A student who suffered a severe acne outbreak that cleared up within a few months has shared incredible before-and-after photos of her transformation.
Kali Kushner's entire face was covered in dark red spots after developing cystic acne when she was 19.
The 22-year-old had always had some "minor" acne, but it suddenly "went full-force crazy", leaving her embarrassed and in search of a cure.
Kali has now become an Instagram star, with nearly 26,000 followers, after documenting her struggle and failed treatment methods.
She tried almost every oil, cream and antibiotic on the market without success, but finally found a "magic" solution which has caused her acne to vanish.

The student, from the US state of Ohio, said her dermatologist got her on a six-month course of the medication Accutane.
The tablet, also known as isotretinoin, is a form of vitamin A that targets oil glands in the skin by restricting the amount of oil released.
It helps to renew the skin more quickly, according to Drugs.com.

Kali said the drug started to clear her skin within weeks, but at a cost to other parts of her body.
She told Marie Claire: "“It was honestly like magic. The only downside was the side effects, which, for me, made me dry literally everywhere, and made me feel achey all over, all day long, every single day.
"It’d take me ten minutes just to get out of bed in the morning, because my back was so sore."

Kali used Instagram to share photos of her transformation, and began amassing thousands of fans who offered encouragement or cited her as inspiration.
The student, who has been off the drug for more than a year, said: “I used to think it was odd, because I really didn’t do anything magical - I just took Accutane and a bunch of selfies, but now I realise that the reason people are so dedicated to following my story is because nobody actually posts stuff like this."
Throughout her journey she has realised that many people don't understand the causes of acne, wrongly believing it's due to a lack of hygiene.

Kali, who still has scars from her acne, said it's down to things such as hormones, blood sugar and genetics more than anything else.
Accutane is no longer on the market, but the drug is still available by its medical name, isotretinoin.
The NHS says the medication is only recommended in severe cases where other treatments have failed.
It can normalise sebum (an oily or waxy matter) secreted from glands in the skin, prevent follicles from becoming clogged, eliminate bacteria and reduce redness and swelling in and around spots.

But there are a wide range of side effects, including inflammation, dryness and cracking of the skin, changes in blood sugar levels, inflammation of the eyelids and eyes, and blood in urine.
Kidney disease, hepatitis and pancreatitis are more severe but rarer side effects.
The drug is also capable of damaging an unborn baby, so it shouldn't be used by women who are pregnant.
Users are asked to sign a form acknowledging the risk of birth defects.