About me

I'm an astronomer, science writer, and musician based in Dundee, Scotland. On this website, now into its 22nd year, you'll find thousands of pages of information in five major encyclopedias – science, music, sustainable living, history, and science for children. There are links to all these resources on this page. You may like to visit, and perhaps subscribe to, my YouTube channel devoted to science and music.
Also on this page, you'll see listed many of my books and my music album, together with links to them at Amazon. Most of the books are available in print or Kindle format; the album can be downloaded or streamed from all major digital platforms, including iTunes and Spotify.
Thanks for stopping by. For daily updates, follow me on Facebook and Twitter.
Join the adventure: The Science Fiction Rock Experience

The Science Fiction Rock Experience, which I produce, is a spectacular musical event, featuring an 8-piece band, custom-made videos, theatrical effects and a light show, which takes the audience on an extraordinary journey across time and space.
Featuring both original songs and crowd-pleasing covers, this unique show combines world-class musicianship with immersive sights and sounds as we hurtle through the Galaxy, meet the Princess of Mars, relive the adventures of Dr Frankenstein, and plunge into the heart of a black hole!
My latest book: The Biggest Number in the World

My latest book, The Biggest Number in the World – the fourth I've coauthored with Agnijo Banerjee (winner of the 2018 International Mathematical Olympiad) – will be published on May 5th, 2022.
We all know that numbers go on forever, that you could spend your life counting and never reach the end of the line, so there can't be such a thing as a 'biggest number'. Or can there?
To find out, we embark on an epic quest, revealing the answers to questions like: are there more grains of sand on Earth or stars in the universe? Is there enough paper on Earth to write out the digits of a googolplex? And what is a googolplex?
Then things get serious.
We enter the strange realm between the finite and the infinite, and float through a universe where the rules we cling to no longer apply. We encounter the highest number computable and infinite kinds of infinity. At every turn, a cast of wild and wonderful characters threatens the status quo with their ideas, and each time the numbers get larger.