404. Sorry about this, but the page you’re looking for isn’t here (most likely lost in a portfolio update). There’s a slim chance you’ll find it by searching on archive.davidairey.com. Otherwise, you’ll may get some use from my latest book or the design history resources below. For anything else, do get in touch.

Identity Designed: The Process

Research, Strategy, Design, Implementation


Published in 2024 by Rockport
240 pages, hardback
Barnes & Noble


David Airey continues to produce some of the best books on branding. His new book breaks down the process of creating a brand identity into four sections that are accompanied by both current and historic implementation. This digestible read is a perfect addition to the shelves of both upcoming and senior designers as well as anyone interested in working in brand communication and development. It’s definitely one we will be using in the studio.

Matt Lamont, Design Reviewed

Atop superb layout and impeccable exhibits are incisive studies of the processes essential to the success of identity design assignments. I highly recommend Mr Airey’s new book to those interested in corporate identity specifically, and branding generally. I’m certain it will prove as valuable a guide to clients as it is to designers.

Lindon Leader, Leader Creative

Every brand project is a product of trust, relationships, access, ambition and communication. The story of the design solution is only half the story without knowing how something came to be. As someone who is endlessly fascinated by the juicy behind-the-scenes stuff, this new book fulfils all my nosy tendencies! And because it’s David, it’s as beautiful as it is thorough.

Heidi Lightfoot, Creative Advisor

Design history

AIGA Design Archives
Dating back to 1924

Curated by Valery Marier

International Advertising & Design Database
Founded by Het ReclameArsenaal

The People’s Graphic Design Archive
Founded by Louise Sandhaus

Graphic Design History Resources
Compiled by We Made This

Design Reviewed
Matt Lamont’s historical archive

Design Reviewed Matt Lamont

Visit the resources page

David Airey
Logo & brand identity design

64 Beechfield Avenue

Northern Ireland
BT19 7ZZ