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Current Research Group:
- Yang Liu (Ph.D)
- Kai Xie (Ph.D)
- Nattakan Puttarak (Ph.D. female)
- Phisan Kaewprapha (Ph.D.)
- Fang Ma (M.S. female)
Former Students:
- Kai Xie (Ph.D, 2011 expected) -- interned with LSI, currently
interning with Alcatel-Lucent;
will join Alcatel-Lucent, Murray Hill, NJ, after graduation.
- Xingkai Bao (Ph.D, 2009) -- interned 2 times with Philips Research
joined Alcatel-Lucent, Murray Hill, NJ, after graduation
- Peiyu Tan (Ph.D, 2009, female) -- interned with LSI, with Infineon, and
with DoCoMo Lab; joined CebaTech Inc, Eatontown, NJ, after graduation
- Ruiyuan Hu (Ph.D, 2009) -- interned with Interdigitals Inc.
- Meng Yu (Ph.D, 2008) -- Interned with Sandbridge; joined Sandbridge Inc, White Plain, NY, after graduation
- Hend Alqamzi (Ph.D, 2006, female) -- joined as an
assistant professor in UAE
- Fang Ma (M.E. 2011 expected) -- currently interning
with Trifecta Technologies Inc,
- Bo Lin (M.S. 2010) -- interned with Lutron
Electronics, joined Lutron Electronics Inc, Coopersburg, PA, after
- Arpit Mehta (M.S. 2007) -- joined Motorola, NJ,
- Nattakan Puttarak (M.S. 2007, female) -- continued for
Ph.D at Lehigh
- Phisan Kaewprapha (M.S. 2007) -- continued for
Ph.D. at Lehigh
- Ramesh Viswanathan (M.S.2006) -- now with
Qualcomm, CA
- Dr. Min Xiao from Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China, Oct 2009 - Oct 2010
- Prof. Yinhui Yu from Jilin University, Jilin, Changchun Province, China, Aug 2009 - Aug 2010
- Prof. Zhiping Shi from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, Feb 2009 - Feb 2010
- Dr. Jintao Hu from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, Shanxi Province, China, Sept 2008 - Sept 2009
Research Support:
Capacity-approaching error correction coding schemes:
Turbo Codes and parallel/serial/hybrid concatenated convolutional
- Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) Codes
- Turbo Product Codes (TPC) based on parity check
- Product Accumulate (PA) codes and Generalized
Product Accumulate (GPA) codes
- Interleaver design and analysis
Distributed Source Coding (DSC):
Slepian-Wolf coding, Wyner-Ziv quantization
- Multi-resolution binning and rate-adaptive DSC, error-resilient DSC
Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
- Routing, Network coding, and joint source/channel/network coding
- User cooperation (cooperative PHY) and relay networks
- Node scheduling, clustering and power management
� Wireless communications:
High-performance coding schemes for Rayleigh fading channels
- Pairwise error probability (PEP) and ML bounds for Rayleigh
- Density evolution for Rayleigh channels
Optical fiber communications:
Bandwith- and power-efficient coding for Chi-square, asymmetric Gaussian
and symmetric Gaussian channels
- Perofmance bounds, error floors and Reed-solomon wrapping
- Channel capacity of optical fiber channels with soft-
and hard-decision
Digital data storage systems:
Iterative decoding and equalization (IDE) for ideal partial response
(PR) channel models and Lorentzian channel models
- Density evolution for inter-symbol interference
(ISI) channels
- Precoding for inter-symbol interference (ISI)