Channels," IEEE Transaction on Communications, vol. 50, no. 5, pp 723-734, May 2002
  • J. Li, E. Kurtas, K. R. Narayanan, and C. N. Georghiades, "On the Performance of Turbo Product Codes over Partial Response Channels," IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 1932-1934, July 2001
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Contact: jingli@ece.lehigh.edu
Last updated: Dec 2002